Chapter 6 Outside the walls(Part 1)

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No one POV
Soon night came, Miki and Farlan entered inside Erwin's office to look for the document while Levi and Isabel stood outside to stand guard. Miki was searching in the drawers while Farlan was searching around the bookshelves. "Dammit, where is it. I thought this would be easy considering how little equipment there is." Farlan whispered softly. "Guess we'll have to keep searching." Miki whispered back but before they could continue, Isabel knocked on the door to let them know that someone was coming. Both Farlan and Miki quickly exited Erwin's office and they quickly left before anyone finds them.
Levi POV
"We won't find it no matter how many times we look. It's probably best to assume it isn't in his office." Farlan said, Isabel then asked:"What? Then where would it be?" "If you were Erwin, where would you keep the document?" Miki asked. "Inside my stomach band of course!" Isabel replied. "Now I don't know that if Erwin wears a stomach band but it's most probably that he's carrying the documents with him and I was thinking maybe we could use the expedition for an advantage." Miki said looking at me and Isabel. "Outside the walls, Erwin and the others will be concentrated on the Titans. We just have to wait for our opportunity." Farlan added. "I see, great idea!" Isabel said, "You okay with that Levi?" Farlan asked me, "Yeah." I replied and the memories of the Survey Corps catching Farlan, Isabel and Miki flashed in my mind. "But I will be going alone." I said firmly but Farlan, Isabel and Miki don't seem too happy about it. "What?" Isabel and Farlan said in unison, "You three just think of an excuse to stay behind." I said. "Bro....Why?!" Isabel asked in a bit of an angry tone. "We haven't seen a real titan yet and it will be our first time outside walls, it may take all we've got to make it back alive. But I'd I'm by myself, I'll manage somehow." I replied and crossed my arms. "But-" Before Isabel could continue Farlan raised his hand to tell her to stop for a moment and he said:"So your saying that we can't handle it right?" Farlan asked me. "That's right, at least that's how I feel." I replied, Isabel stomped up to me and shouted:"How can you say that?! You won't know until we've at least tried! What's wrong? this isn't like you bro." "If you won't stay behind then we're done talking! We'll just wait for another opportunity!" I shouted and nearly glared at her. Then I walk pass the the three of them, I could tell that Miki's eyes were filled with sadness a bit. Farlan:"Levi!" Isabel:"Bro! Wait!" They turned around to call out to me but I ignored and headed towards the rooftop.
Miki POV
As I watch silently to Isabel and Farlan arguing with Levi. "This is so depressing seeing them like this." I thought to myself, Levi then walk pass Isabel and Farlan then me. We followed Levi up to the rooftop, he was sitting near the edge of the roof. "Levi. Let's talk about this, I can't agree with you going alone, that's still just as dangerous for you too!" Farlan said, trying not to let his anger control him. Isabel:"You said that when we first step outside. It'll be all 4 of us at once. Have you forgotten?" Isabel said. Levi just looked over his shoulders and turned back to the sky and said:"It's the same, when you can't see the moon or the stars, the sky up here is just the same as the sky down there." Levi said in a monotone voice, we looked up and the sky was just full of clouds, Farlan:"The colour of the sky sure, but-" "But it's different." Isabel finished the sentence for Farlan. Levi looked at us this time not looking that depressed, "We know that there's no ceiling! It's completely different!" Isabel added, "That's right, the sky is endless. It may be just as dark but it's far different than the underground." Farlan said. "Hey look up there, there's the moon now." I said pointing at the sky while smiling. The three looked at where my finger was pointing and they saw the moon. "The moon is so bright!" Isabel exclaimed, "See Levi, there's a huge difference isn't there." I said smiling and sat beside Isabel, Isabel and Farlan was sitting beside Levi. "Yeah, We're not in the underground, we'll never go back down there." Farlan said, "He's right bro. The the 4 of us always pulled through right? It will be the same as the Titans, let's do this together." Isabel said still smiling. "Levi, believe in us." Farlan said firmly. Levi eyes widen at his words he then look at the sky again and this time there were stars. "Alright." Levi said and smiled "I'll believe in you." He added still smiling. "Oh my gosh! I'm seeing Levi smiling with Isabel and Farlan right now oh my gosh just oh my gosh, okay Miki Akira chill the heck down before they think your an insane maniac." I thought to myself. Farlan smiled while Isabel was cheering away. I then found myself staring at Levi, I shook my head and then said:"Hehe, you guys enjoy your time here, I'm tired after the training today, I'm going back to sleep." I said standing up still smiling and walked back to the barrack. The next thing was I blacked out.
----The next day----
I woke up on my bed, perspiring a lot, I held my head and then an image flashed at my mind.
Someone in a black cape was trying to inject me while I was squirming around to break free but I couldn't, that person had a tight grip. He or she pulled up my sleeve and injected me and the next thing I black out again.
----Flashback end----
"Was that all a dream...?" I said aloud softly. I got out of bed and looked out of the window. It was going to be morning soon, I see Isabel from the top of the bunkbed sleeping. I giggled softly not wanting to wake her up.
Isabel POV
The bell rang, we were on our horses getting ready to set off outside the wall. I was really excited to see the other side. "Open the gate! Today, we take another step forward! Show me the fruits of your training! Show them the strength of humanity!" Keith yelled at the top of his lungs. Everyone cheered loudly, as the gate open I patted my horse, "We will now begin the 23rd expedition beyond the walls! Forwards everyone!" Keith commanded everyone. We set off and now were outside the wall, I stare around in amazement and shouted:"Wow!" Still looking at the surroundings. Levi:"Yeah, not bad at all." He said his eyes fixed on the surroundings too.
(A/N):"Yep, the only way that Isabel and Farlan will not die is by turning Miki into a titan ._. I know, that sounds dumb but hey at least it saves Isabel and Farlan right?😅😨😅😨😅 anyway I just hope you enjoy these chapters so far 😁"

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