Outside the walls(Part 2)

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(A/N):"Before you read this story I just want to tell you that, there will be a lot of gore in this chapter so those who can't stand gore or have weak stomach please do not read it."
Isabel POV
"What are you doing?! Don't lose your focus. We're not out here to sightsee, there's no telling when we could run into a Titan."A female soldier rode beside me and scolded. "Hah! If we ever run into one, we'll clean it right up for you!" I replied confidently, "Baka!(Idiot!) Do you want to be the first person to die?!" The female soldier replied angrily. "What's your problem?" I asked, "You're only able to sound confident because you've never seen a Titan before, you have no idea how many good soldiers we have lost." The female soldier replied. "Titan sighted! Ahead to our right! One 15 meter class right ahead!" Someone from the front shouted. I immediately faced in front to see what a Titan look like. A really fat ugly tall looking giant was running towards us, Farlan:"That's a Titan....?" "Three 10 meter Titans are heading from behind!" Someone shouted. I looked behind us and there were three Titans running towards us.
Erwin POV
Both me and Commander Keith turned our heads around to see three Titans following us. "They're too close for us to slip away Prepare for combat! Equip your 3D Maneuver Gear!" Keith commanded. Three soldiers jump off their horses and flew towards the 15 meter Titan. "Flagon shoot your flare!" I commanded, "Understood!" Flagon replied and shot the red flare into the sky. "Commander, let's tighten the formation, it looks like it's going to rain." I said to Commander Keith, I looked in front of me again and saw one of the soldiers was eaten by the 15 meter Titan, "Dammit!" Flagon said before he jump off his horse and kill the 15 meter Titan."
Farlan POV
We watch from behind and saw Flagon sliced the Titan's nape within a few seconds and the Titan dropped on the ground flat once it's nape had been cut off. "Incredible!" Isabel shouted, "They're more impressive than the Military Police and Garrison!" I said and turned my head around to see the three 10 meter Titan catching up to us. "They're here!" Isabel shouted, "Three of them!" I added. Flagon got back on his horse and commanded at me, Isabel and Miki:"You 3 stay on course!" Levi turned his horse around and his horse was galloping towards the 3 Titans behind us, "Let's go!" I shouted at the two. "Right!" Isabel replied but Miki didn't respond she just turned her horse around and moved towards to one of the Titans. "Those brats! Are they trying to kill themselves?!" I heard Flagon as we went closer to the 3 Titans. Levi jumped off his horse and the hooks from the Maneuver Gear was attached to the tree behind one of the 10 meter Titan. He went under the Titan and spun around and hook at the Titan's nape. He then used the two swords and sliced the Titan's Nape, the Titan then fell to the ground once the nape was cut off. Levi eyes were on us now. Isabel and I went to the Titan nearer to us while Miki went for the other one. Both me and Isabel jump off our horses and use our Maneuver Gear to get closer to the Titan, as we got closer the Titan caught Isabel's right leg, when Levi saw Isabel in trouble he tried to get to Isabel faster by using the Maneuver Gear. Isabel used her swords and cut of the Titan's hand and escaped while I went behind the Titan and sliced of it's nape. We then turn our heads to Miki who already killed the Titan she then walk towards us once she was done. Our horses came back to us and sat on the saddle.
Miki POV
"All Titans have been eliminated! Everyone regroup!" Yelled Keith, "How's that Levi? We beat the Titans on our own!" Farlan said proudly, "We did it bro! We did it!" Isabel cheered, "See I told you we could do it!" I said with a wide grin on my face. "Yeah...you guys did well." Levi replied. "Squad leader those 4..." One of the soldiers said to Flagon, "I'm beginning to understand why Erwin was so insistent on having them to join." Flagon mumbled. Erwin then said to us:"That was very impressive considering that it was your first time." "But you used too much gas, you need to be especially conservative out here." Erwin said to Levi. Farlan was about to say something until Levi raised his hand to stop him. "So you're expecting me to take priority of my equipment over the lives of my friends?" Levi asked slightly annoyed, "You're performing a lot of unnecessary movements. Are you beginning to have doubts? If you are, death will be coming to you very soon." Erwin said before walking away, Levi was speechless, his eyes were a bit wider. "Damn him! He'd better watch his back when he's alone!" Isabel said angrily, "If he speaks one more time like that to us, I'm so going to cut of his mouth!" I sad harshly. "Ssh he'll hear you." Farlan said. After a few moments outside the walls, it started to rain, Levi, Farlan, Isabel and I separated ourselves from the others.
Erwin POV
"It's difficult to see, if the storm get's any worse, the flares won't be any use." I thought, "Erwin should we reduce our speed?" Flagon asked me, "Yes, though I'd like to get away from this open area as soon as possible." I replied and shot a green signal.
No one POV
"I didn't know the rain would be this heavy!" Isabel said, Miki:"We won't be able to see any Titans in this heavy rain." "This is our chance, we'll use the rain as cover and get close to Erwin." Levi said, Farlan and Isabel had a shocked expression while Miki was starting to get worried. "Are we gonna go for it bro?" Isabel asked. "Yeah, but it'd be suspicious of the 4 of us were to break away at once, I'll go alone." Levi said in a monotone voice. "Wait why don't the 3 of you go while I stay behind?" Miki suggested. "No. I said I'll go alone, even if you stayed behind, people will still get suspicious and will start wondering where did the 3 of us go to." Levi replied, "I agree. It's probably best not to move carelessly around." Farlan added. "We're counting on you bro. Go and secure our surface citizenship!" Isabel said, Levi turned his head to face at the 3 behind him and said:"If anyone asks, tell them I went to survey the terrain." he said, "Got it!" Farlan replied. Then Levi rose off, he took a quick look behind to take a glance of his 3 friends. Once he was further away he looked back to the front again.
Miki POV
"Shoot, this is so bad! How the heck am I going to prevent this from happening?!" I thought to myself, I was running out of time and were on our way back to the others. After a while of riding, I saw a shadow of a Titan near the forest and the next thing was, we were ordered to kill that Titan. A few soldiers tried to kill that Titan but got eaten instead. The Titan started to get away. "Follow that Titan! We must kill it!" Flagon commended us. We followed the Titan before we lost sight of it. More soldiers went up to it and tried to kill it but they just got eaten up all over again. The only people now left was Flagon, Isabel, Farlan and I. The 3 of us couldn't do anything, Flagon went for the nape but before he could cut the Titan's nape off, the Titan turned around and bit him by the waist and only ate his lower parts and spit out the top part of his body. "I can't take this anymore!" I shouted and went straight to the Titan "Wait! Don't do it Miki!" Isabel shouted, I really wanted to kill it right now, I ignored Isabel and Farlan telling me not to go near the Titan, the only thing I kept thinking on about was killing this Titan. I jump off my horse and used my 3dmg gear to hook it at the Titan's leg and tried to cut it so that it would reduce it's speed. I managed to cut it but I got a bit over confident. I thought the Titan probably couldn't move so I moved above the Titan's head. Bad mistake it jumped and bit both my legs off, I screamed in pain and landed on the muddy floor. Farlan quickly carried my body and mad me lean against the tree. I saw Isabel trying to kill that Titan. "Farlan go help Isabel, don't worry about me." I said, he quickly went back to Isabel to help her. "I couldn't do anything.....Isabel and Farlan their going to die again." I thought then I remembered the dream I had before the expedition. It was almost just like Eren's one, it was all so similar somehow. "That's it! That might not be a dream. That might be real, if I just bite my hand right now and give it a test, there's still a chance that I could save both Isabel and Farlan, I just have to hurry now!" I said it out aloud, I then bit my hand and then there was lighting and the next thing was, I had transformed into a Titan.
Levi POV
Once I rode off, I was hoping that I made the right choice. While I was riding, Erwin's voice was replaying over and over again in my head then I thought angrily:"Just you wait Erwin Smith, I'll kill you with these two hands !" I then stopped my horse when the vision became clear, I stared in shock as there were blood and corpse everywhere, "What the hell happened here....." I said aloud. I then heard someone fired a signal, I turn my head to see who fired the signal, it was a soldier who was dying. The soldier pointed at a direction and said:"The Titan...." Before he died, I look at the direction where he was pointed and saw footsteps on the ground. "No way! Did we pass each other?!" I said. I quickly followed the footsteps, as I followed the footsteps more corpse appeared, my horse stepped on one of the corpse and I fell off. I looked up and saw 2 Titans fighting each other, the Titan that has brown hair and brown eyes was like Miki, it look just like her a bit. The other was has black hair and red eyes, I look around to see if Isabel, Farlan and Miki was around this area. I saw Farlan and Isabel at a corner staring at the 2 Titans fighting each other. They were safe but I could not find Miki anywhere. I ran towards Isabel and Farlan and asked:"Are you guys alright?!" Farlan and Isabel nodded their heads then Isabel said:"That Titan with the brown hair, it saved me. I was about to get eaten by that Titan with black hair until it came along and punched the Titan's arm setting me free." Isabel said still looking at the 2 Titans fighting, "I think the Titan with the brown hair is actually Miki...it looks like her and her fighting skills are just like this one." Farlan said, I look back at the 2 Titans fighting each other.
Miki POV
The Titan bit my arm off when I was punching it now my I only had one arm left. I wanted to torture the Titan first before ending it's death. I kicked the Titan's head as hard as possible and the head came off. It was still alive because I didn't kick it's nape off.((A/N):"I have no idea why I was smiling when I wrote this... ._.") I then pull out both it's arm off then step on both it's leg before punching it's nape. The body of the Titan stopped moving and landed on the ground. I was feeling tired in my Titan form so I fell on the ground too and closed my eyes.
Isabel POV
We watched as the Titan fell to the ground and I saw a shadow on the nape. A body came out and it was Miki's. Without warning I rushed to the Titan's body and climb on it so I could have a clearer view to see who was the one in that Titan's body. And it was Miki, I pulled her out of the Titan's nape and her face had red markings. Farlan and bro came along and were shocked to see Miki. Me and Farlan were the most shocked, we remembered that her legs was bitten off and now her legs they were there. "Her legs.....wasn't it bitten off...?" Farlan said in disbelief. Erwin then came along and stared at us. A few minutes later, the rain stopped and the sun came out, Erwin then said:"So the 4 of you are the survivor. How pathetic." Bro death glared at Erwin and took out his swords ready to kill Erwin. But Erwin got Bro's hand before he could do anything. "I'm going to kill you...that's why I'm here!" Bro shouted in anger. Erwin then took out something and threw it on the ground. "Is that the document?" Farlan mumbled. Erwin:"These documents revealing Lobov's crimes are fake, the real ones are most likely to have reached Darius Zackley by now, Lobov is finished." "So you knew everything from the start! You knew we were coming after you and yet you let your soldiers die on purpose!" I shouted, Levi put his swords back and walk slowly back to us. We looked at the bodies of the dead soldiers around us, I actually wished that I had at least helped them, I regretted that we didn't help out and just stand there looking at them die one by one. "Don't you will regret it." Erwin said making us stop looking at the corpse around us. "If you begin to regret, you'll dull your future decisions and let others decide for you, then all that's left for you is to die. Nobody can foretell the outcome, each decision can make holds meaning only by affecting your next decision. We're going to continue the expeditions, I expect the 4 of you to come with me, tell your friend to come to my office once she's awake. We have a lot to talk about." Erwin added before getting on his horse and looked at Flagon's corpse before leaving. I looked at Miki who was still unconscious, the markings on her face was gone and she's still alive that's the good thing but how did she get her legs back was it because she transformed into a Titan?
(A/N):"My gosh, so sorry this chapter is the worst out of the other chapters, I was busy with my studies and tried to study and write this story at the same time. I still hope you guys would enjoy it. (>_<)"

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