Chapter 7 Titan shifter

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Miki POV
I woke up to find myself in the infirmary room. Levi was leaning against the door, Isabel was sitting on the chair beside me while Farlan was like Levi leaning against the wall. Isabel then saw me that I have woke up and said:"Miki your awake! I was so worried about you back then!" She said while hugging me tightly. "I-Isabel y-your going to squeeze m-my life a-a-away..." I managed to gasp. Isabel quickly let go and apologized. "Oh yeah Miki about that time...." Isabel said while scratching the back of her head. "You mean that time when I became a Titan...?" I asked, Isabel nodded her head then Farlan asked:"How did you turn into one?" "Actually....I'm not really sure, all I did was bit my hand and then poof, I became a Titan." I lied but about the biting hand part it was true. "So did you recently got the power or you already have it before we knew each other?" Levi asked in a cold voice staring at my brown eyes. I tensed up a little bit and I replied:"No, I think I just got this recently." "And you lied to us about how you turn into a Titan part did you? I have a feeling that you know more than just that." He said taking a few steps forward. I tensed up even more and replied:"Y-You guys wouldn't believe me if I say it anyway, you will think that I just made it up..." "Why would we think that you made it up?" Isabel asked, "W-Well you you guys remember that time when I said that I was going back to my room while you guys enjoy your time together?" The three nodded their heads. "Well...while I was walking back I actually kind of blacked out, but when I regained conscious I was in my room but I have no clue how I got back there honest. Then I had this vision that a person in a black cape injected was trying to inject me, I was trying to escape from the person grip but he or she was strong. I couldn't do anything, before I could do anything the person rolled up my sleeve and injected me then....I don't know what exactly happen next, I'm sorry, I know you guys are probably thinking I made this up. I'm not good at explaining stuff like this, sorry." I said. Farlan:"I think I get the idea, so whatever was inside that liquid turn you into a Titan when you bite your hand." "That's right, remember that my legs were bitten off. I think my legs grew back like lizards because of my power of being a Titan. That's what I think." I said, Isabel:"Anyway I haven't thank you yet." "Thank me? For what Isabel? I did nothing." I said confused. "Thank you for saving us from that Titan." Farlan said. "Oh that, it's nothing really. There's no need for thanks." I said while trying to hide my embarrassment. "No need to thank you for saving our lives?! You have to be kidding, you risk your lives for us out there and you saved me before I could get eaten by that ugly beast!" Isabel said, I was awkwardly sitting on my bed, I was speechless. "Anyway, Erwin said he wanted you in his office when you wake up, if he did anything to you tell me and I will beat the crap out of him alive." Levi said in a concern voice. I blushed furiously inside me, he's actually concern about me?! "O-Okay." O replied stuttering a bit. I quickly changed into the Survey Corps uniform and quickly go to Erwin's office. I knocked on the door and said:"This is Miki Akira, you wanted to see me sir?" "Come in." Erwin replied. I opened the door and Erwin was sitting on his chair and Hanji was standing at the middle. I stood beside Hanji and saluted, "Sir, what did you want to talk about?" I asked. "About your Titan power, Squad leader Hanji will be testing experiments on you, is that fine with you?" He asked. "I-I-I guess I'm fine with it sir." I replied "Great! I can't wait to test your powers!" Hanji said in a very excited voice. Erwin cleared his throat and Hanji managed to calm down, "And about your Titan power, only us Survey Corps know about this, we can't spread this news out yet. So in the meantime I would not expect you to change into a Titan unless it's necessary." Erwin said, "Yes sir." I replied, "How did you get you Titan powers?" Erwin asked. "Um....there was a person in a black cape, he or she injected me with an unknown liquid." I said. "I see. You and Hanji are dismissed, could you tell Ackerman to come into my office?" He asked. I nearly raised an eyebrow at him but luckily I didn't. "Yes sir!" I replied, me and Hanji saluted at him before leaving his office. Hanji was really excited now, I could tell her glasses or goggles flashed up. I noticed Levi walking up to me and asked:"So, what happen? He did nothing to you right?" He asked in a monotone. "I guess you could say that....but squad leader Hanji is going to do a few test on me.." I said half scared not knowing how will Levi react, "Is it going to be safe?" Levi asked in a cold voice to Hanji. "Depends." Hanji replied her glasses/goggles still flashed up. "It better be safe or else, if I find any scratches on her you will be dead." Levi said while glaring at her not caring if she was a squad leader or not. "Hai hai."((A/N):"Hai means yes in Japanese.") "Oh yeah Levi, Erwin wants to see you." I said, "See me?" Levi said while raising an eyebrow, "Y-Yeah, I'm not sure what he wants to talk about but if it's something bad maybe you would want to talk to Isabel, Farlan or me." Levi just nodded his head in reply and went to Erwin's office while Hanji was dragging me to her office or her experiment room.
Levi POV
I headed towards Erwin's office like what Miki told me. I knocked on the door and went inside and asked:"What do you want from me?" "I want you to be a leader of a squad called the Special Operations Squad since Flagon is no longer around." Erwin replied. "A leader? So does that mean I get to choose whoever I prefer?" I asked still in a cold voice. "Yes, there will be new recruits next week, so choose whoever you like, you can choose your friends too." Erwin replied in a monotone. "So that's all? Can I be dismissed?" I said. Erwin nodded his head, I didn't really salute to him. I then went to find Farlan, Isabel and Miki since it was lunch already. I found the 3 of them. Farlan and Isabel were sitting together while Hanji was talking to Miki non stop about Titans and also asking her how she got her powers and whether there were others people with the Titan Power.
No one's POV
"So Miki are there any other people with these kind of powers?!" Hanji asked excitedly. "I'm not sure but maybe there other people who has these powers too, I guess." Miki replied sweatdroping(anime style) Hanji:"I see, so how does it feel inside a Titan body?" Before Miki could answered, Levi dragged her away from Hanji and led her towards, Isabel and Farlan table. "L-Levi?! W-What are you doing?" Miki asked half shocked, her voice was soft and her face turn light pink. "Getting you away from four-eyes." Levi replied. They then eat together. Hanji came along and sat beside Miki. "Get lost four-eyes." Levi said, "Awww, don't be like that shorty." She said to Levi. Levi glared at her in respond and Hanji just continued asking Miki questions while Isabel and Farlan just watch quietly as Levi was death glaring at Hanji. "These reminds me when Eren and Hanji were talking..." Miki thought tiredly her eyes about to close. "Oi, four-eyes stop making Miki bored with your stories." Levi said making Miki slightly jump at his sudden voice. Hanji:"Alright, alright. Miki we'll begin the experiment later on!" Hanji said and finally left. "Experiment later?!" Miki thought. "Hey, what does she mean by experiment." Isabel asked. "Commander Erwin said that squad leader Hanji will be doing a few test on me soo I guess there's no escape." Miki said while scratching the back of her head. "What will she be testing you on?" Farlan asked. "Not sure but I'm pretty sure that I would find out later." "Oh yeah Levi, what did Commander Erwin want from you?" Miki asked. "He wants me to be a leader of a squad since Flagon and his team are no longer here and he said that I can recruit you guys and a few more soldiers who are coming next week." Levi replied. "That's great bro! Can't wait to get into your squad!" Isabel shouted excitedly while Farlan and Miki just smiled. Soon lunch was over and Miki went with Hanji to do the experiments on her.
Miki POV
I assume that the experiments might be  turning into a Titan again or something even worse or better than that. Hanji:"Don't worry, I'm not going to experiment in you for today. So don't be scared just answer a few of my questions." "E-Eh?! But didn't you just said that we're going to do experiments later on?" I asked. "I changed my mind." Hanji said while smiling. "So Miki, how did you transform into a Titan that time?" Hanji asked me. "Well, I bit my my hand real hard until it bleeds then a yellow bolt of lightning appears and strike down on me from the sky and the next thing is, I became a Titan." I explained. Hanji kept on asking me question and I tried my best to explain all of them. "I wonder if there are more than just 1 Titan Shifter in this world. Just thinking about makes me so excited KHOOOO!" Hanji thought and her glasses/giggles flashed up again.
((A/N):"Sorry if these chapter does not seem to fit the title, I'm not good with coming up titles so hope you enjoy it anyway even though if there are any spelling and grammar errors)

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