Chapter 12 34th Expedition

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(A/N):"This chapter shows what happened during the 34th Expedition aka when Ilse Langnar was still alive and what happened to her"
Ilse Langnar POV
I quickly abandoned my 3DMG gear since it was damaged and begin running away as fast as I could. I took out my notebook and pencil and begin writing.

"My name is Ilse Langnar, I am part of the 34th Expedition beyond the walls, second battalion, in charge of the perimeter defense. On our way back, we encountered some Titans. I lost everyone on my squad and even my horse, my Maneuver Gear was damaged so I had to abandoned it. I am running due north now, I have lost my horse in the lands ruled by Titans." I started. Then it soon begin to rain, I quickly covered myself using the cape which had a hoodie. I then ran to a tree which was the closest to me and took shelter. I felt really depressed. I had no comrades to rely on. I was all alone.

"No human can outrun a Titan on foot, I have no comrades to rely on. My chances of returning to the city protected by the walls are despairingly low." I stopped writing for now and kept the pencil and notebook. I felt my own tears coming out from my eyes, there was nothing I could do for now. I could only pray for my safety that I would not run into any Titans for now. I then managed to sleep somehow.
----Time skip to next day brought to you by Yato buying fake charms..... -.- ----
Once I woke up, I wasted no time and took out my notebook and pencil then I started writing from where I stopped while running again.

"However, if I avoid contact with the Titans, I might be able to reach the wall. That's right, right now I must not give into fear. I have been prepared for this scenario since the day when I joined the Survey Corps. I am the wings of humanity, making it's last stand. I am a member of the Survey Corps! I will fight to the end, even if I end up dying! I have no weapons but I can still fight!" I wrote and jumped over a small waterfall and ran into an open space area.

"I will record my experience on this notebook and do everything I can! I will not give give up! No, I will never give up!" I then looked up from my notebook and a Titan was just right beside a tree near me. I gasped and quickly dodge the Titan who nearly bit me but I got cornered and the Titan crawled closer to me and it's face was just a few centimeters away from me. I could feel it's breathing. And my tears finally came out from my eyes. "I will never.....give up. I have encountered a Titan. It's a seven no six meter class. It didn't attack me right away." I wrote with shaky hands and looked at the Titan. "Is it an Abnormal?" I thought and quickly returned to the notebook. "This is the end of the line for me, this is as far as I go. I have lived a whimsical life. I haven't done anything for my parents yet! I feel sick." I wrote and waited for my death to happen but it didn't. Instead of the Titan eating me up straight away now I heard it talked. I didn't pay attention to what said at first but I knew the Titan spoke. " It just spoke...the Titan it just spoke. No way." I wrote and then stared at the Titan again and it bow it's head at me. I was very confused. Why is it bowing to me? "Welcome." I heard the Titan said but I couldn't heard whose name it had just mentioned before welcome. "The Titan is speaking words that I can understand which was 'welcome' there's no doubt. The Titan is also showing facial expressions, it appears to be showing respect to me. I can't believe it! For the first time in history of humanity, I'm conversing with a Titan?!" I wrote while looking at the Titan who was still bowing at me and I slowly built up my courage to say something. "What....are you?" I asked.

"I asked this Titan about his nature, instead of talking it was making weird noises." I wrote down again and wiped my tears away. "Where did you come from?" I asked again hoping to get answers and I continued to write down. "I asked him for a location but he didn't respond." I added. "Why do you eat us?" I asked again desperate for answers now. "I asked him for a motive." Then I shouted which I regretted so much. "Why do you eat us?! You didn't die even if you don't eat anything ! Why?! Go back to where you came from! Disappear from this world!" The Titan then pulled it's face and it begin to bled. I quickly stood up again. "What's going on?" I thought and made for a run for it hoping it didn't notice me running away but of course it did and the next thing was that it was chasing after me. I quickly ran as fast as possible. "No good, it's catching up!" I thought and finally it caught me. I screamed frighten as I knew I as going to die soon. It put me between its teeth and soon I knew that I was dead just like that.
No One POV
The Titan then made a sound like crying and quickly walk to a tree with a hole and placed her body carefully and it kneeled down in front of it.
(A/N):"Sorry for short chapter (>_<) thinking of ideas now, I'll try my best to make the next chapter as long as possible"

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