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"Raven!" Kellin yelled.
"5 more minutes." I said.
"Raven! Wake up!" He yelled.
"Okay. I am up." I said. "Wait. Why am I outside?"
"You must of fell asleep out here last night." He said. "There is lunch downstairs. You slept through breakfast."
"Okay. Let me just get ready." I said. He left and I walked into my bathroom.
I still had my clothes on from yesterday. I turned the water on and got undressed, waiting for the water to warm up. I got in the shower and washed my body and hair. I shaved my legs and got out of the shower. I went to my dresser and got my undergarments on. I then went to my closet. I put on some light color ripped jeans with my black sweater. I put on my black high tops.
I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. Katelynne gave me a grilled cheese sandwich. After that she left. I got up and was about to through it away until Kellin comes in. "Eat it." He demands.
"What if I don't want to?" I said.
"Eat it." He repeated.
"I don't want to." I said.
"Eat it."
"I don't want to."
"Eat it. Now."
"Fine." I said giving in. I took one bite. "There happy?"
"Yeah. Now finish it." He said leaving the kitchen. I waited to he was totally gone and threw away the sandwich. I walked to the living room to see Gabe and Justin watching some random tv show. "Wow. You guys are boring."
"Thanks!" They said back.
I walked to my room and put on sweatpants, like the hip hop dancers wore, and I put on a tank top. I put my black DC high top shoes. I walked out of my room. I was about to walk out the door when my dad asked, "Where are you going?"
"Just out." I said.
"I don't know, to the park. I will be home at dark or by dark." I said. I then left. I went down to the park and met up with Ava and Angel. I ran down there and saw them at the swings. "Want to see something cool Ava? My father doesn't even know I can do this." I asked Ava.
"Sure." She said. She got up and went to an ally. I already set this up a while ago when I didn't have anything else to do. "What is this?" Ava asked.
"Parkour." I said. "Ready?" She nodded really excitedly. I ran and jumped on a panic table. I did a handstand and started walking. I went hack on my feet and went to the dumpster. I climbed up and went to a metal bar. I climbed up on the and went to the roof. Once I got on the roof of the building, I grabbed the rope. "CLIMB UP IT!" I yelled to Ava.
Angel went the way I did since we had to learn parkour at our old school. Ava went up the rope and made it. Once she got up me and Angel helped her. She turned around and looked at the view. "How did you find this place Raven?" Ava asked.
"I just thought what it would be pike to sit on the top of a roof and look at San Diego. I built the little obstacle course and learned how to get up here from that. I taught Angel how to get up her my way, since we know parkour. I grabbed a rope and kept it up here. It is like a get-away place. My dad doesn't know about this or about me doing parkour. If he found out he would tell me not to do it anymore. Don't tell him." I begged her.
"I won't I promise." Ava said. "So what are you going to do while we are in school?"
"I don't know. Sit on my ass until you guys get out of school." I said.
"We will come straight after school." Angel said.
"Okay. I believe you." I said.
We kept on talking until my phone went off. It was a text from my dad. The message said:
I have to tell you something. Come home.
"Hey guys. I have to go. My dad wants to tell me something. I don't know what, but he does. I will see you guys later." I said to them. I jumped down to the way i got up. Once I got down an I ran home. It took about 5 minutes to run back home. I got home and walked in. "Yeah?" I said out of breathe.
"What did you do? Run?" Gabe said.
"No. I walked." I said sarcastically. "Yes i ran. But did you want to tell me?"
"We are going on Warped Tour and you are coming." My dad said.
"Why can't I stay with Katelynne, Liam, Rowan, and Copeland? I can help her with them." I said.
"Cause it would be too much for her with work." My dad said.
"Fine. When do we leave?"
"About three days."
"Thanks for the heads up." I said. I walked back upstairs. I grabbed my computer and went out to the balcony. I called Ava and Angel. "Hey!" I said when they answered.
"Hey. What did your dad need?" Ava asked.
"I am going on Warped Tour. So the plan for when you guys get out of school is cancelled." I said.
"Lucky!" They both said.
"Not when I have to share a bus with 5 guys. It sucks." I said giggling a little.
"When do you leave?" Angel asked.
"Three days. Unless it gets moved to the day after tomorrow." I said.
"RAVEN?!" My dad called.
"Brb." I said. I walked in my room. "Yeah?"
"We leave the day after tomorrow." He said.
"Okay." I said. I walked back to the balcony. "Just my luck. I get to pack tomorrow. You guys can help if you want."
"I will be over at 8 tomorrow morning." Angel said.
"Make it 10 so I can at least shower." I said. "Good for you Ava?"
"Yeah. I got to go. My mom needs something. See you tomorrow." Ava said.
"Okay. Bye!" I said. We ended and Angel and I talked for a few hours. We finally hung up. I went back to my room and went straight to my bed. I didn't bother changing.
Now you are probably wondering what happened to the rest of Sleeping with Sirens. They got another house and share that one, while Justin is in a different house with his wife. But now back to reality.

Kellin Quinn is My FatherWhere stories live. Discover now