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So it is now Monday. I seriously didn't leave my room yesterday. I didn't want to. Kellin tried to get me out, but I refused to.
My alarm went off and I got ready. I went to my bathroom and got in. I started getting dress. I put on a pair of light blue jeans and a white tank top. I dried my hair and put it up in a ponytail. I went to my closet and got my galaxy sweatshirt and my galaxy converse high-tops. I got my phone and changed the case. I put on my purple and blue galaxy case. I grabbed my backpack and went downstairs.
"So that's what you look like." Gabe said.
"Yeah. Who is taking me to school?" I asked.
"I am. Ready?" He asked. I nodded my head. "Okay lets go." We walked out of the house and into his truck.
The ride to school was quiet. After about 10 minutes we were at the school. "I'll pick you up after school." He said.
"Okay." Then I shout the door. "Great I am the new student." I said to myself. I walked to the main office.
"Hello. How can I help you?" The lady asked.
"I'm new here." I said.
"Name?" She said.
"Raven Quinn." I said.
She typed on her computer for a little. "Ahh. Here you are." She said. She printed it out. "Here you go. Someone should be here to show you around." I nodded.
After a little bit, a girl rushed to the door. "Sorry I'm late Ms. Hill." She said.
"No problem. Raven?" She said.
"Yeah?" I replied.
"This is Ava Oakley. She will show you around. Ava, this is Raven Quinn." Ms. Hill said.
"Okay. Wait. Are you Kellin Quinn daughter?" She asked.
"Yeah. Why? Are you a fan?" I asked.
"A huge fan." She said. "Come on. Let go." We left the office and she asked, "Let me see your schedule." I handed her my schedule. Turns out we have ever class together other then sixth. "You are a very advance student."
"I guess." I said.
"Well lets go." She said. She grabbed my arm and started running. "We are going to be the bestest friends."
"Haha. Okay."

The day dragged on and it was seventh period. "Raven." Ava said.
"Hey." I said.
"Come sit by me." She said. For being a Monday she has a lot of energy. "I want you to meet Kyle."
"Hey." I said.
"Hey. Nice to meet you." He said. "Where you from?"
"Louisiana. But things happened and I now live with my father." I said.
"If you don't mind me asking, but what happened?" He asked.
"Umm, my mother passed away from cancer." I said.
"Oh. I'm sorry." He said.
"No, I'm fine." I said.
We started talking. After a little while class started. It was history. All that they were learning, I have already learned. The class went by fast. "Hey Raven?" Kyle asked.
"Yeah?" I said.
"You guys wanna do homework together?" He asked me and Ava.
"Sure. Wanna come to my place?" I asked.
"YES!!" Ava screamed.
"Sorry. She figured out who my father was." I said.
"Not at loud." I said.
"Her father is Kellin Quinn." She said.
"Seriously?" Kyle asked.
"Yea. Mike is picking me up." I said. "Which we should probably go."
We walked out of the school. I saw Kellin's van. We continued talking. Once I walked over to the car, I saw Quinn. "Do you think my father would mind me bring friends over?" I asked.
"Nope." He said.
I looked over to Ava. She looked like she was going to faint. "Ava. It is going to be okay." I said. We got in the car.
"So who are these friends?" Quinn asked.
"Umm, the one who looks like she is going to faint is Ava. She is a huge fan and this is Kyle. He is pretty chill." I said.
"Cool." He said.
After about 10 minutes we got home. I opened the door and walked in. "I'M HOME! I AM GOING UPSTAIRS WITH FRIENDS TO DO HOMEWORK!" I yelled. "Run!" I said and ran upstairs behind them.
"Where are Raven's friends?" Nick asked.
"Shit." I said. "Come back down guys." They came back down. "This is Ava and this is Kyle."
"Who is Kyle?" Kellin said.
"Dad. This is Kyle and this is--"
"Ava." I said finishing my sentence. "They are fans, but Ava is huge one."
"Well nice to meet you guys." Nick and Kellin said.
"Well we got homework, and I have a lot of catching up to do. We will be in my room." I said. I walked up the stairs.
"Okay!" They shouted.
We all walked upstairs. I opened the door. There was Liam. He was touching my necklace. "Liam. But my necklace down." I said. He put it down and walked out.
"Is that your brother?" Kyle asked.
"Yea." I said. "He is in the bedroom below us." I said.
"Oh my gawd!" She said.
"Lets start working." I said. We all spread around my room and started working.
After about about a hour of doing homework, my laptop goes off. Angel was face-timing me. "Sorry. I will just go to the balcony." I grabbed my laptop and went outside. "Hey Angel. I am sorry. I went to school today and have a lot of homework to do. Plus I have people over." I said.
"Oh okay." She said, "I will call you later."
"I am sorry. I really am." I said. Then she hanged up. I closed my laptop and went back inside. "Back." I said to them.
"She is you best friend from Louisiana right?" Ava said a little disappointed.
"Yea." I said. "But I will call her back later."
"Call her now. We don't mind. I would love to meet her." Ava said.
"Yea." Kyle said. I nodded and grabbed my laptop. I put it to where she could see everyone.
"I thought you where busy with homework." she said.
"They wanted to meet you." I said.
She looked up and saw Ava and Kyle. "Hey. I'm Angel. Raven's best friend." She said.
I looked over at Ava. She looked sad. "Umm. I am going to talk to Ava outside. I will be a minute." I said. Me and Ava walked outside to my balcony. "Hey. I can have two best friends. I don't mind. Maybe you and her can be best friends." I said, she looked happy. "Lets go back inside."
We all did homework. For about 30 minutes Ava, Angel, Kyle, and I were all having a good time. We all finished homework so we where all on my bed laughing. There was a knock on my door, "Come in!" I screamed.
"Raven dinner is ready." It was Vic. "Your friends are happy to join us."
"Okay." I said. "Angel we need--"
"VIC FUENTES!" Ava screamed.
"Ava is flipping out and we need to go eat, talk to you later." I said. She waved bye and I ended it. "Okay, are you guys eating with us?" I asked them.
"I have to go, but I will see you tomorrow." Kyle said.
"I don't mind." Ava said.
"Okay. I will walk you out Kyle." I said. "We will be right down."
Kellin left my and we got off my bed. We all walked downstairs. I told Ava where to go. I walked Kyle outside. "I will see you tomorrow I guess." We both said to each other. We exchanged numbers. We hugged and I walked back inside.
"I saw that." Jack said.
"We hugged. It means nothing." I said.
"He likes you. A lot." He said.
"Can we eat?" I said avoiding the topic.
We walk into the dining room. Ava was about to faint. We all ate and talked. We also laughing.
It was silent until Jack shouted, "Kyle likes Raven!"
"NO HE DOESN'T!" I shouted at home.
"Actually yeah he does." Ava said.
"What?" I said. "Can Ava and I be excused?" I asked. Kellin nodded his head. Me and Ava walked up to my room. "But he barely knows me. How?"
"When you went downstairs to asked someone something Angel told us about your past. We know what happened. And we are sorry. But he really likes you. Not because of who your dad is, but because he can relate to you. If he asks you on a date, please say yes. He really likes you." she said. "I have to go, but remember what I said." I nodded. We walked outside. We said our goodbyes and exchanged numbers.
"She had to go?" Vic asked. I nodded and went upstairs.
I cleaned up my homework and put it in my backpack. I got ready for bed and called Angel.
"Raven! Oh my gawd! I love your friends!" She told me.
"Thanks." I said.
"Are you okay?" She asked.
"Kyle likes me. And I don't know about my feelings for him." I said.
"Oh. That sucks," she said. I nodded. We started talking for a little until Vic came in. He told me that the guys were going out. Katelynne and the boys were here with Copeland. He left and Angel and I continued to talk. It was getting late for her so we said out goodbyes.
I put my laptop away and went downstairs. "Katelynne?" I said.
"Yeah sweetie?" She said.
"I need help." I said.
"I am glad I can help you. Is it about Kyle?" She said. I nodded. "Just go on a date with him. If you like it, then it is meant to be, but if you don't tell him, you would rather be friends. I think he is going to ask you tomorrow or later this week."
"Thanks for the advice." I said. "Now i have to talk to Liam."
I walked back upstairs. "Can I talk to you Liam?" I asked. He nodded. "Look. I am sorry about everything I said to you. I should have been more gentle with you. I am really sorry. Do you forgive me?"
"Yeah. I am sorry I took you necklace." He said.
"It's fine. But what are you doing up? Don't you have school tomorrow?" I said.
"Can you tuck me in?" He asked. I nodded and tuck him in.
"Goodnight." I said and went to my room.
I went to my bed. I checked my phone and saw i had a message. It was from Kyle. The message read:
Raven. Would you go out with me on Friday night?
I replied back with a yes. Here we go. I plugged in my phone and went to bed.

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