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I woke up and. I checked the time. 10:12 A. M. It's Saturday so that's a good time to wake up. I went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, then I showered. I changed into casual clothes. It was 11 by the time I finished. I decided to go to Emma's house.
I walked to her house. I opened the door and went to her room. She was making a scrapbook. Yeah so unusual for Emma (not).
A: Hey Em.
E: Hey Andi. What's up?
A: Nothing. I have nothing to do so I came here.
She went to get pictures. So she stood up and went to her drawer.
E: You wanna borrow Hex?
A: I though thought you would never ask!
I took Hex from the shelf. We just hanged. I know he is just a book by I love him like a real person. I would do anything for Hex.
E: Hey Andi, when are you going to talk to Jax?
A: You want me to do it now?
E: Kinda
A: Ugh fine. Wait what if he is sleeping?
E: It's 12 P. M.
A: So, people sleep until 12 maybe later. It is Saturday after all. You know what I'll t txt him if u can see him at 5 today . Ok?
E: Good.

~ Text Convo~
Andi💀: Hey Jax. Can e talk today at 5?
Jax💩: Y?
Andi💀: Just to talk. We're sharks and well we should hang to get to know each other better.
Jax💩: Whatever where?
Andi💀: Your house?
Jax💩: Fine bye.
Andi💀: Kay. Bye
~ End of Text Convo~
A: There we are meeting at 5 in his house.
E: Good.
She was still doing her scrapbook. It looked like she finished.
E: There is a fair in town today and tomorrow. You wanna go?
A: Sure.

We went to the fair. They had games, food and more stuff. Me and Em played some games. She won some, she probably used magic 😒 cuz I could've definitely beat her.
We went to the bouncy house, I said no but Em forced me. To be honest it was really fun. We got food and it was really good. We were playing darts. I won 😉. I got a stuffed animal. It's my fourth stuffed animal, Em has 6. Then I checked the time. It was 4:55.

A: Em it's almost 5. Go to go to Jax's.
E: Ok. Do you want me to hold your stuffed animals in my house so you don't have to go over there with them?
A: Yeah.
I gave her the animals and walked to Jax's house. I knocked on the door and a little girl that's like 10 opened it.
Je: Hi
A: Um.. Hi.. Is this the Novoa's house?
Je: Yeah. Are you looking for Jax?
I nodded.
He walked down the stairs and saw me.
J: Oh it's you. Come in.
A: Jax, who's this?
J: Right. Jessie this is Andi a sorta friend. Andi this is Jessie , my sister.
J: Yeah. Long story.
A: I've got time. We are here to hang aren't we.
Jessie went upstairs to I'm guessing her room. He explained and I'm speeches. So I just give him a black expression.
A: ... Wow.
J: Yeah. So there has to be a reason to this visit.
A: Ok. What was plan?
J: What plan?!
A: Emma and Daniel! you broke them up.
J: Oh... Um... Andi.. You shouldn't know or care.
A: I do. Emma is my best fried and Daniel is a really close friend. So I should know.
J: I'm not telling you, this is between me, Emma, Mia, and Daniel. That's it.
He crossed his arm and smirked like he was all clever. Oh how much I hated that smirk.
A: Fine you wanna play? Let's play! Either you tell me or I'll call Emma and you explain to her!
J: Your bluffing!!!
A: Am I?!
I took out my phone and dialed Em's number.
A: Shall I continue?
J: I know your lying.
I pressed the call button, put it on speaker. It was ringing.
J: FINE. FINE. FINE. I'll tell you. Hang up!
I hanged up.
A: Spill.
Jax explained everything.
A: Jax! I can't believe you- well it's something you would do, but why?!
J: Because I want Emma to be my girlfriend.
A: Jax. Get over Emma!!! I've told you before. She loves Daniel. ACCEPT THAT!
I stood up and turned away from Jax
J: I want to. I just don't know how.
A: Then-
I turned around and Jax was right in front of me. We were inches apart. I stared at his eyes, his hazel brown eyes, then his mouth, and back at his eyes. I was caught up in the moment and he was too. We were both leaning in slowly and I thought I would stop myself but I didn't and I didn't want to. Then we did something I would never think we would. We kissed and it wasn't a peck it was long and passionate. I put my hand on his shoulder and I felt his hand on my waist. I felt sparks, but then I came to my senses.
A: ... I'm sorry Jax. I.. I can't do this...

I ran out the house and I went to my own. As I ran out, I heard Jax scream my name. But I ignored him. I got home and went straight to my room.

OH! MY! GOD! I JUST KISSED JAX NOVOA!! And I felt something. Do I like Jax? Oh... My... Gosh.. I think I like Jax....

A/N: HEY. So this A/ N won't be that long. So yeah it's a really long chapter. Btw idk when the next time I will post is. But it will be before school. But OMG!!! Andi and Jax kissed. What do you think? Will Jandi happen? Comment below.

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