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-Weeks Later-
I still wasn't talking to anyone. The only person I talked to was Gabe. I felt like I could trust him with anything.

I woke up. It was somewhat the middle of the night and morning. I checked my phone and it said 7. I heard someone in the front of the bus. I unlocked the door and walked out. It was Jack. "What are you doing up at like 7 in the morning?" I asked.
"So you do talk?" He asked. I raised on eyebrow. "I was hungry." He said.
"Oh okay." I said.
"What was wrong last night? Like why did you run out?" He asked.
"Umm...." I said.
"You don't want to tell me? I get it. You like Gabe better!" He yelled. I just stood back.
I heard a thud from where the bunks were. "Who the fuck is up?" It was Justin. "Jack!!" He yelled.
"Umm, don't you guys have like something to do in like 3 hours?" I said.
"Oh. So the girl has a voice." It was Nick.
"OH MY GAWD!!! I do!" I said sarcastically.
"And an attitude." Nick said.
"Haha." I said. Then I walk back to where I fall asleep.
"Raven? Can I talk to you?" It was Kellin.
"What's the password?" I said.
"Ummm....i don't know." He said.
"Then no." I said.
"What did I do that was wrong?" He asked.
I opened the door after I grabbed my clothes and a towel. "You yelled at me when the whole band was right there! Really? You are going to ask me what you did wrong? And by the way the password was password." I said. I then walked pass him and into the bathroom. I turned on the shower.
"Raven! Please talk to me!" He said.
"I am taking a shower. No!" I said.
"Please!" He begged.
"God! FINE!!" I said. I turned the water off. I grabbed the towel. I got dressed. I put on black shirt and my plain black crop top that shows my belly button piercing. I walked out and stuck my hair up in a ponytail. I walk to the get my makeup and went back to the bathroom. I had to climb up on the sink. This is what i get for being short. "You wanted to talk to me?" I said looking at him. I looked into the mirror and started doing my makeup.
"Look, I am sorry that I yelled at you. I did not know what to do. I got responsible for you yesterday and you ran off. I was freaking out. I don't know what came over me. Please forgive me?" He begged.
I was half was done with my makeup and he just started talking for a minute. "I don't know. I already had a terrible life, I want to just forget about it. For me, it isn't easy for that to happen. I guess i can forgive you." I said.
"Thank you." He said going to give me a hug.
I put my hand out. "No. I am doing makeup right now. No hug. Now get out." I said and shut the door behind him. I whispered to myself "I hope I did the right thing. And I hope I did the right thing to tell Gabe about my mom."
I was almost done with my makeup when someone banged on the door. "RAVEN!!! WE NEED THE BATHROOM!!! WE NEED TO GET READY!!!" Nick yelled.
"ARE WE AT THE VENUE!!?!?" I yelled back.
"YEA BUT THERE ISN'T A SHOWER!!" He said. He was still banging on the door.
I opened the door. "Where's the bathroom in there?" I asked. He told me and I went to finish my makeup.
I walked into the bathroom with my phone. I blasted Pierce the Veil in the bathroom since it was still early. I started singing along to Hold On Till May.
I was done with my makeup when I heard someone shout "RAVEN?"
I walked out of the bathroom and bumped into someone. "OH MY GAWD!!! YOUR VIC FUENTES!!!" I screamed.
"And you must be Raven. Kellin's daughter right?" He asked.
"Yeah." I said.
I forgot that I was listening to music. "So I see you like my music." He said
"Yeah. I am a big fan." I said. "But I need to get back to the Sleeping with Sirens's bus."
"Yeah. They wanted me to get you." He said.
"Oh okay." I said. Then we started walking back to the bus.
I walked into the bus and there was Kellin, pacing back and forth. "Okay, why is it that every time I come back to the bus you are pacing back and forth?" I asked.
"Oh my god. I thought you got lost." He said.
"Really? Didn't Nick tell you I went to the bathroom in there?" I asked.
"I knew i forgot something." I hear Nick say.
I just shook my head. "Well I'm fine. Stop worrying." I said and walked back to put my makeup away.
I put it away and stay there. I got out my drawing stuff and started drawing. I put in my earbuds and looked through my photos on my phone. I looked for one good photo to draw. Once I found the perfect photo, I started sketching it.
After a while someone took the pencil from my hand. "HEY!!! I WAS DRAWING!!!" I yelled.
"And I was trying to get your attention." It was Justin.
"What do you want? I don't want to talk to anyone." I said.
There was complete silence. Justin broke the silence by asking, "You know he cares for you right?"
"Yeah. But he is just annoying me. Wanting to know where I am all the time. I need space." I said looking down.
"Just give him time. He needs it. You just recently came into his life." He said.
"I know. It's just I feel like he is suffocating me with knowing where ai went. Even when I ran out of the bus. Really? I just need my out space." I said.
"And i think he knows that. Just give time. And you are not like other girls dealing with what you go through, you know?" He said.
"How?" I said looking up to him.
"You escape the world with music and drawing. Other people think suicide is the best way. You have different ways." He said getting up.
"You have no idea." I mumbled.
"What?" He asked.
"Nothing." I said. He looked at and raised an eyebrow. "NOTHING. Now can I have my pencil back?" I asked. He tossed the pencil back to me. "Thanks." I said. I put my earbuds back in.
A few hours went by, someone took the pencil out of my hand. "WHAT NOW!?" I yelled. It was Jack.
"Woah. What up your ass?" He said.
"Fine I wont draw." I said. Putting my stuff away.
"Sorry, but everyone is going to eat. They wanted me to come and get you. You have been back here all day. Kellin is worried." He said. I rolled my eyes when he said Kellin. "What is with you?" He asked.
"Nothing." I said. I took the pencil from his hand and grabbed my sketch book and left the room.
"So that's what you look like?" Gabe said while laughing
"Haha funny." I said sarcastically. He stopped laughing. "Thought so. Are we going or what?" I said.
"What is up with you?" Nick asked.
"Well, I was drawing. Then Justin took the pencil. The hours went by and then Jack took the pencil. So, I'm not in a good mood." I said.
"Okay." He said.
"Where are we even going?" I asked. It was quiet. Then i realized where we were going "Don't say it."
"TACOS!!" They all screamed. We walked out and I put my earbuds in.

We walked to Kellin's van. Kellin and Nick in the front. Jack and Justin were in the middle of the van. Gabe and I were in the back of the van. I went back to my photo that I was drawing. I then opened my sketch book and went to what I was drawing. After about ten minutes Jaime took my pencil. "I SWEAR TO GO THE NEXT PERSON WHO TAKES MY PENCIL WON'T BE ABLE TO STAND FOR THE NEXT HOUR!!! STOP TAKE MY FUCKING PENCIL!!!" I yelled.
"God. Kellin don't take her pencil. Just to give you a warning." He said turning to Kellin. "We are here. Everyone got out except you." He said to me.
"Okay." I said. "Now can I have my pencil?" I asked him.
I got out of the car and got out. I brought everything with me. I sat at a table and went to the window. Jack was next me, Justin next to him. On the other side was Gabe across of me, Nick beside him and Kellin next to him. I started drawing again. The waiter come and tot out drinks and our orders. A little after that, Jack said "Nice drawing."
"Thanks. I guess." I said while continuing to draw.
While waiting for our food, I saw a hand from the corner or my eye. Without looking up I said "If you dare to take the pencil, you better sleep with one eye open."
I saw the hand pull back. Everyone started laughing. "Raven?" Kellin said.
"Yeah?" I said.
"Can I talk to you alone?" He said.
"Sure." I said. I closed my sketch book and got up and climbed over the booth to the other booth. I walked over to Kellin and we walked outside. "What did want to talk about?" I asked.
"Look, I know that you are not excited to be with me on this tour, but--"
"But you want to make me feel at home. I know. Justin came in and took my pencil and told. Look I am just not use to people caring about me and worrying about me. My mother was always gone, so I was at home alone. There was no call, so I never had anyone. I just need space. And I'm sorry that I acted rude." I said.
"It's no big deal." He said. "Lets go back i think the food is there." And that's when we went back inside. When we went to the table, the food was there and everyone was eating there food. I climbed back over the seat and started eating,
"Do you have anyone touch your sketch book?" Gabe asked.
"No." I said. He looked scared. So did Nick, Justin, and Gabe. "You guys touched it didn't you?" I asked.
"What? No." Gabe said.
"You are bad at lying. You touch. Oh well" I said. "But if i see one thing that is wrong with any of the sketches I am coming after all of you guys." I said narrowing my eyes. They all looked worried. "Just kidding. I will go after Justin."
"What? Why?" He said confused.
"I don't know." I said stating the obvious. Everyone started laughing other then him. "Well maybe, I will get everyone."

We were finally done with dinner and went back to the bus. When we got back, the boys had to perform so they went to the stage and I went back to the bus.
I walked onto the bus and went to the couch. I left the door open. About an hour later, I heard a knock on the door.  I opened the door and saw my mother's doctor. "Can I help you Doctor Brown?" I asked.
"Let go to the bus." He said. I just nodded and walked onto the bus. "You might want to sit down for this."
"What happened to my mom!?" I asked while yelling. There was no answer from him. "WHAT HAPPENED TO MY MOTHER!!?" I screamed at him.
"She died today. She couldn't handle not having you in the house so she--"
"She took her pills." I finished her sentence.
"I am so sorry. I didn't know she had them in her bag." He said.
I just shook my head. "No. No. No! GET OUT!!! YOU COULD OF SAVED HER!!! YOU COULD OF!!" I screamed. I ran passed her and ran. I ran as far away from her as I could.
"RAVEN!!" Gabe called out. I kept running. I need to get away. I ran as far as I could. I stopped running and caught my breathe. I realized I was at a park. I saw a tree that faced out to the ocean. I sat down. I just cried. I let out everything I could. I just cried. Right there.
A few minutes later someone called my name. "RAVEN!!" It was Gabe. "RAVEN!! I SAW YOU RAN OVER HERE! WHERE ARE YOU!?" He became closer. "Aw. Raven. What happened back there?" He asked.
"I need to go back to Louisiana. I need to." I said.
"What happened?" He asked.
"My mom. She did suicide in the hospital. She took my pills." I lied. "I should have taken them with me. I can't believe I didn't." Not once I looked at Gane.
"Ray. Come here. Look at me." He said. I couldn't. I didn't want to. He put his hand on my chin and turned my head for me. "It will get better. I promise."
I just shook my head. "No it won't. She was my pal. My sister. My mom." I said. A tear fall from my eyes. "My. Best. Friend." I just let the water works happen. "I needed her. She needed me. It should have been me with cancer not her. She was the best. Help everyone in anyway. Never took no from an answer. She was everyone's friend, but my best friend. Now she is gone."
"Shh. Everything will be alright." He said. "Lets go back to the bus." I didn't want to get up. He carried me bridal style.
After a little while of walking we made it back to the buses. He put me down and walked on the bus. I followed behind. I looked like a mess. Everyone came running to me. I put my hand out and shook my head. I walked passed them and to the back lounge. I just laid down on the couch. Trying to forget. Trying to sleep.

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