Chapter 14

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No One POV
The day after the 4 went to the town. They decided to stay in the camp on Sunday. Levi took this opportunity to clean his office and tell the others who was in the camp to clean up the mess hall or their room until they were sparkling clean. Levi was about to knock on the door where Miki and Isabel's room were until Isabel stopped him out of nowhere. "Levi-Bro don't knock on the door!" Isabel half whispered. "Tch, why can't I knock on the door?" Levi asked annoyed. "Miki isn't feeling well today! She's sick so you might not want to disturb her unless you want to be the one who will be taking care of her." Isabel said ending with a smirk. Levi stayed silent for a moment then sighed, "Tch, are you sure she's sick?" Levi asked. "Yep she is. If you don't believe me you can go and see for yourself Levi-Bro." Isabel said folding her arms. Levi raised an eyebrow and opened the door to find Miki resting on the bed with a towel on her forehead. "So Levi-Bro. Do you want to take care of her?" Isabel asked again. ".....Fine but don't get the wrong idea." Levi said in an annoyed tone. "Hai hai, I got it Levi-Bro." Isabel said and walked off as Levi closed the door when he entered Miki's room.
Miki POV
"Jeez, why did I even want to train yesterday although it was raining? God Levi is gonna kill me for sure." I thought and close my eyes as I tried to sleep but I couldn't. My throat was dry as a desert and I felt dizzy and my head feels heavy like a rock. I didn't notice a presence sitting on a chair beside my bed where I was resting until I felt something remove the drenched towel from my forehead and their palms touched my forehead. I opened my eyes a little and my face grew redder, it was Levi who was touching my forehead! "" I said. Due to my dry throat it was hard for me to talk. "Tch, I'll get you some tea." Levi said and walked out of my room to get tea.

After a few minutes, he finally came back with two cups of tea and a towel. "A-A-Ari...gato Levi." I thanked. "Drink your tea, your throat should feel better once you drink it." Levi said handing a cup of tea to me. I nodded my head slightly before drinking the tea. "So, how did you get yourself in this state?" Levi asked out of the blue. "I u-uh...." I'm going to die soon. Levi is going to kill me for sure. Levi was staring at me right now which make me even more uncomfortable now. "I-I was l-l-last night." I said softly. God damn my throat. Levi just stayed silent for a moment then he sighed and said:"I should have known." He stood up and said:"Tch, I'm going to change your towel and get your medicine." He then left the room.
Levi POV
That brat really is stubborn sometimes. Training in the filthy rain last night, tch. Four eyes better not get the wrong idea or else I'm going to beat the hell out of her.

I made my way to Shitty glasses's office. I knocked on the door and entered before four eyes could say anything. "Oh Levi! What brings you here?!" She asked happily. "Tch, four eyes you know that one of my soldiers happen to be sick today right?" I said in a monotone. "Yep! It was Miki right?" Four eyes said as she put a finger on her chin.
"Wait don't tell me you're the one wh-"
"Just give me the medicine." I said in a slightly annoyed tone while giving her a death glare. "Hai hai I got it Shorty, just give me a second to get her medicine." Shitty glasses said and went to get the medicine. After a few minutes Shitty glasses came back with Miki's medicine and handed it over to me. I was about to walk out of the room until four eyes shouted:"Have fun taking care of your Miki!" "Tch, do you want to die four eyes?" I said with an deadly aura before leaving the room.
Hanji POV
After Shorty left the room I thought that maybe I should follow him, yeah I should since he looks like he was hiding something. Well whatever it is I'm going to find out. I followed him to the kitchen, he just getting a glass of water. I then followed him and stopped in my tracked when I saw him entering Miki's room. "Oho! This should be interesting!" I thought to myself.
----TimeSkip brought to you by Nigou chasing Kagami----
Levi soon came out with a towel on his hand. He headed towards the kitchen again and filled a bucket with water. After filling the bucket with water, he placed the towel in and carried it to Miki's room with no problem at all. "For a shorty like him, he sure is strong." I thought. I then slowly walked towards the door and tried not to make any sounds. I then leaned my head against the door.
Miki POV
I already ate my pills thanks to Levi. He replaced my dry towel with a new one. Well this is very awkward. "S-Say Levi, w-why did are you taking c-care of me? You have paper works to do right?" I asked nervously. "I've already finished with what I'm doing." Levi replied in a monotone.
----TimeSkip again----
No One POV
A few minutes later. Miki finally fell asleep. "Tch, you're so troublesome." Levi mumbled as he looked at the sleeping figure and he blushed a little bit. ((A/N):"Well that is rare and a bit OOC I guess? XD")
Before he stood up, Levi blushed a little bit and pecked her forehead and Hanji happened to saw that as she opened the door a little bit earlier. Levi then sensed that someone was watching him and turned his head towards the door and half of Hanji's face could be seen. She was smiling. Levi's reaction immediately changed to anger and annoyance, a dark aura could be seen from Levi. He then ran towards the door and Hanji made a run for it. After closing the door behind him, Levi begin chasing after Hanji. Hanji:"AHAHAHAHA I KNEW IT! SHORTY LIKES NO L-" "SHITTY GLASSES GET BACK HERE!" Levi shouted at Hanji while running. "I AM SO GOING TO TELL THIS TO EVERYONE!" Hanji exclaimed happily. "FOUR EYES GET BACK HERE!" Levi shouted.
Sorry for not updating for so god damn long ;-; I will make sure that I can update as soon as possible next time (T ~ T) for now I hope you enjoy this chapter ssu! ^_^ if Levi was a little bit OOC Gomen! >_<

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2015 ⏰

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