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Everyone sat down at the table and started talking. It went Kellin by Katelynne. Katelynne by Copeland. Copeland by Vic. Vic by Tony. Tony by Mike. Mike by Jaime. Jaime by Rowan. Rowan by me. Me by Liam. And Liam by Kellin.
I was sitting there quietly drinking my water. Everyone was talking about tour or something else. I grabbed my phone and looked through Twitter. "I have to go to the bathroom. Raven?" Katelynne said. I looked at her. "Will you come with?" I nodded. Anything to get away from the conversation. I stood up and walked to the bathroom behind Katelynne while she holds Copeland. We went in and Katelynne turned towards me. "Are you okay?" She asked.
"Want the truth?" I asked. She nodded. I signed. "No. I am bored out of my mind. How do you deal with this every time?" I said.
"It is usually at the house. But I guess they wanted to do something special." She said.
"Do you have to keys to the car?" I asked.
"No. Kellin does. Why?" She asked.
"I have shoes in the trunk. I hate these heels." I said giggling. "I need them." She nodded and went left the bathroom. I walked up to Kellin. "Can I have the keys?"
"What? No." He said.
"I am not going to leave. Have Mike or someone come with me if you don't trust me." I said.
"Mike go with Raven so she doesn't drive off." He said handing me the keys.
"Thank you." I said. "Come on Mike." He got up and walked behind me. We walked to the car and I opened the trunk. I pulled out vans. "And he thought I was going to drive off. Yeah right." I said. I sat in the trunk and put the shoes on. I left the shoes in the trunk. "Let's go. I think the food is there." He nodded and we walked back in.
"Why did you need to go to the car?" Vic asked.
"I had heels on. I wanted something comfortable. I had vans in the car. That is why I need the keys." I said.
I sat down and the waiter came with the food. We all ate and talked a little. Once we were done we talked for a little bit more. I got so tired of tour and everything I finally said, "I am going outside. I need air." I then got up and walked out. When I got outside, I bumped into someone. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean-" I the realized it was Johnnie. "Hey Johnnie."
"Hey Raven. What are you doing here?" He asked.
"Dinner thing. It was all about Pierce the Veil and Sleeping with Sirens touring together. It is pretty boring. Mehta are you doing here?" I asked.
"The complete opposite of what you are doing here. I am waiting for someone here." He said.
"Wow. At least you don't have to dress fancy." I said giggling a little.
"But you look amazing." He said.
"Thanks. I walked down the stairs of my house and Tony and Jaime just stared at me. I was about to stay home. But I am so tired right now. I just want to go home and sleep on my bed. If I can make it that far." I said. He laughed and I laughed along.
There was complete silence between us. We just looked at each other. He started leaning closer to me and I was leaning closer to him. We soon kissed and then I heard someone say "Raven!? We are going home." It was Kellin.
I looked at him. "Sorry." I said and I walked to Kellin. "Okay." I told him. I the  yawn.
We all got into Kellin's car and went home. I went straight to the couch and fall on it. The next thing I now is that I am asleep.

I woke up in my bed the next morning. Still in my dress. I went over to my dresser and through on sweatpants and a tank top. I stuck my hair up in a messy bun. I walked downstairs and went to the kitchen. I went to the freezer and grabbed chocolate chip waffles. I put them in the toaster and grabbed my rockstar in hide in the refrigerator. I opened it and started drinking it. "Morning." It was Katelynne.
"Morning." I said. I was still wondering how I got in my bed last night. There was silence between me and Katelynne. "Um, by any chance did Kellin carry me up to my room last night after I fell asleep on the couch?" I asked.
"Yeah he did. He didn't have to dress you so he left you in your dress." She said.
"Okay." I said. My waffles popped up and I started eating them. I grabbed my rockstar and went to the living room. I turned on the television and saw the CSI: Miami was on. I started watching it when someone came through the door. "Hey Raven." It was Justin.
"Hey Justin." I said a little annoyed.
"What you doing?" He asked.
"Watching CSI: Miami. Now leave me alone." I said without taking my eyes off the television.
He left the room and the rest of the band came in. They asked the same thing and I told them the same thing. After the episode of CSI: Miami, Kellin comes done. "Raven, get ready. We are talking you somewhere." He said.
"Can't I just stay home?" I asked. "Never mind. Don't answer that." I got up and threw away the paper towel that had my waffles on. I grabbed my rockstar and walked upstairs. I put on my ripped jeans, a black tank top, and a sweater that has 86 on it with two lines on the bottom of it and on both sleeves. I put on my black high tops and walked out of my room. I put in my contacts and walked back to my room. I grabbed my phone and my sunglasses.
I walked downstairs. "Where are we going?" I asked.
"It's a surprise." Justin said.
"Great." I said. I walked out of the house and noticed their tour bus. "What's with the tour bus?"
"Small cars not enough room." Kellin said. I rolled my eyes and got on the bus. Everyone else got on.
"So you can't tell me what's going on?" I asked.
"Well I can, I just don't want to. It has to deal with something that happened last night." He said. Crap. Did he see me and Johnnie?
"Like about touring or something else from last night?"
"Something else." He said. Yep. I am doomed.

After a while of driving there was a treehouse with signs. I got off the bus and someone closed the door and they drove off. "Did they drag you here too?" It was Johnnie.
"I had no choice. But if this is a picnic, count me in. I am hungry." I said. I started walking to the signs. He followed me. We kept following the signs and reached the treehouse. "Let's go." I said while climbing.
I opened the door to the treehouse and saw my guitar and a picnic. "Well for being guys, they sure know how to create a picnic." I said chuckling.
"True." Johnnie said while getting in the treehouse.
"Plus I am shocked my dad actually left me. After everything that happened on Warped and when I came into his life almost three years ago, he actually trusts me now." I said. I walked to the window. "I just wish I could."
"What do you mean?" He said.
"Let's eat." I said. I walked about to where he was and sat down. We started eating. "I just have weird trust issues. To like everyone. It takes time for me to trust someone." He gave me a confused look. "You ask me what I meant by I wish I could. I am telling you."
"Right." He said.
"It's just been hard trusting people. The only person I trust is my friend Angel. I could tell her anything. I just can't with anyone else." I said. I looked down. "I know. I know. You must think I am weird and somewhat of a freak."
"I don't." He said. I looked up at him confused. "I think you just need more motivation. Like someone can be there for you always."
"I guess so." I said.
There was silence for a little bit. "Do you know why your dad did this by any chance?" He asked.
"He maybe of saw us kissing last night. I don't know. But that's the best k could come up with and having this as a punishment or there is something he isn't telling me." I said. I got up and walked to my guitar. I grabbed it and sat back where I was. "Like maybe you having a crush on me."
"How did you know?" He asked embarrassed.
"Johnnie. I maybe have dyed hair, but I am not that stupid. It was somewhat obvious. But I like you too. I told Damon that I didn't want to date. He told me before that you liked me. After that it was somewhat obvious." I said. He looked at me more relaxed. I saw him lean closer and he kissed me.
I pulled back and I got up and walked to the window. "You know you can always trust me." He said while hugging me from behind.
"It will take time you know. But I will soon trust people again." I said. I turned around. We were looking into each other's eyes. We were lost in thought when my phone rang. I walked over to it and notice it was Katelynne. "Hello?" I said.
"Kellin is coming to get you." She said.
"Not now, no." I said.
"See you when you get home." She said and then hung up.
"Let's go. I don't want to go home." I said. I grabbed his arm and pulled him to the ground. I then started sprinting to the nearest lake.
"You run fast." He said out of breathe.
"Well I kind of have to. My old school taught us parkour and we needed to be fast to actually do the stuff. I ran and ran each day. But that's not the point. I didn't want to go home just yet. It's not even sun down." I said.
"True." He said and wrapped his hands around my waist.
"Let's go for a swim." I said. I got out of his grip and started to undress. I was left in my bra and underwear. "Let's go. Don't be a party pooper." I then jumped into the lake. I resurface and notice Johnnie jumping in. "Hello. Nice for you join."
"Now did I tell you you were beautiful?" He asked. I shook my head no. "Well you are." And then he leaned I closer to my face.
Before anything happened, I heard someone shout "Raven!" It was Kellin.
"Shit." I whispered. "Hi." I said to Kellin.
"What are you doing?" He asked.
"Just enjoying my surprise." I said.
"Get out now." He said. I swam back to land. "What were you thinking?"
"Really? You are going to get mad at me because I did this? Wow. Can I not do anything right anymore in your perfect life?" I asked.
"I guess not." He said.
Well that hurt. I quickly got dressed and ran. I ran back to the house. Away from Kellin.
I opened the door. "Raven?" It was Katelynne.
"I am done." I said crying. "Done with life. Done with Kellin."
"What did he do?" She asked.
"He agreed with me that I can't do anything right in his perfect life." I said through tears. "I am going to bed."
I then walked into my room and went in sleep fast.

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