Chapter 7- ed alrert

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A/N: hey guyz

I am bored comment if you have any characters that you want to see in the story please. Also Andy is 19 and everyone else three years younger than they are now.

Luv ya all

Chapter 7- ed alert

Andy's pov

I can't believe Ashley did that all for me and Elise. He fucked some tramp and a booted a 16 year old. Just to get her out of an abusive home and because I love her. He honestly was the best friend anyone could have.

Elise came over to where I was lying in the bed and sat in me. She started bouncing on top of my stomach. It didn't hurt at all though because of her light weight. Thats when it hit me. Elise had not eaten the entire time she had been with us. I picked her up bridal style and sat her on the counter next to the fridge.

"Peanut butter sandwiches, chocolate, cookies, or lollies" I asked Elise. She shook her head and stood up to walk away. "Andy I'm sorry I'm just not hungry" she lied and then her stomach protested like it hadn't seen food in days... Well it probably hadn't. "Elise it's not a choice I'm making you eat before you die because I love you and I need you. Either you can eat or I can take you to hospital it's your choice" I explained to her. "I will eat here then. So cookies" she said.

I grabbed a giant box of girl guide cookies from out of the cupboard. Elise seemed really weak so I picked her up off of the counter and carried her to the couch. "Elise one serve of cookies is 5 so I want you to eat at least 5 and after that were going to go shopping because I need to get some stuff" I said "oh and your not alowed to be alone for the next hour and a half." Elise just nodded at me.

Thankfully Elise had eaten all 5 cookies so we we were off to Marion Shopping Centre which is supposed to be the largest one in Australia. "Is there a hot topic here baby?" I asked Elise. She shook her head. "Andy I feel really dizzy can you carry me?" She

Asked looking really pale all of a sudden. "Sure Eli-bear. Hmm that sounds cute... That's your new name baby" I said picking her up as she giggled.

We got a lot of weird looks from people especially when we went to get the stuff Ashley asked me to get. Two 'emo' teens walking around a mall with one on the back of the other. "Hey Eli-bear ash asked me to get him some condoms whilst we were out and seeming there is no Spencer's in Australia where could we get condoms" I giggled awkwardly. Elise pointed to what looked like a Walmart but it was called Coles. We went in and then she pointed to an isle labels health care. I walked up that isle with Elise on my back till we found the condoms and lube.

"Hey Eli-bear. I had an idea we could prank ash bu getting the smallest size available and writing a note saying these should fit if not get your own!!!" I said. She smiled and laughed. "That will be soooo funny lets do that"she said. So we grabbed a box of miniature condoms for Ashley and as we were leaving I grabbed some large pre-lubricated ones for me.

Elise was walking on her own now so she dragged me over to boost juice. "We'll seems I have to eat I might drink as well" she said I smiled at how she was going to eat and drink now. Elise got a berry smoothie and I got a mango smoothie. We went I a whole heap of shops I have to say that jay jays was my favourite I got a batman belt, a batman tee shirt, and a new pair of skinny jeans. Elise bought some more brackets, a new pair of super skinny jeans, and a black sequin dress that went to her mid-thigh.

We set up the prank for Ashley and then put our stuff away. It was 6 o'clock now and the guys were just getting back from where ever they were. When Ashley got back I told him that they were on his bed.

Ashley's pov

So earlier today I asked Andy to get me some condoms ask he was going shopping with Elise today. I just got back to the bus and Andy told me they were on my bunk. I see them and walk back. "Thanks bro" I called. Andy then yelled " I hope they aren't too big" and then everyone bursts out laughing I checked the box and he got extra small condoms that asshole. "This is war Andy" I said.

Andy's pov

Ash and I had just finished arguing about condoms which now seems really weird. I was making pasta for Elise and i because we were on the move and couldn't order take out. 'Eli-bear come here dinners ready and you are eating it" I called. She came running into the kitchen and grabbed her bowl of pasta and went to the couch with me closely behind her. We sat down and watched batman. Luckily Elise likes batman. Such a lucky boy I am.

"Eli-bear"I started as she snuggled into the crook of my neck. "Yes Andy-boo" Elise replied as I wrapped my arms around her. "I love you" i said.

"I love you too" she replied.

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