Chapter 10 Female Neko

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(A/N):"Hi hi, in this chapter. Petra, Isabel and Miki are going to be Neko! XD"
No One POV
During breakfast, Miki was laying her face laying flat on the table. "Miki? What's wrong? Are you alright?" Isabel asked. "I guess so...." Miki replied mumbling. "You didn't get enough sleep did you?" Farlan asked. "Yeah...Hanji keep talking about Titans and experimenting on me sometimes..." Miki replied. "Miki! Isabel! Petra! Meet me at my office after you have finished. " Hanji shouted at the 3 then left. "I wonder what does she want now..." Miki mumbled
Hanji POV
I was in my office then I heard someone knocked on the door. "You may come in!~" I said happily. Levi walked in then he said:"I heard that you have been bothering Miki for quite a while. After today you better stop bothering her or else I will beat you up." He said with a glare, "Aww does shorty care for Miki?" I teased. "No. Our next expedition is coming up so I want everyone to get enough rest so that they won't be a mess when we're outside the walls." Levi replied in a monotone. "I can't wait to see the Titans again! I wonder if I will meet any rare ones!" I squealed. "Oi four eyes are you even listening?" Levi said raising an eyebrow at me. "Okay! Okay! I get it! I'll give Miki some free time tomorrow or more!" I said. "Good." Levi said then exited out of my office.
----Time Skip----
After a few minutes. Isabel, Miki and Petra came into my office. "Hanji what is it that you want from us?" Isabel asked. "Oh yes! I have a special thing for the 3 of you!" I replied with a smile then hid a potion behind me. Once they asked what is it I'll splash the potion on them I thought to myself. "Which is?" Isabel asked then I threw the potion on the ground which was near them. Instead of forcing them to drink it I can  just splash it on them and there's no need for cute since it's going to wear off for a few hours perhaps? Soon it was all so familiar again like that time when I force shorty and the other two to drink it.
Isabel POV
After I asked Hanji what was the thing she wanted. She splashed something on the ground near the 3 of us then we begin shrinking and that's when I realized that she was turning us into cats! But the good thing is that our uniform shrunk as well so we were wearing the uniform not like Levi-Bro, Farlan and Oluo whose uniform didn't shrink when Hanji forced them to drink it. Once we became fully cats. Hanji was standing in front of us and there were glasses shattered around us. I looked over to Miki and realized that she a got a cut from the glass. Hanji immediately noticed the cut on Miki's paw then she picked her up and said:"Miki forgive me! Let me help you patch that up!" She then carried the 3 of us to a nearby table and put us on top of it then she quickly went to get a bandage leaving the 3 of us in her room. "Miki are you alright?" Petra asked in a concern voice. "Yeah, I'm alright I think it's just a small cut? Nothing that serious." Miki replied. "I wonder what will be Levi-Bro reaction when he sees you with that cut." I said with a smirk. Soon Hanji came back with the bandage then 3 more people entered the office following behind her. "Tch. What do you want from us this time shitty glasses?" Levi-Bro said. "Hold on let me patch her up first." Hanji said then walked towards Miki and held her paw bandaging her paw. "Wait it's not what I think it is right?" I heard Oluo said. "Yep! These 3 cats are Isabel. Petra and Miki!" Hanji exclaimed after she finished bandaging Miki's paw. Levi-Bro and Farlan eyes widen in shocked when they noticed it was us. "Four Eyes.....what did I you do...?" Levi asked and a deadly aura form around him. "Ehehehe..., calm down shorty. I turned them into cats like what I did to you so again I need time to make the antidote." Hanji lied. Levi just confined giving her a death glare and there was an awkward silence. "S-So who is who?" Farlan asked breaking the silence. "Oh the one which is on the right is Petra. On the left its Isabel and the bands she one is Miki." Hanji replied. Levi looked at Miki's bandaged paw then gave Hanji another death glare. "Well like before I need you to help me take care of them and I will work on the antidote!" Hanji said. Then the next thing was that Farlan carried me and looked straight at me then said:"I'll take care of you." He said with a smile and left the office with me in his hands.
Miki POV
"Oluo, you take care of Petra. I'll handle Miki." I heard Levi said and Oluo did the same thing what Farlan did and I could tell that Petra was blushing. Levi without any word picked me up and left Hanji's room immediately. While Levi took me to his room since I know where the direction was going. He carefully held me and patted my head and I accidentally let out a purr and I could tell that he was smirking slightly. "You sure love being patted Miki." Levi bluntly said and I blushed in response. Once we reached Levi's room he put me on top of his bed and room a look at my bandage paw and let out a tched. "That shitty glasses....first she turn me to a cat then you, she injured you and she did a shitty job at bandaging tch." Levi said then I tried to said that it wasn't her fault but whatever I said was a meow. Damn it. "Stay here. I'll be back." Levi said and gave me a pat on the head before leaving. "Why is he being kind to me all of a sudden?" I thought confusedly. "Is it because I'm a cat?" I thought again. After a few minutes Levi came back with a bandage and a bottle of liquid for my paw I guess? He then kneeled down to my height and removed the bandage and used a cotton wool and dip some of the liquid on it and then dap it on my paw and I let out a hiss. "Tch, I know it hurts. Just bear with it." Levi said still in a monotone. After he was done. He then put a new bandage around my paw. I let out a meow as a thanks and he just looked at me and nod his head. I then soon felt sleepy again from the lack of sleep and tried my best to stay awake but failed badly and I heard Levi chuckled. Wait did he just chuckled?! Nah it must be just my imagination then I fell asleep not knowing that I was sleeping on his bed.
Levi POV
I looked at her sleeping form and let out a soft chuckle when her head landed on the bed. I then picked her up and made my way to her room only to meet by Farlan inside with Isabel in a cat form playing with him. I had my usual poker face so that non of them would get any ideas. Isabel then meowed at me but I was clueless by what she was saying. After placing Miki on her bed I grab a chair and sat on it with my legs crossed. "So Levi? How is it to take care of Miki? Farlan asked curiously. "Nothing particular." I replied in a monotone, Isabel then poured in her car form and Farlan noticed it and let out a laugh and he patted her head. "Hey Levi. The next expedition is coming up. Let's hope that most people survive this round." Farlan said. I nodded my head in response then a few hours later. "That four eyes is sure taking her own sweet time. I'm going to check on her." I said and left the room. I went slammed on Hanji's door and said:"Oi! Four eyes? Is the antidote done yet?" I asked with a poker face and a glare. "Well you see Shorty. There is no need for antidote. The potion will wear off until about night time!" She replied. "Tch. Then how are they suppose to eat shitty glasses?" I asked slightly annoyed by her. "Well maybe you can feed them right after they changed back?" Hanji replied with a smile. "Tch. Your a pain in the ass." I said with a glare then left her office and went back to Miki and Isabel's room. I went in and Farlan asked:"So is she done with the antidote?" Farlan asked. "Shitty glasses said that they will change back around dinner." I replied bluntly. He just sigh in response and continued patting Isabel.
----Time Skip----
Farlan POV
It's almost past dinner now so by the time we get back to Isabel, Miki and Petra should be back to their humans form. Me and Levi went to checking Isabel and Miki. When we were almost reaching I heard Miki shouted "Kyyyyaaaa! What is this?! Why do u have cat ears?!" "Miki calm down! There's nothing to worry about. The potion might be wearing off soon. Well at least we have our clothes on right?"  I heard Isabel said. "My yeah your right....but-" Before Miki could finish her sentence Levi opened the door and stood there. "What's going on?" I asked curiously then when I walk into the room I then noticed that both Isabel and have a tail and cat ears. There was a really long awkward silence. When Miki came back into her sense she quickly hid her ears with her hand while her tail was waving around. Isabel then broke the silence by saying:"Levi-Bro and Farlan what brings you two here?" "We just wanted to see if you guys have turn back to normal but by the looks of it..." I said then folded my arms. Both Miki and Isabel sign in unison. Levi then went off to the kitchen to get some food while I waited with them in their room. After a while Levi came back with 2 load of bread. "Here. Eat." Levi said to Miki and Isabel and passed them one loaf. "A-Arigato Levi." Miki thanked. Isabel:"Arigato Levi-Bro!"  She shouted then begin eating on it. Miki did the same but she took little bites and I could feel that Levi was annoyed, he then walk up towards Miki and said:"Stop taking little bites. Do you want me to feed you or what? Or do mouth to mouth? Which do you prefer?" "E-Eh? I can feed myself, I don't need you to help me feed me like a kid." Miki said in a nervous tone. "I'm telling you to choose understand?." Levi said in a monotone. "Hey Farlan, I'm getting a good feeling here. Let's go and get some fresh air and leave Levi-Bro and Miki here." Isabel whispered to me and I nodded my head then said:"Levi, me and Isabel we're going out for some fresh air if you guys need anything you know where to find us." I opened the door and me and Isabel walked out of the room leaving the two alone.
----The Next Day brought to you by Kid and his Waifu Symmetry----
I woke up and found that I was sleeping with Isabel and I furiously blushed. I quickly got out of the bed then asked:"Isabel why are you on my bed?!" Isabel slowly woke up, her cat ears and tail no longer there the reality came back to her. "Farlan?! What are you doing here?!" Isabel shouted. "I'm the one who is suppose ask that. Why are you in my room?!" I asked. "Wait. Isn't this my room...?" Isabel said then looked around and finally relaxed that she was in me and Levi's room. "How did I get here?!" She asked again. "I don't know? Wait yesterday we were going out for some fresh air leaving Miki and Levi in you and her room then....did something happen to them making you sleeping in our room?" I said. We looked at each other then walked out of the room and headed towards Isabel and Miki's room. When we reached there we only saw Miki inside. "That's strange where's Levi-Bro?" Isabel asked. "In his office perhaps?" I said, "What are you two doing here?" I heard Levi asked. "Levi-Bro weren't you in there with Miki last night?!" Isabel asked. "Yes I was, after Miki eat her bread then I went to my office to finish the paperwork." Levi replied. "Then where did you sleep?" I asked. "Tch, you don't need to know that." Levi replied folding his arms. "Now I need to wake up those brats if you don't mind me." Levi said before walking off.
Sorry for not updating for a seriously long time. I was StuDYING, my exams were near so I didn't have that much time to update gomen! (>~<)

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