Senior Talk

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Mia's POV:

I woke up by the sound of my alarm clock. Its Monday. Great (Note the sarcasm). Once I got ready for school, I headed out to school since I wasn't hungry. As I was walking to school, I was thinking. How am I going to break 'Demma' up? Jax's plan didn't work, so I have to do something that's worse. But what? I'll figure it out... somehow.

Emma's POV:

Danny stayed over my house last night since my dad was away, he didn't go home so maybe he went straight to school. We walked to school together with our hands intertwined.

E: Hey, I'm gonna go to my-
I was interrupted by my dad in the loud speaker.
Mr. A: All senior students please report to the auditorium immediately. Thank You.

Me and Danny were walking to the auditorium when we saw Andi and Jax, so we all walked together. Andi and JAx don't look or act like a couple, but they will when they go on that date. We finally got to the auditorium and we sat down.  I sat next to Andi and Danny. Andi was to my right and Danny was to my left. Jax was next to Daniel. They started talking. I'm surprised, but I guess they are friends now since they aren't both after me.

E: Sooooo... When's the date?!
A: Oh, yeah. It's this Saturday. But its so far away, Jax said that it needs to be a full day so it has to be Saturday
E: Oh. Cool
A: Could you please, please help me pick an outfit when the time comes? Your my only hope.
E: Of course. Anytime.
A: Oh thank you, thank you. If you said no, I would look terrible.

My dad came out of nowhere and everyone became silent.

Mr. A: Your all probably wondering why I asked you here. Well its because, your all seniors now. And even though its sort of the beginning of the year, you all have to be in your best behavior because I know that you will probably go through a personality change and I'm going off topic now. What I'm trying to say is this year is going to be different from your 3 years in high school. And what I mean by that is your going to go through a lot. Jersey day, International day, Senior trip, Prom, SAT's, College Applications, and biggest of all Graduation. And those are just a few. You all have to set an example to the freshman's , sophomores, and juniors. Understood?
Everyone: Yes Mr. Alonso.
Mr. A: Good. Now get back to class.
We all got our books and went to class. I had my next 3 classes with Jax. And Andi and Danny had their 3 classes together, so I walked with Jax. It was kinda akward, but oh well. I have to have the best friend talk with him.

A/N: Hey guys! So here is chapter 20. I know its kinda short but I'm running out of ideas. So if you have ideas, plz send me a private message or something. Hope you all like the chapter

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