Chapter 2 Learning to use the 3D Maneuver Gear

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Isabel's POV
"I'm so glad that Levi-bro let Miki learn how to use the Maneuver Gear but I guess it ain't easy for her for the first time." I said to Farlan while both of us watch Levi teaching Miki. It didn't work out quite well.
Miki was trying to balance herself but failed badly and she lost her balance and her head got smacked on the ground hard. I ran towards her and said:"Miki?! You alright there?!" Miki just re-positioned herself and replied:"Yeah, I'm alright Isabel, I still can continue I'm not giving up yet." I smiled at her response and went back to where I was sitting.
----Flashback end----
"I wonder when will she rest. She's been at it since we started teaching her how to use it." Farlan said sighing a bit. "Well she ain't gonna give up hope yet. I bet she's willing to do anything that will help her improve" I said smiling at Miki who was struggling with the gear.
Levi's POV
"Tch...focus, if you want to use the Maneuver Gear do it like you really want to use it." I said while tapping my food impatiently, I could tell Miki was getting more frustrated. I sigh and said:"Enough for today. We'll continue tomorrow morning, once we get back start cleaning." Miki:"W-Wait I still can continue." I look back at her and replied:"I said you can continue tomorrow morning do you understand?" I said firmly. Miki nodded her head and we walk back.
Miki POV
"This seems harder than I I know how Eren feel when he got his head smack on the ground hard but worst." I thought to myself. Farlan walk up to me and said:"Miki, when were cleaning make sure you clean well. Levi here likes things to be spotless." I nodded my head in reply. I knew Levi was like the biggest clean freak in the world, I could even tell when I entered their house. It was almost spotless like everything well spotless. Once we reached, we immediately grab our cleaning utensils and started cleaning. I clean the table more than 10 times just to make sure it was clean enough. I then asked Farlan if Levi might be satisfied with the table. Farlan:"It looks clean to me but I'm not sure about Levi, he might say it's not clean enough." Farlan said while sweeping the floor. I slowly approached Levi and asked:"Levi-Kun do you think the table is clean enough?"
Levi's POV
I was cleaning one of the cabinets until Miki interrupt me and asked if the table was clean enough. I walked towards the table and placed a finger on it after placing my finger on table I realize there was not a single dust on my finger. To my surprise this girl sure knows what I want. "So Levi-Kun is it clean enough for you?" Miki asked I looked at her and replied:"The table is clean, help out Isabel to clean one of the room." I said before cleaning the cabinets again.
No one's POV
While cleaning the room, Isabel asked Miki:"After we clean this room, let's go get our gear and help you with it." Miki thought for a moment before saying yes to Isabel. Miki:"But what happens if Farlan and Levi caught us?" She asked worriedly. Isabel laughed and said:"Your afraid of Farlan and Levi-bro?" Miki replied:"Well kind of I guess..." Isabel smirk and said:"Don't worry about it, I'm sure they won't mind at all." "Oh you sure?" The sudden voice made both of them jump and the voice belonged to Levi, Isabel:"Levi-bro when did you came in here?!" She exclaimed. "Right after I heard that both of your are going to train by yourself." Miki and Isabel thought:"How did we not notice him?!" Miki:"U-Uh don't worry Levi I'm going to train tomorrow morning, promise. I won't train late at night." Isabel:"Yeah let's all continue tomorrow hehe." They both said sweatdroping a bit. Levi just let out a tch and left the room. Both Isabel and Miki sigh in relief.
The next morning
Miki was doing better she could balance quite well and did not knock her head on the ground again. Miki:"Levi-Kun did I actually did it?" Levi replied:"Of course you did. Isn't it obvious enough?" He spat. Miki smiled a bit and thought:"Yes I finally did yes! Heck yeah! If this is a dream I would never want to wake up!"
The four of them started using it around the town. Miki was getting familiar with the underground city while using the Maneuver Gear. "So this is how it feels like to be a bird." Miki thought to herself smiling slightly a bit.
A/N:"next chapter will be the part where Levi and the others encounter the survey corps yay! :D"

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