Chapter 4 Survey Corps

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Erwin POV
Flagon slam his hand on the table and said angrily:"This is humiliating! Are you honestly telling us, who have held formality in high regard, to accept these thugs?! Our men's morale will be tainted if we allow those underground scum to join the ranks!" "I am in agreement with Flagon. And to suggest we take these criminals with us on the next expedition?" One of the soldiers said. "I understand your concerns but I can personally vouch their 3DMG skills." I said calmly to the two. Commander Keith then said:"The new formation that Erwin is working on is quite ground-breaking, it emphasizes importance not on how we kill the titans but how we can best avoid them. I believe our casualties will be greatly reduced." "This formality is likely to be accepted as the norm for our forces." I said, Commander Keith:"What those scum lack are discipline and manners, it should only require a short amount of time to train them, they don't appear to be idiots right Erwin?" He asked me, "Correct." I replied. Keith stood up and said:"We'll end things here for today."
Farlan POV
We were standing in front of the members of Survey Corps. A guy with brown hair came up and shouted:"Attention all! From today these four will be fighting alongside with you all! Introduce yourselves!" Levi stared at Erwin before he introduce himself. "It's Levi." He introduce in a monotone. The others just stared in response. The person with brown hair then said:"Levi the first thing you need is goddamn discipline, next!" Isabel took a step forward and took a deep breath and said:"Isabelle Magnolia, nice to meet cha!" "My name is Farlan Church!" I said. Then I turn to face Miki to tell her that it was her turn but she look kind of spaced out a bit but luckily she quickly snapped out of whatever she was thinking. She then walk up and said:"The names Miki Akira. N-Nice meeting you all." Everyone continued to remain silent. The guy in brown hair then said:"Flagon, these four will be assigned in your squad, look after them." "M-My squad sir?" Flagon said while his face was still in shocked. "Do you have a problem with that?" The guy  with brown hair asked. Flagon:"N-No...but shouldn't Erwin handle this?" "Erwin is tasked with the soldiers' formation, the new recruits will be your responsibilities, is that understood?" Flagon salute and said:"Yes, Sir understood!" Flagon started showing us around by the time it was sunset he showed us the barracks. Flagon:"These are the barracks." I entered and said:"There are quite a few." Isabel run in and exclaimed:"Yay! We're all in the same room!" Then Miki came in followed by Levi. Flagon turn to Isavel and said:"Women have a separate section." Isabel:"What?! I wanna stay here!" She whined. Flagon:"You two men will stay here." He said pointing at a bunk bed. Levi walked towards the bunk bed and run his hand on the wood. Flagon:"You lot have been living in the dumps of the underground but try to keep this place clean." Levi turned his head around and said:"Huh?" He said in a slightly annoyed tone, he walked closer to Flagon with a deadly glare, Miki, Isabel and I was standing there speechless. Flagon:"Wh-What is with that look? How dare you approach a superior officer with that attitude-" I stood in front of Levi and quickly said:"Sorry! Got it, we'll keep this place clean." I salute once I finished my my sentence. Flagon:"Tch, you'll begin training first thing tomorrow, got it?" He said turning around and shouted:"Your hand's upside down!" Before walking away. I reposition my hand when he told me that.
Isabel POV
Farlan, Miki and I turned to Levi who was still cleaning his hand with a piece of clean cloth, "Don't pull out any more stunts than that Levi. We've got enough eyes on us already." Farlan said "Did you not hear what he said to us from his dirty mouth?" Levi said in a  slightly  annoyed tone. "You do know that we did not get caught here by accident right?" Miki said, "I hope you haven't forget about why we're here in the first place, Levi." Farlan added. Levi replied:"Yeah I know."
No one POV
Lobov:"The Survey Corps are likely to come after you, be sure to put up a little resistance, there are two things that you will need to do for me, first you have to obtain a certain document which is in possession of Erwin Smith and secondly, kill the Survey Corps' leader Erwin Smith. Those are your jobs."
----Flashback end----
Levi POV
A few minutes later, I walked pass Erwin and the memories of him threatening me and my friends appeared in my mind, I thought:"The one who is going to kill him will be me!"

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