Confessing to Emma

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Daniel's POV:

OH MY GOD! Emma just heard that I'm in love with her. I was so embarrassed. I was sure I turned tomato red.

E: Daniel are you really in love with me?!
D: Well you already heard so I'll just spill it out.
Di: Daniel, don't. She already has a boyfriend, she made her choice!
J: Yeah listen to Diego, she made her choice.

I rolled my eyes at Jax, and I think Emma noticed.

E: Jax! Daniel please continue.
D: Fine. Emma I know you made your choice and I understand, but I am miserable without you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I know I'm to late but I am in love with you. I always have, I just never realized it until I lost you.

Everyone in the theater were saying  "Aww" and " That's so adorable". While Jax was really mad, he was giving me a death glare but I didn't care.

E:  Daniel, I- I don't know what to say. I just need a break from all of this.
J: Agreed, c'mon Em. Let's watch a movie.
E: Jax, I don't think you understand. I mean I need a break from everything; including us.

He looks so mad, but he stayed calm.

J: You know what, fine. I respect your choice. Just call me when you are ready for us to talk.
E: Ok. And Daniel we still need to talk about this, but not now. Can we talk later?
D: Um, yeah sure.
E: Great. I'll see you guys, bye.
D, J, and Di: Bye.

And then she left.

Emma's POV:

As I was walking, I was thinking about what just happened. Daniel.. Loves... Me. Honestly, I didn't pick him because I though he loved Mia. Guess I was wrong. I told Jax that I needed a break from us because I think I still might have feelings for Daniel, but nobody knows that. I need advise from someone. I won't ask Andi, she hates these things. I guess I have to ask someone else. But who?! Ugh I just thought of someone but I doubt she will agree, but it's worth a shot. I'm going to Maddie's house.

A/N: Hey guys. So I'm kinda getting the hang of this fanfic writing. And sorry it was short, it's just I was at camp and I was rushed. So sorry. And I wanna know, is this a good fanfic? Plz leave comments, vote, and share the story. K bye 😘 - Yesmil 💟

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