Chapter 6- adotion time

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A/N: hey guyz,

I will try and make this a long chapter I promise!!!

Chapter 6- adoption time

Elise's pov

I woke up at about 9 o'clock to Andy stroking my hair. "Good morning sleepy head. Time to get dressed we are going to adopt you today" he whispered in my ear. I smiled at the thought of finally being free. "But who it can't be you cause we're going out?" I asked Andy. "Ashley, it was his idea and he is the oldest and should be the most mature. We're going in half an hour to adopt you" he replied. I giggled at the thought of Ashley fucking Purdy being 'mature'. "so go and get dressed" Andy continued. I walked over to my bags and Andy playfully slapped my ass as he walked out of our room leaving me to get ready.

I took a nice warm shower and got dressed in my black skinny jeans, black one star converses and a BVB tee. I then straightened and teased my black and pink hair. After that I did my make up; foundation, eyeshadow, eye liner, mascara,and lip gloss. I then put concealer on my cuts and put ten tonne of brackets on just incase.

The guys were all in the living area when I came out. Andy ran up to me and picked me up and put me on his shoulders with ease. "Babe" he said. "Yeah" I replied wondering what he was gonna say next. "Your too light, you must only weigh like 45 kilos" he said and then he carried me into our room. He sat me on our bed and kissed me.

Andy's pov

I picked up Elise. Wow she was light... To light probably only 45 kilos "babe" I said. "Yeah" she replied with a confused look on her gorgeous face. "Your too light, you must only weigh about 45 kilos" I told her. As I said thy she looked down as if I had figured out her biggest secret. I carrie her to our room and sat her on our bed. I kissed her.

Before I knew it she had my shirt off and I was taking hers off. I stoped when I saw her ribcage and hips. The stuck out way too far. It was as if they were going to pierce through her skin. I let her top fall back down and I hugged her. She started crying into my chest. "Shhhhh baby... It will be alright the guys and I will are here for you. Shhh" i hushed.

Elise had stopped crying and began to explain how and why she was like this. She explained that Emma would force her to eat and wouldn't let her throw up and how she had not voluntarily eaten in 3 months. I couldn't loose her to anorexia I just couldn't.

We finished talking and we came out of the room. "Hey love birds you ready to go now so I can get my daughter" Ashley declared. Elise and I started laughing uncontrollably at Ashley in his suit as he directed the buss driver to the adoption agency. Ashley and Elise went inside and Jinxx, Jake, CC, and I stayed in the bus

Ashley pov

The adoption agency was empty except a middle aged woman sitting at a grey desk. Elise and I walked over to her. "Hello I am here to adopt Elise Feyy. I believe we spoke on the phone earlier about 'special arrangements' so she could come and live with me in America next month" I said sternly.

"Yes Ashley I believe we did speak earlier about 'special arrangements' you may have Elise if you just follow me out back to fill out some forms" she replied. I told Elise to go back to the bus and wait with the guys.

(!!!Sex scene ahead!!!)

When Elise was gone the woman locked the door and shut the windows. She wasn't exactly pretty. Yet the other chicks I had laid just looked like sluts.

She pulled her clothes off and then pulled mine off. I laid her o. The desk and inserted my 'friend' into her. She was moaning and flopping around everywhere the only thought that kept me same for the half an hour it took her to orgasam was the thought on Elise finally having a family.

Andy's pov

'Where the fuck is ashley?' I thought he had been gone for 45 minutes now and Elise is back. I mean it can't take 45 minutes to sign papers... Can it??? All of a sudden Ashley came in slamming the door and ran straight to the bathroom to vomit. "Hey bro, what happened? Are you ok? Is Elise your daughter now?" I questioned him.

Ash dragged me to his bunk and told me to sit. So I did.

"For her to bend the laws and let us move Elise to America with us next month I-I-I had to..." He said looking disgusted " I had to fuck her. She wasn't exactly pretty she smelt of sardines and she had a wedding ring on... And yes she is mine now and we can take her home when we finish he tour".

Elise came running towards Ash screaming many thank you's at him. "So you gonna call me dad or we gonna stick with ash?" He asked her.

"Hmm... dad cause I never really had one" she replied. He hugged her just like a father would hug his daughter.

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