Hurt her, I'll Hurt You

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Emma's POV:

It was lunchtime. I got a tray and say in a table. Jax came up to me.
J: Can I sit?
E: Sure. Jax, we need to talk.
J: Ok. What about?
E: Andi. Jax, you already know Andi is my best friend basically my sister. and I might look all you know goody two-shoes and I am, but don't hurt Andi. If you do, I'm telling you I'll turn you into an octopus and throw you to the ocean. Got it?
I was dead serious. If he hurts Andi, I'll probably do something worse than turn him into an octopus. And I think Jax noticed.
J: Yeah. And I'm not planning on hurting Andi. I really like her.
E: Good.
Andi and Daniel came and sat with us. We just talked like a group. It was nice. The bell rang and we walked together since we had the rest of our classes together.

School was finally over and we all went home. Today was an average day. I went home and casted spells all night with Hex.

Jax's POV:

I got home and saw Dad and Jessie hanging out together.
Je: Jax, your home. Dad and I are playing a game. Wanna join?
J: Sure. But just one game. I have homework.
Je: Jax, you wanting to do homework?! I'm surprised.
I smiled at Jessie.
J: Well, I promised Andi I would so I would't get detention and we can spend more time together.
Ja: Oh. Is she your girlfriend?
J: Yeah. We're going on a date on Saturday.
Ja: That's great Son. Is she a witch?
J: ... Um... No... but she'll be the first human guardian... soon.
Ja: Jax, you know how I feel about dating humans.
J: But Dad, I really like Andi. Please!
Ja: Fine. But, the day after the date, invite her over to dinner here. Understand?
J: Yeah. Thank you Sir.
Ja: You can call me Dad from now on.
Ever since Jessie came, Dad has been more involved in my life. And I like it... sometimes.

Mia's POV:

I'm home. And I have the best plan. When Daniel was under the seal, he told me Emma made an Evil Clone of herself and that clone was send to Limbo, wherever that is. So, what I'll do is bring Evil Emma back, maybe even the ex principal. But I'll need a witch to do that. Jax is dating Andi, so he'll be a blabber mouth and tell Andi and Andi will tell Emma. But Maddie in the other hand isn't friends with Emma, Andi, or Jax. Great. I changed my uniform to a orange tank top and a pair of shorts. Then I headed out to Maddie's.

Maddie's POV:

I was in my living room casting spells when the door rang. It was -ugh- Mia. We went to my living room.

Ma- What do you want?
M: For you to help me.
Ma: I would never help you.
M: Yes you would. Because if you don't then I'll hurt your beloved "Proxy"
Ma: ...
M: So I'll ask- tell you again. Your going to help me.
Ma: What am I supposed to help with?
M: Bringing back Evil Emma and possibly the Evil ex- Principal from Limbo.
Ma: I can't do that.
M: Ok. Then excuse me while I go to Diego's house.
Ma: No. I mean I don't have the power to do that. I'm..
I was whispering now.
Ma: ... not powerful enough.
M: Your not what?
I spoke a little louder.
Ma: Not powerful enough...
M: What?!
M: Ok. No need to scream. But thats a big pro- wait what does that cosmetic trash can that Diego can made do?
Ma: Oh. Its a portal to... Limbo.
M: Great! We'll do it tomorrow after school.
Ma: Can't. Have a spa day with my Panthers.
M: Tuesday
Ma: Nope. In fact, I have plans all week.
M: Ugh. Sunday then?!
Ma: Yeah. Sunday works for me.
M: Ok. Tell Diegp. And if any of you two tell Emma, Andi, Jax, or Daniel. It'll be the end of both of you.
Then she left. I called Proxy quickly.
Di: Hey Maddie What's Up?
M: Come to my house NOW!!!
Ugh! I have to make sure Evil Emma and the principal don't come back.

A/N: Hey Guys. So here is Chapter 21. So Emma is being over protective about Andi. And Mia has a new plan... Will Mia get away with her plan? Comment below. BTW there are 2 owners of this account ( Yesmil and Brit). And Yesmil (me) writes this book. But Brit helped with Mia's plan so credit to her. Hope you all like the chapter.

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