Going with Diego

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Daniel's POV:

I woke up late since it was the weekend. I brushed my teeth and took a shower. I was watching TV when there was a knock on the door. I opened it and it was Diego. I completely forgot we had to meet at 1 to talk about the 7's Anniversary Party. It was 3 PM.

Di: DUDE! I was waiting for you for an hour and 45 minutes. Where were you?
D: Sorry. And I was here. We can talk about it now if you want.
Di: yeah. By the way, I heard about Emma, sorry man. I know how much you cared about her.
D: I still do care about her. And how did you know about that?
Di: Gigi. It's her latest Ms. Information post. I told her to take it down, but she won't.
D: Its ok.
Di: Do how are you holding up with everything?
D: I'm not . I've been here home since then. The only reason I leave is to go to school.
Di: No way. We are going to hang out all day. In fact, let's have an all- nighter, just us. No Jax, no drama, no Maddie, and no Emma.
D: I don't know and don't I have to help you plan for the anniversary party.
Di: That can wait, we have a week and I can ask Maddie, since she is a really good decorator.
D: fine lets hang out, but no all-nighter. The T3 will ruin that.
Di: All good for me, now C'mon
D: Where are we going?
Di: Um- I don't kn- oh we can go to the movies, we'll get anything on me.
D: Ok what are going to watch?
Di: Antman? I've been dying to see that but Maddie doesn't wanna go.
D: Ok Let's go.

We walked to the theater since it wasn't that far away from my house. We got popcorn, nachos, and 2 drinks.

* Time skips to after the movie*

Diego's POV:

That movie was really good. And I think it even made Daniel forget about Emma. He looked so happy and didn't mention her at all. I'm glad.

Di: So I'm guessing you enjoyed the movie?
D: Yeah it was great, it even made me forget about.. Emma

He said looking happy then sad.

Di: Daniel, you need to forget about Emma. I'm still her friend, but move on. She clearly did.
D: Don't you think I want to. Dude, I wish I completely forgot about Emma, wish that I moved on like she did. But I can't. Emma is amazing and it's impossible to forget about her.
Di: That's just it. Forget s out how amazing she is. Forget her completely. Forget EVERYTHING you love about her. Get someone else.

I said screaming.


He shouted and I was really shocked. Then he continued.

D: I am in love with Emma and I can't forget about her. And I know she already made her choice and had a boyfriend but I can't hide my emotions. I can't control what my heart feel. I SM IN LOVE WITH EMMA ALONSO!

And when he said that. I really wished he didn't because there were two people he didn't need to see...

Daniel's POV:

After I said all of that I was catching my breath and someone said

?: You what?!

I was so surprised and as I turned around slowly I was thinking please let not be who I think. And it was. I was so embarrassed. It was the ones and only

Emma and Jax.

Just great.

A/N: Heyyyy guys!!! So here is chapter 3. It's soooo emotional. And I left with a cliffhanger, so yeah 😈. But don't worry, I'll post agains ms you'll know what will happen next. Hope you all enjoyed the chapter 😘 - Yesmil 💟

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