Chapter 1 Into the world of AOT

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A/N:"I do not own any of the pictures I have put hope you enjoy the story :3"
Miki's POV
I was just sitting on my chair watching AOT choice with no regrets, I was watching it halfway and I thought:"Sometimes I wish I can just go into the world and join them to fight the Titans instead of me doing nothing at home..." I said it out loud to myself and sigh. Just when I said that out loud. The screen froze for a moment and Levi turned to me and held out his hand, it feels like he's telling me to come closer. When I moved closer to the screen I immediate black out. When I woke up again I see Isabel, Farlan and Levi in front of me. Isabel:"Your finally awake! Are you alright?!" She asked in a panic tone. I just slowly sat up holding my head and realized that I was in the underground city, I was wearing a dress but it was all kind of messy and a bit worn out. The sleeve on my right was torn off. Isabel then said:"Are you alright? Your not hurt are you?!" She asked still in a panic voice. I replied:"I-I'm alright." I stutter a bit. I thought:"Omg, I'm in the underground city I'm not hallucinating am I? Isabel, Farlan and Levi are right in front of me! I must be hallucinating!" Isabel then said:"What's your name? My names Isabel and those two behind me are Farlan and Levi, the one who is a bit shorter is Levi." Levi:"Tch." "M-My names Miki Akira nice to meet you." I said stuttering a bit. Levi:"Since your awake now, we'll be leaving." He said in an emotionless voice. I stood up and said:"E-Eto wait a minute. I have seen you guys using the 3dmg gear, do you mind if you teach me how to use it?" I said that because I knew that's the only way I was able to join them. Isabel then shouted:"Levi-bro! We should teach her how to use it after all we have one more!" Farlan:"What do you think Levi?" Levi stopped walking and said:"If your going to stay at our place and learn how to use the gear, learn how to clean first before you learn 3D Maneuver Gear." He said before continuing walking. I was so happy that I could yell but of course I kept my mouth shut. I walked with them and said:"Thank you." I said softly but the three of them heard me and continued walking to where they were living.
A/N:"this is the first time I have write a fan-fiction story. Sorry if it kind of suck a lot but I'll do my best to improve"

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