How about that drink? - Drunken Conffessions

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2 weeks later

Winters POV

These past few weeks have been a bit hectic. My Dad defeated Brock Lesnar at Summerslam - officially, although he tapped out at one point. I didn't have a match at Summerslam as I have only just come up to the main roster, but I had a meeting with Hunter and Stephanie last week and they have given me a storyline, with Charlotte, as suspected. They told me to just keep doing what I do and that I will have a title shot soon.

I haven't met for that drink with Dean yet, although he has texted me. We just share the occasional jokey sarcastic text every now and again.

It is my day off and I am just lounging around in the Bella's hotel room having the usual chit chat about Bryan and John.

"So how's your love life going?" Nikki quizzed.
"What love life." I retorted with a snort.
"Nothing between you and Ambrose then?" Brie asked.

Just as she said that and before I got time to answer, my phone went off.

- The Lunatic

Hello Mr Ambrose.

How are you?
- The Lunatic

Fine thanks, and you?
- Me uh, it's our day off and I am just sitting around doing about that drink?
- The Lunatic

Really? Drinking at dinner time?
- Me

Yeah, why not?
- The Lunatic

Sure, whatever.
- Me

Lobby in 20?
- The Lunatic

See you then.
- Me

"Hey what are you smiling at?" Brie asked whilst leaning over to try and see my screen.

"Nothing!" I shielded it from her.
She raised her eyebrow and cocked her head sideways to let me know she didn't believe me.

"Fine! Im talking to Dean..." I told her.
"Ooo! Tell us more." She persuaded.
"Well I'm meeting him in 20 minutes for a drink."
"'A drink'?" Nikki played.

"Okaaaaay if that's what you say." Brie sounded with a smirk whilst looking at Nikki.
"It's a drink and that's all it will be." I mused.
I left the twins and headed to the lobby to wait for Dean, but when I got down there he was already there.

"Eager beaver." I raised my eyebrow as I walked over to him.
"I could say the same thing." He smirked.
I shook my head playfully and we made our way out of the entrance and to a little bar around the corner.


2 beers and 8 shots later, we were playing 'snog marry avoid' using other wrestlers and divas as examples.
"Okay okay! I got one. Dolph Ziggler, Rusev, and Wade Barrett."
"Oh my gosh! Thats awful!" I complained.
"You've got to answer." Dean laughed.

"Ughhh...well...I would definatley avoid Rusev. Have you seen him? He looks like an ape with a bikini wax!" I laughed. Dean was laughing too, he even had tears in his eyes. And I felt strangely content.

"I would...marry Ziggler! Because...well he's just better than Wade Barrett. And yeah, I would have to snog Wade." I said pulling my face and making sick noises.

Dean was in stitches by now and couldn't even stop for breath.
"No stop! I can't...breathe" he laughed hysterically.

"Are you a little drunk Ambrose? It's not that funny." I teased.
"No! I could drink you under the table!" He claimed.
"Challenge accepted." I smirked.


6 beers, 14 shots, and 6 jäger bombs later, at 2:00am we got kicked out of the bar for being 'too loud'.

As me and Dean walked down the street heading to the hotel, Dean tripped up over a paving stone and nearly went flying, but luckily, I caught him just in time.

"Stupid thing! What do you think you are doing walking in front of me like t-that!?" He screeched, looking at the paving stone.
I raised my eyebrow and stood there, silently amused by what I was currently witnessing.

"Do you know w-who I am? I am Dean frikkin Ambrose. And I-I could kick your ass!" He yelled, now pointing at the inanimate object, squinting.

"Oh you wanna fight? B-Bring it you piece of crap." He carried on, stumbling around and bringing his fists into a fighting stance.

I bursted out laughing and had to lean against a wall we were stood next to.

"I don't find this very funny Miss Calaway." He stated, sounding very unimpressed, stood looking at me with his arms folded.

"Oh come on you, I'm tired and I want to go to bed." I laughed whilst dragging him away with his arm.

"B-bed with me?" He asked pointing at himself.
"What? No! My bed. Alone." I pointed out.
We were both very much drunk, but I still knew how to control myself. No matter how incredibly good looking the man was that I was having so much fun with. Wait what? Never mind. Beer goggles talking. Yeah, that's all, beer goggles.

"You think I'm good looking?" Dean smiled, with a clear look of happiness on his face. I was confused, until I realised I must have been thinking aloud, and had actually spoken what I thought I was thinking.

"Oops." I thought aloud again.
"Awww. Well thank you Miss Winter. I think you are very attractive also." He stated.
"Beer goggles."
"Nope. It's the truth." He said.

We finally got to the hotel and Dean offered to walk me to mine and my fathers room. When we got there I couldn't find my key, and Dean found this hilarious for some reason, and we were making a lot of noise, whilst laughing and clanging around to find my keys.

This noise caused a few superstars to open their hotel room doors, look at us, utter something distinctly rude, to which Dean answered with something twice as rude, and then slam their doors again.

I leaned on the door, defeated, after scrambling through my bag and finding nothing. The door opened and I fell into a wall. Or at least what I thought was a wall. Oh no. That's my Dad.

"Uh, hi Daddy." I smiled innocently.
"What the hell have you done to my daughter Ambrose?" He directed at Dean sternly.
"Nothing! I swear. We just went out for a drink. And I bet her that I could drink her under the table...but I think she won..." He rambled.

"Look at the state of her! Anything could have happened! Not one of you is fit to be able to handle any trouble that could have happened!" He shouted.
"Woah, Daddy, shhhhh. This isn't Deans fault." I shushed him, before feeling incredibly sick.
Oh no...I think I'm gonna...

"Oops sorry Daddy." I said nervously, after just throwing up all over him.
He closed his eyes for a second and then slowly opened them again.
"No, it's fine sweetheart, you just go on inside and get yourself a glass of water." He directed me.
"Okay." I said quietly before going into our hotel room.

Deans POV

"It's okay. Nothing bad would have happened to her M-Mr Phenom." I stuttered in my drunken language.
"Okay? You thing that bringing my daughter home at 2:00am in the morning In this state is okay!? Whatever Ambrose. Stay away from my daughter, I don't want to see her in this state again. Anything could have happened." He said sternly before shutting the door abruptly in my face.
I shrugged it off and made my way to mine and Romans hotel room. I was happy and at ease right now. I had a really good night with Winter, and I feel I know her a bit more. I would love to do it again. I hope she feels the same way. Her father won't mind in the morning, he will have forgotten all about it.

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