Pro's and Con's List

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Emma's POV:

I got home and went straight to my room. I took out 2 pieces of  paper and wrote Jax on one and Daniel on the other.

Pro's for Jax:
- He's a wizard, so he can protect himself and me when needed.
- He was there for me when Daniel wasn't.
- He accepts me for who I am.
- He can help me with my powers.
- He changed for me.

Now Con's for Jax:

- He tried to destroy the realm and me.
- He preferred my evil clone over me.
- He was rebellious.

Ok. That's it for Jax, now for Daniel.

Pro's for Daniel:
- Even though he is a human, he wants to protect me.
- He loves me.
- We have a history together.
- He is nice and sensitive.

Now, Con's for Daniel:
- He doesn't really like me being a witch.
- He doesn't have a ni-

Ugh!!!!! Never mind, this isn't working. Then I threw myself on my bed. And Andi walked in.

A: Hey Em. What's wrong?
E: I know you hate this type of stuff. But did you hear what happened at the movies?
A: Yeah Diego told me. And lemme guess, you don't know who to pick now?
E: Yeah. And I know you told me that I can't go back but finding out about Daniel loving me, it kinda threw me off from my choice.
A: Em, this might sound stupid but, your heart knows who to pick, so take a walk.
E: What? Where to?!
A: Wherever your heart tells you to, Daniel's house or Jax's. Now GO!

I smiled.

E: Thanks Andi.
A: No problem.

Then I hugged her and left. I was following my heart. I walked and walked. When I made it, I took a huge deep breath and knocked on the door. He opened.

E: I choose you...

A/N: CLIFFHANGER!!! 😈 Sorry. Ok guys I know it's been 3 days since I hasn't updated but it's because I've been sad about the Series finale of Every Witch Way. I won't talk about it here cuz I did in my Instagram so follow that (@demma.everywitchway) but I'm sad that it ended not the way it ended since I am Team Demma and all. But here is an update. Idk when I will update because I have to think of Chapter 7 . But yeah hope you all like the chapter 😘. Vote, comment and share the video. - Yesmil 💟

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