Chapter 5- Planing time

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A/N: hey guyz is anyone gonna read if vote or fan or comment plz do when I hit 20 reads and 10 votes I will put up the cover competition details. I'm gonna be up all night writing chapters so keep reading and ill keep writing.

Chapter 5- Planing time

Elise's pov

"Andy... I can't stay away from their as he is my guardian until I am 18 or am adopted so after tonight I will have to go back" I cried as he drove us back to BVB's tour bus. "Oh crap, I didn't realise that" replied Andy sadly wiping the tears from my eyes "don't worry we will make this work one way or another." I nodded and we went back to silence.

We arrived at the park that the bus was parked. But before we got out of the car Andy pulled me in and kissed me softly. "Elise I know I have only known you for a matter of hours but those hours have been the best hours in my life. I hate seeing you cry and I love seeing your smile. Would you go out with me? I promise to protect you and be your saviour whenever you need me" he proposed. That was the nicest and sweetest thing anyone had ever said to me and it was at that moment I realised how much I loved him. I would never let him go. "Y-y-yes " I replied I pulled him in for another kiss.

After making out for 5 or so more minutes we got out and grabbed my stuff and headed in. I had share with Andy as their were only 5 beds. Fortunately Andy had the room at the back of the bus which had a double bed instead of a king single with a curtain. The room also had its own bathroom yay.

"Hey guys, this is my girlfriend Elise. She is going through a fair bit of shit right now so I said she could come on your with us. If that's alright with you guyz" said Andy.We heard a bunch of yeahs and then we heard moaning. It wasn't ashley with a slut cause he was standing right in front of us.

Andy realised Jinxx wasn't here and he asked ash where he was. Ashley said that he was in his bunk with a chick that is supposedly his girlfriend Emma. When the moaning stopped Jinxx came out all happy and then followed by my best friend Emma. She came running over to me and hugged me. Suddenly I was bombarded by how I got here and how I got out e.c.t.

Emma left as she had to go home to her loving parents as they wanted her home by 1 in the morning. That's hen it hit me I had school tomorrow. Oh fuck it I'm dropping school my life is all to stressful at the moment. "Andy!!!" I called out as he came running with a worried look " I wanna drop out if school." He looked stunned but he nodded and sat on the bed next to me. "Babe I will support you no matter what if you want to move to France I will move with you if you want to learn to fly planes I will support you. So if you want to drop school I will support you. I love you" he said softly. "I love you too Andy" I whispered in his ear. And then I fell asleep.

Andy's pov

She had fallen asleep I sat next to her sleeping body oh how I loved her and I had only known her for about 6 hours. She was beautiful. I carefully stood up as not to disturb her and walked into the living area where the guys were. They were being noisy so I shushed them. I explained to them about Elise being an orphan and her foster 'father' abusing her.

Ashley suddenly had a plan. Seeming he was the oldest an should be the most mature. He isn't but he was going to act all rich and wear a suit so his tattoos were covered he was also going to slick his hair back so it looked more 'classy'. When Ashley looks like that he is going to go to a child an family services adoption centre and adopt Elise and then she will be safe and we can bring her home with us.

We would do this tomorrow...

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