Chapter 8 Neko

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No one POV
A week has past and had chose some soldiers to join us. The Special Operation Squad. He chose 3 men and 1 woman. The one in blonde was called Eld Jinn, the one with black hair was Gunther Schultz and the one who already acted like Levi was Oluo Bozado and finally the female with range her was Petra Ral. A few days had past, Hanji called Levi, Oluo and Farlan to her lab. "What do you want with us four eyes?" Levi asked slightly annoyed. "I want you to drink those potions I have just made!" Hanji chirped happily. "And what does the potion do?" Farlan asked. "I have absolutely no idea!" Hanji replied with a smile. "And your asking us to drink something which you don't know what it is?!" Oluo exclaimed, "YEP!" Hanji replied with another crazy smile and her glasses/goggles flashed up. "Tell someone else to drink it shitty glasses." Levi replied slightly glaring at the Titan freak. "But everyone is so busy! So you guys are the only one who are free now and I made these specially, I promise that there is nothing dangerous or poison in there! I swear!" She said with pleading eyes. "No." Levi replied. Hanji then keep asking them until they said yes.
Hanji POV
"Alright here you go!" I said still smiling and gave them to potion to drink. I knew what should happen to them if they drink the potion. Once they drank it they will become neko! Then I'll call Isabel, Miki and PETRA to take care of them AHAHAHAHAHA. I laughed evilly in my mind. They drank it then they shrunk. Their skin became fur and then their new neko body were unable to wear their Scouting Legion uniform. I started smiling wider as they became fully nekos
Levi POV
"What the hell happened to our body?!" I yelled at Hanji but whatever came out of my mouth was an angry meow. "Aww, you guys are so cute just wait a moment~!" Hanji said and left the lab leaving us 3 on the ground. I looked over to Farlan and Oluo and they were the same as me except I was shorter tch. Hanji then soon return with Petra, Isabel and Miki. Wait what is four eyes planning? "Ano....Squad Leader why are the cats in here?" Petra asked. "Oh they are not cats! They are Oluo, Farlan and shorty!" Hanji replied with a wide smile then laughed. "You turn them into cats?!" Miki asked in disbelief. "Yep!" Hanji replied in a loud voice. "Is there anyway we can bring them back to normal?" Petra asked. "Oh! It might take time for me to make a potion to turn them back into normal sooooo in the meantime you girls take care of them!" Hanji said. "Alright you can count on us!" Isabel said confidently. She then walked over to Farlan and picked him up and then walk out of the door. Petra went over to Oluo and did the same thing. Miki walked over to me, "I am not going to get carried!" I thought then I tried telling Miki that I didn't want to get carried by her and I would be able to walk fine on my own. But everything I said came out with meows again. Miki bent down then asked:"Erm.....would you want to get carried or you would be fine on your on walking on the ground?" I then walked towards the door. "So that means you want to walk instead." Miki said. "Of course you brat!" I thought. She then walked over to the door and opened it then I walk out. "Wait, what am I going to do now? I have a cat body now, I can't write which means I can't do the papers that Erwin told me filled it up, I can't even train the soldiers. Thanks to shitty glasses I'm useless right now. She better get the potion done quickly or else she's gonna get it from me!" I thought angrily. "Should we go and see how Farlan and Isabel are doing?" Miki asked out of the blue. I nodded my head then we went around looking for them.
Isabel POV
"I can't believed that Hanji turned Levi-Bro and Farlan into cats! Well they are super adorable. But how did she even managed to trick them into drinking those potion?" I thought while patting Farlan on the head in he purred. "Oh Farlan you just purred!" I exclaimed happily with a smile. Even in his cat form I could see his face becoming pink. How adorable is that?! I let out a laugh and this made his face go even more pink. How adorable is that?! Then I heard footsteps coming closer to my room. The door opened and it was Levi-Bro in a cat form and Miki! "Oh Miki, how are you and Levi-Bro getting along?" I asked with a really bright smile. "I'm not sure to be honest...." Miki replied with a nervous smile. I looked and Levi-Bro and his face looked really grumpy and cute at the same time! "Levi-Bro! Why are you so grumpy? You should be happy that Miki is looking after you!" I said carrying the grumpy cat. He let out a hissed and I knew he wouldn't hurt me so I said:"Does Levi-Bro doesn't want to get carried?" I asked happily again. I can see Miki smiling at us. Levi-Bro let out an angry meow this time and I put him back down on the floor then her went towards Farlan and started to speak in cat language.
Farlan POV
"We can't stay like this right now! We have to get back to Shitty glasses and make sure she made the potion so that we can turn back to normal and I don't even want to stay like this for long!" Levi shouted. "Neither do I. I don't really want to stay in this cat form but is there anything we can do now? I mean we can't even open the door." I said looking at the door. "Tch....annoying." I heard Levi mumbled. "Hey, we have 1 more person who got turn into a cat too right?" I asked. "Yeah and that's Oluo, wonder how's he doing with Petra now." Levi said in a monotone. Then Levi walked towards Isabel and Miki and tried to tell them to let us out. But they only stared at him in confusion. Levi was really annoyed now so he walked towards the door and begin scratching on it. "L-Levi? Are you trying to say that you want to get out of here?" Miki asked still confused. "Yes of course you brat! Now hurry up!" He said. "Okay okay, let me just open the door." Miki replied as she walked towards the door and opened it then Levi walked out followed by Miki. Isabel walked towards me and lifted me up so now I was in her arms again....
Oluo POV
"I can't believe that she made me drink that! Now I'm a cat and Petra is taking care of me!" I thought angrily just then I saw Captain Levi and Farlan in a distance with Miki and Isabel. They we're heading towards Hanji's lab then I ran towards them. "E-Eh Oluo? Come back!" Petra yelled and chase after me. She stopped once she saw Miki and Isabel and then she looked at the 3 of us who we're cats. "I'm still wondering how Squad Leader turn them into like this, I hope she turns them back to normal." Petra said. "Well, I guess the 3 of us feel the same way." Miki said. We then walked towards Hanji's room. Petra opened the door and said:"U-Uh Squad Leader Hanji are you done?" "Yep I have just finished the cure! So whose first?!" Hanji chirped.
Miki POV
"Wait a minute if Captain Levi and those two uniforms are there doesn't that mean their....." I said as my face turn a bit red. I had read too much fan fiction about characters turning into acts and the next thing that happen was that they return to their human form but without clothes or anything... "Wait does that mean.....they aren't wearing anything right now?!" Isabel asked shrieking. "W-Well at least their covered with fur." Petra pointed out. "We should really just put the cure on a bowl or something so that they can drink and we no need to see that happening." I said, my face was still red so I turn my whole body to face the door. Hanji then took out bowls and placed them on the floor and poured the antidote inside it. I quickly walked out of the door followed by Petra, Isabel then Hanji. The next thing was I heard Oluo screaming and Levi telling him to shut up and get their uniforms immediately. Then they came out as if nothing had happened, Levi walked towards Hanji with a death glare and said:"If you ever turn us into cats I swear that you will get beaten up by me." Levi said in a monotone. Hanji gulped and slowly nodded her head. Levi turned to me and I tensed up a lot and he said:"Follow to my office now immediately." And then he walked to the direction where his office was. I gulped knowing that I was going to get an endless torture of cleaning later. Both of us entered his office and it was clean. There wasn't even a single dust in sight. "Miki, how did you know that was going to happen?" Levi asked staring into my black orbs. "L-Lucky guess?" "Lucky guess eh?" Levi said and started walking towards me. Okay now I was scared by his movements. I slowly walked backwards and soon my back met the wall and Levi was in front of me now. He was a bit taller than me so it was awkward for me. "I know your lying." Levi said. "I-I-I saw your u-uniforms on the floor so I thought that might happen..." I mumbled trying to make sense of my sentence. "Tch, you should have just told me, there's no need to lie because I can tell whether your lying or not. Do I look like an idiot to you?" Levi asked. "No of course not." I replied. "Good so you better stop lying or else I will make you do the cleaning duties all by yourself, your dismissed." Levi said then walked to his chair and sat down. "O-Okay." I half whispered and salute to him before going out of the door. "There's no need to salute to me since your my friend." Levi said. "Y-Yeah okay, I guess I have this habit now." I said then walked out of the door, once the door was closed I walk towards where me, Petra and Isabel room were and sigh in relief. "What happen Miki?" Isabel asked, "Oh nothing happen. I just thought he was about to give me cleaning duties." I replied. A smirk spread across Isabel face. "What?" I said. "Nothing~" Isabel chirped leaving me standing there dumbfounded.
(A/N):"Oh my Yato of Shinki, so sorry for not updating for quite a while! (>_<) I have a lot of school work and I didn't have time to update so I just wrote a random one for this. Even if it sounds kind of stupid I hope you guys enjoy it .-."

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