Chapter 9 Sick

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No One POV
Levi woke up feeling unwell, he step out of his bed and felt dizzy and his head had gain weight. He managed to changed into his uniform but each step he take the dizziness get worse. Once he stepped out of his room, Farlan and Isabel not far from Levi. Noticed that he was not his usual self, they walk up to him and Isabel asked worriedly:"Levi-Bro are you alright?" "Yeah I am, I just have a headache that's all." Levi replied in a monotone. "Then explain why are your eyes red? Farlan asked folding his arms, "Why do you want to know?" Levi asked raising an eyebrow. "Because we are your friends and we want to know." Farlan replied, "Tch, fine if your desperate to know, I was working on the paperworks last night." Levi said folding his arms now. "Then I suggest you to eat your medicine and rest until you get well." Farlan said. "I agree with Farlan." Isabel agreed. "Tch, it's only a small headache." Levi lied, "Levi..." Farlan said his arms folded again, "Fine if that will stop you from nagging at me." Levi said before Farlan could finish his sentence. "I'm going to get Miki to take care of you." Isabel said and headed to Hanji's office. "Wait! There's no need for her to take care of me!" Levi shouted but Isabel was already out of sight. Farlan just chuckled and brought him to Levi's room.
Miki POV
I was sitting in Hanji's office trying to prevent myself from sleeping. Hanji had call me into her office and start talking about Titans since last night and now she's still talking about it. Just where did she get all the energy from?! She can talk for long hours without getting tired! "And that is why I need Titans for experiments!" Hanji finally ended. "Yeah..." I said half awake. Then there was a knock on her door. "Come in!" Hanji chirped happily. "How can she still be so energetic?!" I thought. Isabel walk into the room and said:"Hanji, Miki needs to take care of Levi-Bro because he's sick." "Shorty is sick? Well that's unexpected. Alright Miki you can go now!" Hanji chirped happily. "Hai." I said and I walked out of the door with Isabel. "Never expected Levi to be sick. How did he even get sucked in the first place?" I asked worriedly. "He stayed up late last night to finished the paperworks he have and do I sense that your worried about him?" Isabel said with a smirked. "O-Of course! After all I'm one of his friends, I guess." I replied, "And just now when we we're still in Hanji's office did you just say that I was going to take care of Levi?!" I added my face becoming red any moment. "Yep, you're going to take care of Levi-Bro for us since we're going to be busy with the cleaning duties with the others!" Isabel replied happily with a smirk. My face become even more red and I sigh. Once we reach outside Levi's room. Isabel patted my shoulder and gave me a thumbs up before leaving me alone in front of Levi's door to his room. I took in a deep breath before entering his room. It was clean as expected from him and there he was laying on the bed, "H-Hey Levi." I greeted him stammering a bit. "So you came Miki." Levi said sitting up now instead of laying down on his bed. "Do you need anything to make you feel better?" I asked. Levi touched his throat and said:"Maybe a glass of water." "O-Okay" I then walked out of his room ten headed to the kitchen to get a glass of water, once I got a glass of water I walk back to Levi's room and entered. I gave him the glass of water and he immediately drank it. I looked at his face and noticed it was red. "E-Eto you have a fever or something?" I asked worriedly. He then touch his own forehead and replied:"Maybe." I sigh and then asked:"Where's your medicine?" "In the cupboard" he replied. I went to the cupboard and grab a liquid medicine. "Tch. I told shitty four eyes to get me pills not liquid." Levi said slightly annoyed, "Go to four eyes and tell her to change it into pills." Levi instructed me. "Okay." I replied and went out of
Levi's room again carrying the liquid medicine with me. I headed to Hanji's office as soon as possible and at the same time praying that she would not talk to me about Titans again. Once I reached her office I knocked on the door 3 times and Hanji exclaimed:"Come in come in!" I opened the door and said:"Hanji please change this medicine to the pills one instead." "Ehehehe....I'm afraid that I don't have pills at the moment." Hanji replied scratching the back of her head. I sigh and asked:"Then how am I suppose to make him drink this if he refuses to drink it?" An evil smirk sported on Hanji's face and she replied:"Mouth to mouth." I blushed so much and shouted:"What the heck Hanji?!" "Well you did ask me how to force shorty to drink this." She replied with a smile. "I'll just pray that he drinks it." I said before saluting at her then head back to Levi's room still praying that he will just drink it. I entered Levi's room again and he asked:"So did shitty glasses have the pills?" "Unfortunately no..." I mumbled but he was able to hear what I said and he sigh in reply. "So are you going to drink this? I won't take no for an answer." I said. "I'll drink it of course. Tch, what do you think I am? A little brat?" Levi replied. I chuckled then replied:"Well you did asked me to go to Hanji and tell her to change your medicine to pills." "Tch" Levi said annoyed, I went to get a glass of water again and gave him both the medicine and water. "You don't need me to help you drink it do you?" I asked him. He just stared at me and I blushed again and then I stammered:"Y-You don't need h-help right?" "Tch I wished I didn't need your help but too bad I'm feeling lightheaded." He replied and my face became red. I was like out again and went to the kitchen and grab a spoon there was no way I'm going to do mouth to mouth.
Levi POV
"Tch she went out again." I thought and  waited for her to come back in. My door opened and Miki was holding a spoon. "I have been walking in and out of your room like an idiot." She said, "That's because you are one." I said smirking a little bit. She just grab the medicine and poured it on the spoon and said:"Hurry up open your mouth, I just want get this over with." She said looking at the window, "Tch." I then opened my mouth when I got closer to the spoon and I drank the medicine then took the glass of water at my table and drank it down.
----Time skip----
I knew I was going to sleep soon so I told Miki to leave once I slept, she nodded her head in response. I soon drifted off to sleep not noticing Miki face was red.
No one POV
Once Levi drifted off to sleep Miki's face became red from embarrassment and she quickly left Levi's room and went to find Isabel and Farlan. Once she found them Isabel immediately pounce on her and asked:"So what happen when you are taking care of Levi-bro?! Did you guys kissed?! Did he do anything?!" She asked excitedly. "WHAT?! Of course not! All I did was follow his command." Miki replied her face red from embarrassment. "That's too bad..." Isabel said pouting, "S-So anyway, you guys are done with the cleaning duties right?" Miki asked. "All done." Farlan replied, " I'll be just on my way to my room to sleep." Miki said and begin walking to her room rubbing her eyes from the lack of sleep then Hanji appeared again and said:"Oh Miki! Just in time I want to explain to you about Titans! Come on! Let's go to my office now!" She said excitedly and drag Miki to her office. "Someone help me..." Miki quietly sobbed in her thought.
(A/N):"Gomen Gomen, I was busy again with my school work and my exams are coming soon ;-; but I'll still update as soon as possible :/ this chapter was just randomly write out so hope you enjoy it! (^_^)"

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