Chapter 11 Ilse's Journal (Part 1)

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(A/N):"Omg sorry for not updating! I was really busy with school! Hope you like this chapter."
No one POV
Before the Special Operation Squad got ready to go out of the walls. Levi said:"Alright you brats. Make sure that your ready for these if not it's the end of your lives when you go beyond this wall. I'm sure that you did prepare for this, pay close attention to the surroundings at all time. You will never know when those giant filthy things will appear and eat you up. So you brats better not doze off you hear me?" He said in monotone to Oluo, Petra, Gunther and Jinn. "Hai!" The four replied saluting.
----Time skip brought to you by ❤️SoMa❤️----
"Geez I'm tired of waiting!" Hanji whined waiting for the gate to be opened. "Hey Levi-" "No." Levi replied knowing what Hanji was about to ask. "You want me to help you capture a Titan right? That's a waste of effort. I'll have no part in it." Levi added facing forward not even bothering to look at Hanji. Hanji:"Then can I-" "No. I will not let Miki or any of my soldiers to capture Titans for you." Levi said bluntly. "Then what about you Mike? Want to help me capture a Titan?" Hanji asked turning her head to Mike. Mike just let out a 'hmph' and ignored Hanji like Levi. Hanji let out a sigh and said:"Expected as always, boring answers coming from boring men." "The 40th Expedition Beyond the Walls begin now! Forward!" Erwin, the current leader of the Survey Corps yelled as the gate opened. Hanji then suddenly went ahead of Erwin while shouting:"Yahoo!" "Hanji!" Erwin called out but Hanji was too distracted by her thought of capturing Titans and meeting rare ones. "All of the Titans out there, I'm on my way to meet you!" "Tch that shitty glasses." Levi mumbled annoyed and made his horse galloped faster to stop Hanji from getting ahead of herself. Then suddenly there was gun shot sound not far. They then saw the red smoke was spotted not far. Once Farlan noticed it he immediately shot the signal and slowly the are around them did the same thing. A few minutes later they encountered Titans. When some soldiers tried to cut their nape they failed and got eaten instead. Isabel gritted her teeth and jumped of her horse and use her 3DMG Gear and flew towards the Titans and cut of their nape with ease. The other soldiers watched her in awe as she killed the Titans with ease. "How many soldiers died?" Levi asked in a monotone. "More than 5 now..." Miki mumbled normally but Levi could hear anger from her mumbles. "Tch those filthy Giants....." Levi said furrowing his eyebrows.
----Time Skip brought to you by Shizuo throwing a vending machine at Izaya.----
Hanji POV
Once we arrived at headquarters which was outside the walls I immediately went to where Erwin was and decided to tell him about my idea but he keeps rejecting it then I shouted:"Just think about it Erwin! If we capture a Titan later on, it would be a one giant step for humanity! I understand that setting up supply bases takes priority but uncovering the true nature of the Titans has always been our primary objective! I'm sure your aware of that!" Molbit then said:"Ano....Squad Leader maybe it's not a good idea to speak to Commander Erwin like that especially in tha-" "Shut the hell up!" I cut him off. "It's a must that we need to capture a Titan alive above anything else! I know it seems impossible, after all the last time we took 1 alive was more than 15 years ago and more than 20 people died in order to pull it off but we cannot get any intel if we are afraid to make sacrifices!" I added trying to convince Erwin but he simply ignored me and told the other squad leader what to do later. "We don't have the manpower to spare for a capture mission, even getting this far today, more than 10 men had already died." Erwin finally replied, making eye contact with me. "I know that b-" I said but was soon cut off by Erwin rejecting my idea. He then slowly walk out of the tent ignoring me calling his name. "It's no use Hanji-San, we put our lives on the line just trying to kill those damn things, there's no way we can capture a Titan alive." I heard Oluo said
Petra POV
Hanji-San suddenly grabbed Oluo by the collar and lifted him a bit. "Think about this Oluo....let's say that Levi and his friends are planning to kill you. What will you do then?" Hanji-San asked and her glasses/goggles flashed up and a dark aura was coming out of her. "Can you fight Levi and his friends back without getting killed?" Hanji asked and more deadly aura came out of her. "N-No of course not b-but more i-i-importantly....I can't breathe." Oluo replied gasping at the same time for air and I grew really worried hoping Hanji will let him go now. "Want me to tell you how to fight them without dying? You do your homework, find out the place where he works, the food he hates , his taste in women, the number of times he takes a piss.....once you know him well enough, you can find a weakness that you can exploit." Hanji said and lifted Oluo higher and this time Oluo was gasping for air trying get Hanji's hand off his collar. I stood up worried and terrified at the same time. "If you don't do that you will die for sure..." Hanji added. "Hanji-San!" I shouted trying to make her released Oluo. "Squad leader your going too far!" Her assistance yelled. Hanji let out a small 'hmph' and smiled before letting go Oluo. "Ah, my bad but you get my point right?" Hanji said before walking off. "She's damn insane. She doesn't belong here. How did she get in here the first place...." I heard Oluo mumbled rubbing his neck. I sigh then folded my arms and said "You know that you are part of the Scouting Legion right so could you do something about that barbaric way of your speaking?" I said. "Huh? Why do I get the lecture?" Oluo said half annoyed looking at me, before I could reply Eld asked:"Perta, are you done with the restocking?" "Y-Yes Eld-San I'm almost done!" I replied. "I'll help you out with the rest." Oluo said standing up helping me with the restocking and I slightly blushed and said:"Arigato Oluo." Oluo:"Huh? It's no problem." After we had finished restocking I heard a gunshot and Mike yelled:"There's movements in the forest! All personnel, prepare for combat!" "Squad Leader it's too dangerous for you to go alone!" I heard Hanji assistance said. Me and Oluo looked at where Hanji was and she was already on her horse riding off to the woods where the Titans was.
Farlan POV
"Erwin I'm going on ahead!" I heard Hanji said riding off, "Wait Hanji!" Erwin shouted trying to stop her but of course she ignored Erwin. Levi, Isabel, Miki and I were already on our horse then Erwin looked at us. His eyes telling us to go after her and stop her. "Tch that shitty four eye moron." Levi said and we rode off first, chasing after Hanji. "Miki, Isabel wait for the others then follow us." Levi commanded. "Eh?! But I wanna stay with you guys!" Isabel argued. "Tch, then Farlan and you wait for the others." Levi said in a monotone. "Let's wait for the others Isabel." I said and slowed down. "Fine..." Isabel said pouting and slowed down as well.
----Time skip again brought to you by Kyubey the cute evil little incubator----
We managed to catch up with Levi and Miki. Levi then shot a flare gun towards the Titan making it's attention us instead of Hanji. Levi:"This way moron." The Titan then looked at us. "I think we got it's attention!" Isabel shouted. "Hey stay out of my way!" Hanji shouted at us, the Titan's attention were longer on us and it ran towards to Hanji but it soon slowly stop for a while and ran back to the woods. "What happened?" I thought and Hanji made a u-turn and followed the Titan.
(A/N):"Yay my exams are finally over! So I'll be updating a lot now I guess... (>_<) and I'm also slowly running out of ideas for a new chapter .-. If you have any suggestion please comment or PM me thanks! (^_^)"

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