Ilse's Journal (Part 2)

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No One POV
"Hey wait up!" Hanji yelled and followed the Titan as fast as possible trying not to lose sight of it. "Hey where are you going?!" Hanji asked the Titan as it ran deeper into the forest meanwhile the Special Operation Squad took another route to get closer to the Titan. "What's that shit-face up to? Is it running back h-" Before Oluo could finish his question he got knocked over by a branch while riding  his horse and accidentally bit his tongue in process. The others just keep on moving forward knowing that Oluo would be alright and would catch up in anytime. "Even if it's an Abnormal, there's something strange about this Titan." Petra said. "Yeah, it's movements patterns are not like the other Titans we have seen so far or that has ever been reported." Eld said, "No they're called 'Abnormals' because they don't behave normally like the others right?" Gunther said. "I couldn't care less, we're taking it down here." Levi said and took out his sword.

The Titan kept on running not even caring if Hanji was calling out to it or following it. "Is it heading towards a specific place? Even if it's an Abnormal can a Titan do something like this in the first place?" Hanji thought. And finally the Titan ran into an open space and there was a huge tree in the middle. The Titan then stood in front of the tree. Hanji then had more question popping out, wondering what in the world was this Titan doing. After a while, the Titan knocked it's head against the tree a few times. "What's wrong?" Hanji asked getting off her horse and walking towards the Titan who was knocking it's head a few times.  She took out her sword just to get ready if the Titan was about to attack her. "What are you doing? Is this the place where you wanted to go?" Hanji asked and the next thing was the Titan attacked Hanji but she managed to dodge the attack by using her Maneuver Gear and flew towards a tree and landed on the branch. "Whoa that was really close!" The Titan freak said without any fear. The Titan just gave her a look which was like anger.
Hanji POV
I slowly jumped down from the branch and asked:"What is it? What's wrong? I'll hear you out." I said walking slowly towards the Titan. Suddenly Oluo came in and used the Maneuver Gear to get closer to the Titan, he got closer to the Titan's nape ready to slice it off. Oluo:"I've got this!" "Wait Oluo! Don't do it!" I shouted so that he wouldn't cut the Titan's nape, I didn't want this kind of Titan to be killed since it was quite rare to see Titans like this. Oluo immediately stopped what he was doing but he soon got caught by the Titan and and it opened it's jaw ready to eat Oluo until Shorty came along and cut of the Titan's arm off then he went for the nape and cut it off within seconds.
Levi POV
Once I cut off the Titan's nape. I took out a small piece of cloth and wiped my sword and hands which were covered with disgusting Titan blood. "Tch. Are you okay?" I asked facing Oluo who was still laying on Titan's hand. "Corporal. I'll follow your orders forever!" Oluo sobbed and I continued wiping both my hand and my sword until it was clean. "This child......was suppose to important specimen." I heard Four eyes said and I put back my sword to where it was. "Tch...." "If we could've captured him, humanity might have taken the step forward...." Four eyes said kneeling down sobbing over the Titan corpse. I walked towards her and grab her by the collar and gave her a death glare. "Shut the hell up you shitty four eyes! If you want to end up as Titan food I won't stop you but don't you dare endanger the lives of my men!" I said pissed off. "Titans don't defecate, they don't have a digestive system after all..." Four eyes said and I just gave her one more death glare and let her go. "Tch." "Ano.....Heichou?" Petra said nervously. "What is it?" I asked. "Can a Titan do that? B-But.....I-it can't be..." Petra mumbled nervously. "What are you talking about?" I asked coldly. Petra then pointed at the tree which had a hole in it, inside a hole there was a corpse. A corpse without a head.....

Four eyes walked towards the corpse and examine it. "The emblem from the 34th expedition....this soldier died a year ago, the soldier name was...let's see.." Four eyes trailed off trying to read his or her name while I saw Farlan caught sight of something and he picked it up and started flipping through the page and his eyes widen. "Ilse Langnar." Four eyes said the soldier's name, Farlan walked towards me and said "Levi, I think you and Hanji should have a look at this." He said handing me the small notebook. "I can't believe it, why would a Titan do such-" Four eyes then looked at me and asked. "Levi what's that?" She asked curiously. "It's the fruit of Ilse Langnar's labor." I said and handed the notebook to Hanji. I then ordered Petra to take off the Scouting Legion cape off from Ilse Langnar's corpse, her family must have been wondering where her corpse were. We then soon returned back to where Erwin and others were.
No One POV
They soon went back inside the walls. Luckily no one died when they were traveling back to the walls and they didn't ran into any Titan. When they reached back at the Survey Corps Headquarters, Hanji immediately went inside her office and begin reading the journal while some of the soldiers went for lunch and some went to the infirmary to treat their injuries. As usual, the Special Operation Squad sat and ate together.
Hanji POV
After taking a glance at Ilse Langnar journal I then wrote a report to Erwin. "Mr Erwin Smith,
Subject: Resuming attempts by the Survey Corps to capture Titans alive.
After reading the journal makes one thing clear, we are still completely ignorant about Titans I would say. The Titans that Ilse Langnar encounter spoke a language that we could understand and appeared to show her respect. Also, instead of eating the rest of her body, the Titan stored it inside a hole in the tree where we found her body. This seem to be a reasonable assumption. Although this is obvious that such a case is a first in all the history of mankind, we have a responsibility to make use of the information she gave us, recording it to the last moment of her life. We cannot let her effort she had put in towards finding some truth behind the Titans go to a waste, we have to continue to catch the Titans alive to learn more about them, no matter how little intel we gain from such missions, it will not be in vein. I firmly believe that it will play an important part in humanity's fight against the Titans.
Captain of the second squad,
Ha just Zoë." Once I finished the report, I headed towards Erwin's office with the report hoping that he would understand why we needed to continue. After I gave the report to Erwin, I saluted to him and left the room and decided to bring Ilse Langnar's notebook and her Survey Corps cape along with me to bring it back to her parents. I first wrap up the cape first before leaving.

When I finally reached her house, I knocked on the door and her father opened it. I place her cape on the table and begin slowly unwrapping the package. Now showing her cape which was covered with a little bit of her own blood. I then pass it to her father and her mother begin to cried once she saw her cape. I then passed Ilse Langnar's notebook to them and her father asked:"She was a great help to mankind right?" "Yes. She has helped us a lot. If it wasn't for her humanity wouldn't have take another step." I said then stood up before walking towards the door. When I walked out of the door I saw Oluo, Petra and Shorty. "Um..Hanji-San." Oluo started. "You followed me here? Can't say I appreciate your manners." I said. Oluo:"I'm sorry about that time, if I didn't come running along we might have capture that Titan and it might have helped mankind. If I have to give up my life for that it's not too high of a p-" Before I let Oluo finished his sentence I held him by the collar and said:"No, I'm the one who should apologize. I nearly got you killed for nothing. I'm sorry. But never say that your life is cheap again understand?" I looked at Oluo and his face showed that he was gasping for air then I quickly let him go and he fell to the ground hard and as he hit the floor he accidentally bit his tongue again. "Hey are you okay?!" I asked panicking. Oluo showed an okay sign and stood up. He sure recovers fast. While walking back to headquarter Levi suddenly said:"Erwin has come a decision." He said coldly as usual. "I see..." I started but then couldn't help but smile widely and cheered while jumping.
No One POV
A few days later, Hanji had gained support from Special Operation Swuad led by Levi and succeeded in organizing the first ever expedition beyond Wall Maria to capture a Titan. For that mission, a new method of capturing Titans was propose by Hanji was used and not a single human life was gone or injured.
(A/N):"Next chapter I'll write about what Ilse Langnar had wrote in her notebook. Please let me know if you have any ideas for the next few chapters (^_^) lol"

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