Encountering Survey Corps (part 2)

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Levi POV
I dropped my knife and let go of his wrist. "Your quick in reading the situation." The man in blonde said to me, I gave him a glare in respond. We were on our knees and our hands were chained up, the man in blonde then asked us:"Where did you get 3D Maneuver Gear?" We remain silent. "You guys are skilled with the gear, who taught you all that?" We still remain silent. The man in blonde then walk up towards me and asked:"You're their leader right? Were you trained in the military?" I continue to stay silent and gave him a glare instead then someone from behind me grab my head and smashed it on a small puddle of dirty water.
Miki POV
I saw Mike smashed Levi's head into the water, I shot a death glare at Erwin then Mike. Levi somehow managed to turn his head to glare at Erwin. Erwin then asked Levi again:"I'll ask you one more time, where did you learn to use the 3D Maneuver Gear?" "We learnt it by ourselves! No one taught us how to use it!" I shouted, Erwin faced at me and said:"Self-taught you say? I don't buy it." Farlan:"It's just so we're able to rise even a bit in this dirty garbage place, people who're used to sunlight like you guys won't understand!" He shouted angrily, Isabel:"That's enough! Let Bro go! Don't be cocky just you're soldiers!" She shouted at Erwin, Erwin look from us to Levi who is still gritting his teeth while glaring at him. Mike pulled him out of the dirty water and made him face Erwin straight in the face. Erwin bend down and asked:"My name is Erwin Smith and yours is?" "Levi." He simply said in a monotone voice. Erwin:"Levi why don't we make a deal?" He asked, Levi:"A deal?" Erwin:"I will let your crimes go unpunished, in return you lend me your strength. Join the Survey Corps." Levi:"And if I refuse?" "The Military Police will have you. Considering all of your crimes, you and your friends wont be treated very nicely." Erwin replied while standing up, his eyes still staring at Levi. "Choose whichever you prefer." Erwin added. Levi:"Fine, I'll join the Survey Corps."
(A/N):"Sorry this story was kind of short😓 but hope you enjoy it anyway, sorry if it kind of suck my english ain't that good😅"

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