Chapter 3 Encountering Survey Corps(Part 1)

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No one POV
A few days later, the four headed back from their job, when they reached there was an old man wearing some fancy outfit standing there. He looked up from his pocket watch and stared at us. Isabel:"What's the deal, old man?" She asked in a slightly annoyed tone. The old man replied:"I've come for a job request." Farlan:"Didn't you get the wrong house? This is not the handyman shop." The old man then said:"I promise you a re-" Levi:"Go home!" He said cutting the old man before he could continue, Levi then walk pass the old man with Farlan, Isabel and Miki following. "I've already paid the deposit though." The old man said making them stop in their tracks. Farlan:"Your kidding, right? This is the first time we've seen you." "That's true. But you should already know about him..." The old man said while facing a carriage. A man was helping Jan into the carriage. Farlan:"Jan!" The old man:"His leg is already at his limit, he needs to get treatment at a hospital on the surface. Isn't that right Levi-Kun?" Farlan:"What's the meaning of this?!" "I td you didn't I? It's a deposit for the job, you'll listen to the details now right?" The old man replied. Miki looked at Levi then Levi faced at the old man and said:"Fine, then." They followed the old man to the stairway to the surface. Once they made their way up halfway. Light from the sun shone on them. There was a man in a carriage, he then turn to the old man and asked:"Are these the guys?" The old man replied:"Yes, I've heard they're excellent." Levi then spoke up:"Who the hell are you?" He asked the man in the carriage hiding himself in the shadows. The man replied:"It's understandable that you're wary of me. But you'll learn it's okay to trust me." Miki:"Heh, how could we just trust you?" -(I'll just write his name from here)- Lobov:"The fact that I'm here says everything, I'm at great risk by being here. Have you received the deposit already?" Levi:"I don't know how things work on top but in our world it's called taking a hostage." Lobov:"That's just a contingency plan we laid in place, when you have successfully completed the job, you won't be only getting a huge sum of money but also, citizenship on the surface." Farlan and Isabel gasped at what he said, Miki was not surprise at all, after all she knew what happen.
Miki POV
We went back to get our 3D Maneuver Gear.  To get started, Farlan:"Levi, everything's ready." Levi did not reply but just walk out. While walking Farlan said:"We've got the confirmation on Jan. He's in a first rate hospital." "The identify of the man is also confirmed, this job is the real thing. Are we going to do it?" I added but Levi did not reply he just continued walking.
Levi POV
While walking I rendered what he had said just before we left for the job
Just when I was about to leave. "I'll tell you this one thing. Regardless whether you accept this job or not, the target will still make contact in other words you can't remained unrelated in this matter."
---Flashback end---
Isabel:"Bro..." "Carry on as normal. But if, they really appeared just like he said they would, we'll start the job." I said
No one POV
"They had us! It's those thugs again! Someone call the Military Police!" Someone shouted. Isabel sped up and shouted:"Yahoo!" Miki turn her head around and saw two Military Police members and some people wearing a dark green cape. Miki:"Levi-Kun, their here!" Levi turned his head around to check it out himself. Isabel:"Heh, the Military Police again? They haven't learnt their lesson have they? Hey Levi-bro what I said was a cool line right?!" she exclaimed. Levi the replied:"Are you an idiot?" Isabel then had a bit of annoyance in her face. Miki:"The ones in cape are not the Military Police or the Garrison. Do you think they are the Survey Corps?" They turn their heads around to see that the members of Military lost balance and fell while the ones in the cape were catching up with them. Farlan, Isabel and Miki turn into another direction while Levi was still moving forward towards the end. He then use his two legs to push himself away from the building and manage to see the crest of the Survey Corps. And quickly went back to the three. Farlan:"Those moves, they're not the Military Police!" "Yeah, no mistake it's them that Wings Of Freedom crest, it's The Survey Corps!" Levi replied. Farlan, Isabel and Miki turn their heads around and saw 5 members of the Survey Corps. Miki thought:"Wait 5 members?! I don't remember that?! There was suppose to be 4 members from the Survey Corps chasing us but why is there 5 of them? Is it because I'm here?" Farlan:"Heh, as people who fights Titans they are obviously different from Military Police and Garrison." Levi:"You guys know what to do right?" Isabel:"Of course." Farlan:"It's the job right?" Miki just nod her head in response and they went into different positions.
Levi POV
"Now then, let me see how good is the Survey Corps!" I thought. I use my 3dmg gear to slide inside the window while continue running avoiding the objects in my way((A/N):"like a badass XD") I hope out of the window, when I was about to land on the ground, one of the members came up to me with their swords and tried to hit me. I quickly doge it and turn my head for a moment before looking at the front again. Then someone from above me pushed me to the ground, his cape came off and it was a guy in blonde hair. I fell to the ground and quickly did a backflip to make myself stand up. Once I stood up the person in blonde was running towards me with his swords. I took out my knife to counter attack, one of his knife got swiped away. He quickly took a step back and before I could stab him someone slightly taller used both his swords to block my knife from stabbing him. The other person face was revealed, he also had blonde hair and he had blue eyes. He was about to hit me with his swords but step back quickly. He rushed to me and with both his swords. I stopped him by holding his wrist((A/N):"Does that sound wrong to anybody?") I used my strength to push him. He then said:"Stop it. Take a look around you." I look behind me and saw Farlan, Isabel and Miki captured by one of the members from Survey Corps. Isabel:"Let me go you bastard!" She shouted at the girl who was holding her tightly preventing her from breaking free. Isabel stop when she saw me. Farlan:"Levi!" Miki just quickly look up at me once she heard my name.
(A/N):"So sorry for not updating for quite a while XD I was kind of feeling lazy these few days so I was watching anime sooo yeah hehehe....😓"

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