Date night

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There's a bit of Dean at the end of this chapter guys.

I ran my hands down my silky red dress, looking at myself in the mirror.

Damn I look good.

I jumped back as a rapping on the door startled me.

I walked cautiously to the door and opened it peering out.

"Dad!" I breathed out on relief.

"Hey hunny." He sighed scratching behind his ear.

I invited him in and we sat on the sofa with a cup of coffee.

"You look stunning Winnie. Where you off to?" He asked.

"Thanks Dad," I smiled, "I'm going on a date." I said cautiously.

I always hated telling my Dad stuff like this, it just always felt awkward.

His face hardened and I knew what was coming next.

"It's not with that lunatic is it?"

"No Daddy it's not." I frowned.

"Good," he said simply, "I wanted to say sorry for shouting at you the other day sweetie. I know I scared you and I didn't mean to."

"Oh Dad." I said before snuggling into his chest.

He hugged me back and I felt so happy.

"I've missed you Daddy." I said, to which he returned.

"So who's the lucky guy?" He laughed.

I bit my lip, and proceeded to tell him "Randy".

"Randy who?" He asked, genuinely not knowing.

I raised an eyebrow.

"Orton. Randy Orton." I bit my lip again waiting for his reply.

He covered his face with his hands for a few seconds before going on.

"Your taste in guys sucks Win. Oh well, at least it's better than that lunatic. I better be going and letting you get on, do you need a ride?"

I was slightly bemused at how normally he was acting in comparison to when he found out I went for a drink with Dean, as my Dad has had his fair share of problems with Randy- probably more than with Dean.

"No thanks, Randys driving us." I kissed his cheek before exiting with him.


Restaurant with Randy

So this 'drink' had turned into a 3 course meal, and I was thoroughly enjoying myself.

"You look beautiful." He complimented whilst reaching over for my hand.

I let him play with my fingers as I sat there awkward as the next person not knowing what to do.

"Thanks, you don't look too bad yourself." I joked.

I moved my hand to pick up my drink, not wanting to make things any more awkward than they already were.

"Does your Dad know you're here with me?" He asked.

"Yeah." I smiled.

He cringed a little, "how did he take it?"

"Surprisingly well actually." I smiled.

He smiled back.

"So are you on the European tour next week?" He asked.

"Yeah group 1, you?" I returned.

"Yeah, same group!" He beamed, obviously happy at this fact.

"Maybe we can fit a workout in together?" I suggested light heartedly.

"Yeah, and maybe another date?" He hinted.

"Do you actually want to call this a date?" I asked, shocked that he would like me enough to go on a date in the first place.

"Hell yeah." He said enthusiastically.

"Would you not?" He appeared unhappy.

"Yeah totally!" I chirped with a smile.

"Good, let's get you back before your father changes his mind about me." He joked.

I grimaced at this, realising how completely stupid that sounded. A grown woman like me still under control.

He slipped my jacket on for me, he was such a gentleman!


As we walked to the hotel door slowly, with Randys arm around my waist he asked "so would you really like to see me again?"

I thought about my answer, thinking about how happy I had been tonight and how much fun I had, with Randy's amazing sense of humour and him showering me with compliments.

"I would love to." I smiled up at him looking into his blue eyes.

He took my phone out of my hands and typed something in before handing it back to me.


"Thanks, I'll text you." I smiled, and with that I kissed him on the cheek.

His eyes sparkled as he looked into mine with the happiest smile i'd seen all night.

He bent down and pecked me on my lips.

I felt a flutter in my stomach.

He laughed and guided me inside the hotel, holding the door open for me.

We then went our separate ways to our hotel rooms, and as I laid in bed all I could do was think about the amazing night I'd had.



Dean looked across the candle lit table at me, with nothing but adoration in his eyes.

He reached for my hand and raised it to his lips, brushing them against it softly.

"Your so beautiful," He directed at me, "would you like to see me again?" He carried on.

I opened my mouth to say yes, but nothing came out. The words physically wouldn't come out of my mouth.

Dean looked at me with a disgusted and hurt face, before ripping his hand away from mine and ripping himself from his seat and storming out of the restaurant, not looking back.

I try to shout after him but the words, again, will not escape my throat.

I try to move from my chair but I am stuck. I look around the room and there is no one else here, I am by myself, unable to move or shout, to tell Dean that "yes I really would love that!" And now he thinks I never want to see him again.

Dream fades to black

Soooooo guys, what did you think of the dream bit? Likey or no likey? Did everyone understand what it was a representation of that has already happened in the story?

Lots of love to you all and thanks for reading my story

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