Chapter 1- happy birthday

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A/N: hey guyz this is my first book on wattpad I hope u like it and read it thanx guyz p.s. most of this will be in Elise's pov but it may change occasionally p.p.s swearing alert p.p.p.s this is set in Australia cause I'm Aussie

Chapter 1- Happy Birthday

Elise's pov

Today was my 16th birthday. I wasn't planing on doing anything except sleep my 'parents'... They are no where to be found... Yup you guessed it I'm an orphan stuck in foster care with an ass who doesn't give a fuck about me or anyone other than himself.

I have no friends so nothing special. I'm just your typical depressed teen. The only person I trust is my best friend Emma. I trust her with my life and I would seriously kill the queen if she died. I met Emma in year 8 and we have been best friends ever since. Sure we have had our ups and downs but who hasn't. She has stopped self harming because of me I got her to get help she has tried time and time again to get me to stop but I just can't let go of it. We're in year 11. Yeah I'm young for that but who gives a shit I'm smart... Well I was before I was diagnosed with anxiety, depression and i lost my parents.

Suddenly I heard a knock on my door . "Get up you lazy slut" it was ass hole again shit this was gonna be the best birthday ever. 'Fuck off cunt' I thought to myself but apparently I was thinking out loud as I felt a cold hand slap me across the face. "Shut up! Your emo friend is here" he hissed at me. He then left and Emma walked in.

"You really shouldn't let him do that to you you know" she explained. I nodded on agreement "yeah I know, but only two more years and I can leave". Em and I sat and talked for what felt like hours.. And it was. She suddenly remembered something she pulled out a card from her bad and handed it to me . It was one of those expensive personalised cards that you get printed at photography stores. On the card it was filled of pictures if us together it was just amassing. " happy birthday El, I know you said you didn't want any thing but I had I do this for you cause your my best friend ." She exclaimed I thanked her and have her a big hug then I opened the card and inside was two passes to see BVB live on Friday night. I started fan girling (A/N it's not spelt right is it). "OH MY FUCKIG JINXX THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU EMMA YOU ARE THE BESTEST FRIEND ANYONE COULD EVER WANT IN THE WORLD!!!" I practically screamed.

After that we sat and talked about how we're gonna get their and stuff and we settled on I was sleeping at her place that night and we would go shopping on Friday and we would take her car cause she was on her P2's and could legally drive passengers that are in licensed now.

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