Finding Out.

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Daniel's POV:

It's lunchtime and as I'm walking I think about Emma. I want to explain, but she doesn't let me. And I won't stop asking her to let me explain until she listens to me. I decided  to go to my locker to put away my book bag. Then I'll go to and try to talk to Emma.

Emma's POV:

E- Are you going to tell me now? You have me worried all day.
A: Ok. The reason why you and Daniel broke up is becau-
E: I know why, Daniel and Mia kissed.
A: No that's not it- well it is but, ugh. Jax and Mia planed it.
E: What?
A: I don't really know the details, but during your date, I went to get pizza and I front of the 7, Jax and Mia were there and they were spying on you and Daniel.
E: ... I- I can't believe Jax! And he was there for me. He walked me home too. And I thought he was sincere. It was just part of his plan to break me and Daniel up.
A: I'm sorry Em, and I know that I didn't tell you sooner, but it's that-
E: Andi, it's ok. I'm not mad. I get it you wanted to make sure I'm fine. And I rather prefer you tell me now then not tell me at all. But I just can't believe Jax would do that and then pretend to be there for me.
I was tearing up and Andi gave me a hug.
E: We should go to lunch.
We pulled away from the hug. I cleared my tears. We went to lunch and I saw Daniel.

E: Are these seats taken?
D: Emma! No- um- sit.
E: Listen. I know that you didn't kiss Mia. I believe you.
D: Really what changed your mind?
A: I told her. I found Mia and Jax spying on you two yesterday. They had a plan, I just don't know what it is. Sorry.
D: Its ok. You've helped enough. Em, will you be my-
E: I'd love to.
A: I guess Demma is back on.
D: Yup.
E: By the way, Danny I'm so sorry for not letting you explain and-
D: It's ok. I would've done the same.
E: Good. I ahem to find out ajax's plan. But I'll need your help.
A: Why do you care anymore? You and Daniel are together.
E: Because I would normally not care but Jax has to have a reason to break us up.
A: Ughhhhhhh! Fine we can talk about it after school.
D: Great. We can do it in my house.
E and D: Ok.

The bell was about to ring, so I had to get my books.
E:  Guys. I have to go. The bell is about to ring.
A: I'll go with you.
D: See you girls later.
Me and Andi got our books and walked to our classes. We don't have the same classes for the rest of the day, so I wouldn't see her. But anyways, I have to find out what Jax has planned- well had. I need to know why page ruined Daniel and my relationship.

A/N: HEY GUYSSS!!! Ok I know that I didn't update yesterday but I got home late from camp and I was really tired. Sorry and a heads up I might not update tomorrow. So sorry about that. But YAYYYY Demma is back together. And I know it's a cliche thing to do but I didn't know how else to get them back together and even I was sad about Demma breaking in my own book 😋. Anyways hope you all like the chapter 😘. Vote, comment, and share the story 😘.

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