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I was awoken by a loud bang on the door. "WHAT!?" I screamed hiding my head under the pillow. The banging wouldn't stop. I got out of bed and "WHAT!? I WAS SLEEPING!" I yelled. It wad my dad. "Sorry dad. But why?"
"Someone is at the door for you." He said.
I grabbed my phone. I read the time. "Who comes to see me at 8:50 in the morning?!" I screamed confused. I walked downstairs and saw familiar mint green hair. "AHHH!! ANGEL!!!" I screamed and ran the rest of the way down. I seriously jumped on and tackled her. "What are you doing here?" I asked.
"You wouldn't answer my calls. I was worried, plus i wanted to tell you the best news in person." She said.
"You killed your neighbor that hated us because of your music?!" I said.
"Haha. I wish. But no. I just moved here this morning! I am going to the same school as you!" She said.
"AHHHHH!! OH MY GAWD!" I scream.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP!!" Nick yelled.
"Go to the top floor and the last door on the left is my room. I will be in the soon." I said walking up to Sleeping with Sirens's floor. She nodded and continued walking up the stairs. I walked into Nick's room. "Sorry." I said.
"What is with the screaming?" He asked.
"My friend is here and is moving." I said. "Got to go. She is in my room." Then i ran upstairs.
"Okay. Tell me about your date now." She said.
"I have to get ready for Ava to comes. She should be here in about an hour. Which gives me enough time to get ready." I said. "You can pick an outfit while I am in a shower. Also I stole some of your closes that i never gave back!"
"Okay." She said. I got in the shower and washed my body. I got out of the shower and walked in my room. Angel was sitting on my bed with an outfit. "Thanks for the outfit." I said. She picked out my white booty shorts, and my blueish grayish crop top. I walked out and started posing. She handed me my white flower crown and gave me her mascara and lipstick. I just finished everything when someone banged on my door. I opened it and it was Kellin. "OH MY GAWD! VIC FUENTES!" Angel screamed.
"Fan?" He asked.
"Yes!" I said before she could scream.
"Umm, Ava is here." He said than walked away.
"Okay. Ready. Hide in my closet while i get her." I said to Angel. She nodded and i ran downstairs. I pulled Ava. "BYE DAD!" I screamed. We ran upstairs. We got to my room.
"Nice makeup." She said. "I don't recall you having that lipstick color. Who is here?"
"ME!" Angel shouted when making a grand entrance from my closet.
"Ava. This is Angel." I said. "My wifey."
"Haha. Okay. Now details." They both yelled at me.
"Wait for Katelynne. She is making sure the guys are gone." I said.
"They're gone. Details!" Katelynne said.
"Okay. So of course a dad had to set rules and everything. But it was okay i guess." I started to say. "So we started walking and talking about where we were going. He won't tell me of course. But we went to the movie theater and watched Warm Bodies. AMAZING! So during the movie, he did that classic arm thing and I got closer to him."
"Oh my gawd!" They all said.
"Want me to finish?" I asked.
"Yes!" They shouted.
"Okay okay." I said. I then continued. "So after the movie he took me for a night walk on the beach. Cause you know, ROMANTIC! So we walked a ways. He put his arm around me and stopped. We looked into each others eyes and thats when we said when we started liking each other. Then we started moving closer and kissed. We just sat down in the sand and looked at the moonlight in the ocean. That's when you texted me Ava. Great timing. So we stayed like that for a while. I looked at my phone and saw it was time to walk back. We ended up on my porch with 5 minutes to go. We started talking and we were about to kiss when Jack interrupt. I pushed him back and kissed him. Thats when Vic interrupt and said it was time to go in. But it was the most romantic and perfect date ever." I said. I then got a text from Kyle. It said:
Walk to you balcony and look down.
I walked to the balcony and down. He was there with roses. I ran downstairs and went outside. "Kyle! You didn't have to." I said running over to him.
"But i forgot to ask you something last night." He said.
"What?" I asked.
He got down on one knee and asked "Raven Quinn, will you be my girlfriend?"
"Yes." I said. I grabbed the roses and went inside. "IT'S OFFICIAL!" I shouted.
I put the roses in a vase and walked upstairs. Kyle following me. I walked into my room and he saw Angel. "Kyle, this is Angel."
"Hey Kyle." she said.
"Hey Angel." He said.
"I will leave you guys alone now." Katelynne said.
"I actually have to go and help my mom. See you Monday Rav." Angel said kissing my cheek.
"Bye." I said.
"I feel like I am going to be third wheeling." Ava said.
"Awe. Come here." I said. I walked to her and gave her a rose. I then hugged her. I put the flowers down on my desk.
"Thanks, but my mom needs me. See ya love birds." She said walking out.
"Now it's just two." Kyle said. I walked over to him and kissed him. We started walking to my bed. I laid down and Kyle on top of me. I broke the kiss. "Love you." I said.
"Love you too." He said. Then he started kissing me again. I broke the kiss again. I grabbed the remote and started playing Netflix. He crawled over the me and cuddle with me. We started watching The Foster. We watch about 4 episodes and I fell asleep.

Kellin Quinn is My FatherWhere stories live. Discover now