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I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I got up and noticed everyone is passed out on the floor. Next to me was my dad. "Right. I helped with the song last night." I whispered to myself. I got out of bed and walked over everyone. I went downstairs and got a pan and a wooden spoon. "What are you doing at 5:30 in the morning?" Katelynne said.
"Waking everyone up from my floor." I said.
"I gotta see this." She said.
"Get it on video." I said.
"What's going on?" Liam said with Rowan right behind him.
"Waking up everyone off my floor." I said. "Come on." We walked to my room and Katelynne had it on video all ready. I got to the middle of my floor and hit the pan with the wooden spoon. Everyone shot up. I stopped and started laughing.
"What was that for?" Nick asked.
"I have to get ready. Get out." I said.
"Okay. Fine." My dad said. I handed him the pan and wooden spoon.
"Thanks." I said innocently, while Katelynne was trying to hold back laughter. She finally burst into laugher along with Liam and Rowan.
"You guys knew about this?" He said.
"I walked in on her getting a pan and a wooden spoon. Liam and Rowan walked in later. We just let her do it." Katelynne said.
"I have to get ready. Out!" I said pushing them out. I closed the door and locked it. I walked to my bathroom and got in. I started singing the song from last night. I got out and went to my closet. Before i got in my closet the doorbell rang. I put in my bathrobe and went downstairs. I opened it and it was Angel with a container. "OH MY GOD! I TOTALLY FORGOT! It was a long night." I said. "Also I didn't ask for a mocha cookie crumble for Starbucks but okay."
"No problem. My mom wanted to get you it. But here you go. Remember. Just for you. No one else. It should last the whole tour." She said. "Are you going to sing the song at Warped Tour?"
"No. My dad's band is. I kind of gave them the song to finish the album. But i have to get ready. Come help." I said pulling her upstairs. We walked to my room and she picked out an outfit for me. It was my black leggings with my long sleeve black crop top with skulls on it. She handed me my mom's necklace. I put it on. She also handed me my black converse high tops. "Thank you." I said. I grabbed my backpack and put my phone charger, my laptop and laptop charger, my drawing stuff in it and Angel's mother's cookies and brownies.
I went to my music room and pit my guitar in the case. I walked out. "I am happy that you are playing the guitar again. And I almost forgot to give you something." She said. She took her backpack off and gave me a new sketch book. "Here you go. You told me that you where almost done with your sketch book."
"Thank you." I said.
"No problem. Just don't forget to call me or FaceTime everyday." She said.
"Me too." It was Ava. She was in the doorway.
"I won't." I said. "I will miss you guys."
We walked downstairs with my suitcase. I said goodbye to Liam, Rowan, and Katelynne. I also hugged Copeland goodbye to. I went over to my friends and said our goodbyes. "I'm going to miss you guys so much." I said. We had a group hug and I had to leave. I climbed on the bus. Before I closed it, I waved goodbye. I walked in. I looked at everyone. "What?" Jack asked.
"I get a bottom bunk. I am not climbing up to get in a bunk." I said. Gabe moved his stuff from a bottom bunk to the buck above it. "Where are we going?" I asked.
"Colorado." Nick said.
"Okay." I said.

I walked to the bunk and put everything in it. I took out my laptop and started going on twitter. I just scrolled through the newsfeed and went to facebook. A few hours passed and I took out my cookies and started eating one.
"What you eating?" Justin said.
"Nothing." I said hiding the cookie.
"You are eating cookies without me." He said. He reached for one, I whacked his hand.
"No. Angel gave them for me and only me." I said.
"I don't believe that." He said.
"Fine I will FaceTime her." I said. I started FaceTiming her and she picked up. "Hey Ang. Justin here thought it would be okay to take a cookie."
"No. They are for Raven. And only Raven. She hasn't have them in a long time. They need to last until the end of Warped. If there is any left, you can have them. But you don't get any. No one from Sleeping with Sirens gets any." She explained.
"That's it Ang. Thanks for clearing that up with him." I said. "I will FaceTime you later tonight."
"Kk. Bye!" She said. We hanged up and i got out of my bunk and took the cookie I was eating
I walked to the front of the bus where everyone was. "What are we suppose to do?" I asked.
"Just hang out until we get to Colorado." Nick said.
"Fun." I said sarastically.
"Where did you get the cookie?" My dad said.
"Angel." I said.
"Can't have any! I already tried. They are just for her." Justin said.
"Not even for you dad?" My dad said. I shook my head. "Wow."
"Sorry. I just haven't had them in a whole." I said.
"It's fine." He said. We just sat there. We were all watching a movie. I don't know what movie it is, but whatever. I looked at my phone and saw that it was 9pm. I got up and went to my bunk to get my laptop. I FaceTimed Angel and got my phone and FaceTimed Ava. "Hey guys!" I said.
"Hey. I though you forgot about us." Angel said.
"Yeah." Ava agreed.
"I am so sorry. I for some reason got caught up with watching movies." They started giggling. "Anyways, is it boring there without me?"
"Yes!" They both said.
I giggled and said, "Well you always have each other."
We kept talking until it got too late for them. We ended it.
"Raven!" It was my dad. "Katelynne wants to talk to you!"
"Okay!" I said and got out of my bunk. "Hey."
"Hey. How are you holding up with those five?" She asked.
"It could be more interesting." I said looking at everyone.
"Hey! We are interesting." Jack said. Katelynne laughed.
"Uh huh." I said looking at them. Me and her talked for a while until i got tired. "I'm going to bed. It's like one in the morning."
"Okay. Goodnight." She said. I got up and walked to get my pajamas. I went to the bathroom and changed. I put my hair up in a messy bun. I walked back to the front of the bus. "Goodnight dad." I said and walked to my bunk.
"Goodnight" he said back.

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