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Winters POV

The door opened and Paige threw a pharmacy bag at me.

"If anyone saw me getting this." She gave me a look.

"Thanks..." I mumbled.

I stared at the box reading the instructions.

"What are you waiting for?" She hurried me.

"Do I just like...pee on it?" I asked.

She rolled her eyes.

"Yes of course. Now get in there and get it done." She lifted me off the settee and pushed me into the bathroom before closing the door.

I stared at the stick in my hand and took a deep breath, ready to face my fate.


I creeped out of the bathroom and sat next to Paige on my white leather sofa. The coolness of the leather on my hot skin comforting me.

I thought about how much my life would change depending on what this test said. It's only when you have to send your friend out to get you a pregnancy test because you could be pregnant by a man you don't even like at the minute that you really start to think about your choices.

I couldn't do this. For sure Dean would leave me. I couldn't tell people who's baby this was. My Dad would disown me. I couldn't handle being a single Mom. What use would I be to a baby?

I can barely look after myself, never mind a baby.

I'm not even sure if I like kids.

The thought of losing Dean scares me. I want to be with him, and if he left me then what would be left for me?

I had been so selfish. And through my selfishness I have potentially ruined 3 lives. 4 actually, including my own.

Dean's, Randy's, this baby's and mine.

"I don't think I can do this Paige."

She turned to look at me and sat up straight.

"Listen-" She started, her accent thick, "you are Winter Freaking Calaway. The Undertakers daughter. You can do anything, and I believe in you. Whatever this test says."

However kind her words were, they only gave me the slightest of hope.
I turned the test over so I couldn't see the screen.

"It said 10 minutes waiting time. Isn't that unusually long?" I asked.

Paige shrugged.

8 minutes later

"This is the longest 10 minutes of my life." I covered my eyes with my arm.

I had placed the test on the table, which Paige found "gross", not wanting to be holding my fate.

"Do you think I am?" I looked at her, worried.

"Well I don't know." She said truthfully.

"I can't be." I reassured myself.

"Well it's not 100% impossible, is it?" She said quietly.

I shot her a look.

She looked at her watch.

"Pretty sure it's been almost 10 minutes. Your fate is in front of you sister."

I stared at the test on the table not able to move an inch. I physically couldn't bring myself to reach out and look, because I knew that when I looked, that's when reality would set in. That's when I would know for sure and couldn't escape it.

"I can't." I choked out.

Paige stared at me.

"Do you want me to read it?" She asked.

I paused for a moment before answering.

"No. I need to face up to this."

I picked up the test, but kept the screen facing away from me before taking in what felt like the largest breath of air I had ever taken, and turned it over slowly.

And there it was...my fate staring me in the face.

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