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Winters POV

Today I woke up in Dean's arms again.
And it was the most comfortable I had ever been. Literally ever.

That was until I remembered that we had the European tour coming up and I had promised a certain Viper another date. But I was officially dating Dean now, so how could I get out of this without hurting Randy's feelings? He was such a sweet guy and didn't deserve to be hurt.

Currently I was sat in a cute little coffee shop and the rain was pattering down on the window.

I watched two raindrops race each other to the bottom, each one speeding up and slowing down at different times.

The door opened and my face flushed red immediately when I saw that it was Randy.

"Shit." I whispered to myself, moving my hair so that it shielded my face.

I sipped from my coffee desperately trying not to be noticed.

"Hey beautiful!" I heard Randy's gruff voice, to which I automatically looked up from my hair and gave a smile.

"How's things?" I asked politely.

"Good, good. So, uh, the European tour is coming up and we said we would have another still up for that?" He asked uneasily.

I think he could sense my awkwardness as I fidgeted in my chair, staring into my cup.

"You see, thing is, I, uh..." I trailed off.

"You don't want to right?" He butted in.

"No not at all! I mean yes, but that is not the reason." I stated.

He looked at me with an apologetic face but not saying a word.

"I'm dating someone else." I bit my lip.

He let out a little laugh, which I found offensive.

"What's so funny?" I shot.

"You do know you can date more than one person right? Keep your options open." He said very seriously.

"Yeah I understand that, but I'm a really loyal person and I would feel so guilty." I said.

Randy stared at me not moving an inch.

"Look, you are an amazing guy and you are so sweet and handsome. But I can't date 2 people at once. It's just not me." I stated straight to the point.

He sighed and rose from his seat, obviously hearing enough and wanting to leave. "Alright, I will see you around, you have my number." He said very bluntly. He had the most annoyed look on his face known to man as he walked out of the shop, not giving me another look until he was on the opposite side of the window.

He shot me a look of disappointment and I could do nothing but look down.

A few hours later
Dean's POV

I led sprawled on my settee when I heard a timid knock on the door. I walked to the door and opened it to see my beautiful date. MY beautiful princess, upset.

"Hey what's wrong?" I pulled her into me.

"I just had the most awkward encounter with Randy ever." She looked up at me.

I searched her face for any sign of affection towards him. His name coming out of her mouth made me wince.

"What happened?" I touched her face.

"I told him I couldn't date him, and he was so hurt! I feel awful." She explained.

My heart leaped but I had to keep my smile under wraps.

"Oh babe." I pulled her into me and stroked her back. I smirked now, knowing she couldn't see me.

She called it off with Randy because she wants to be with me.

"You better make this worthwhile Mr Ambrose." She said into my chest.

"Oh I will, in time." I lifted her head and gave her a wink.

She laughed, and in that moment I was so happy that I had cheered her up. So happy that I was the one she has come to.

I pulled her onto the settee and we cuddled up as I changed the tv channel to her favourite show, Dexter.

Comfortable bliss.

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