T W E N T Y - T H R E E

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"Raven! Time to wake up!" Kellin yelled from my door.
"Ten more minutes" I mumbled in my pillow.
"No. Now. You have therapy." He said. "Get ready."
I got up and walked to my bathroom. I got in the shower and washed up. I got out and went to my closet. I put on my light washed jeans, a dark grey crewneck sweater, and my uggs. I walked downstairs. "Ready." I said while walking in the kitchen.
"We got you a vanilla bean frap at Starbucks." Kellin said.
"Thanks." I said.
"Ready to go?" He asked.
"Yeah. Let me just get my phone and I will be right down." I said. He nodded. I walked upstairs to my room. I grabbed my phone on my desk. I looked next to it. It was all my razors. I pick one up. I put my phone in my pocket. I picked my all of them and went to the bathroom. I just stood there.
"Raven?" It was Kellin.
"In the bathroom." I said.
He soon walked in. "Raven. You promised." He said.
"I'm not done." I said looking down. I went to the toilet. I dropped them in it. I flushed it. "When I promise, I promise. Let's go." He nodded and we walked out of my room.
We walked downstairs and went to the car. We started driving to therapy. "Did you really think I was going to do it again?" I asked.
"Well...yeah. Kind of." He said.
"Don't you trust me?" I asked. He nodded. "Then you should trusted me. You keep me safe. You keep me sane. And you keep me honest. Same with my mom."
He turned to me and nodded. He looked back on the road. "I am proud of you for not doing it." He said.
"I know you are. I am just trying my hardest right now." I said.
We drove for a little bit more. "We're here." Kellin said.
"See you in about two three hours." I said getting out.
"You don't want me to come?" He questioned.
"I've been through a lot of therapy. This isn't new." I said. "See you later." I then walked into the building.
"Hi. May I help you?" They lady at the front desk asked.
"Um, here for an appointment with Dr. Green." I said.
He typed on her computer. "Raven Quinn?"
"Yup." I said.
"Second floor room 220." She said.
"Thank you." I said. I made my way to the elevator. I pushed the button.
"Raven?" I heard a familiar voice.
I turned around. "Kyle?" I questioned.
"Yeah. What are you doing here?" He asked.
"I can ask you the same thing." I said. "I am here for therapy. Long story."
"Oh. I am here to visit Johnnie, but he is in therapy too." He said. "Who is you therapist?"
"Dr. Green." I said.
"That's Johnnie's too." He said. The elevator opened.
"Well I should probably go, unless you have to go up to see Johnnie." I said. He nodded and got in the elevator with.
We talked for a while and we got to the floor. We walked to Dr. Green's office. I knocked on the door. "Come in." Dr. Green said. I walked in. "You must be my new person."
I nodded. "Raven Quinn." I said.
"Ah, okay." He said. He turned to Johnnie. "See you next week Mr. Guilbert."
"See you next week." Johnnie said getting up from his sit. We walked past me.
"Please come in and shut the door." Dr. Green said. I nodded and shut the door. "So I heard about you problems."
"Yeah." I said.
"So what is going on?"
"Um, a few years ago my mom passed away. I now live with my dad, but it has been a rough patch, I guess you can call it that, and well it's been going okay." I said.
"Uh, and how do you usually deal with it?" He asked.
"I usually deal with it by drawing and playing guitar, and I still do, it's just I have been overthinking. Also I am getting better with it." I said.
He nodded and we continued to talk.

A few hours past and I was now leaving the therapist. "See you Friday." I said.
"See you then Ms. Quinn." He said.
I shut he door and went back down to the lobby. I got in the elevator. I got to the lobby when someone stopped me. "Why are you at the therapist?" It was Johnnie.
"You heard the story in the hospital. I was told I need this. I actually do. I needed since day one. Doesn't matter if I am doing it or not. I need therapy. I am a mess up Johnnie. You have to understand that." I said. I walked out of the building to Kellin's car
"Raven. You are not a mess up." He said grabbing my wrist to make me stop.
"I have to go Johnnie. Kellin is here." I said. He let go and I walked to the car.
I got in and Kellin asked, "How was it?"
"Like every other one I went to." I said looking out the window. We drove off home away from the building.
After a while of silence, we were home. I got out and walked inside. I went to my room and locked it.

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