Cooking (Kurapika x reader)

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It is only of those peaceful days when there is no paperwork to do or Neon's ramblings.

Just Kurapika enjoying the moment of sitting on the sofa while reading a book quietly by himself.

Unfortunately though, this peacefulness always last shorter than the few pages that he would have manage to read through.

This time, it was a loud clash that could be heard in the kitchen followed by a feminine squeal.

Only one person would be able to make that noise.


Not Neon -_- Ew.

It was you.

There were sounds of kitchen equipment and the clanging was just getting on his nerves.

He shut his eyes, giving out a long sigh before closing his book shut and placing on the table beside him.

Seriously, now what were you up to this time?

The last time you got yourself in trouble was when you scalded yourself with a pot (It happened to me ._. Ouchie...) and you were literally bawling at the burning sensation on your arm. He didn't want that to happen again.

No way was he letting you off to roam in the kitchen on your own again.

He briskly walked towards the kitchen with the sound of his shoes clicking gently against the tiled floors. When he reached the kitchen door, he was greeted by a silver haired girl stumbling to get on her own feet, followed by colorful words coming out from her mouth.

You were grumbling to yourself about how you got yourself into this mess.

Apparently, Neon seems to like to make you do things out of your comfort zone. She knew you were clumsy and all and made(force) you to make her something for her in the kitchen.

"Damn! That little brat....she really knows how to piss me off!" You cursed.

Unknowingly, Kurapika is watching you and coughed awkwardly to get your attention.

"(Y/n)..." You whipped your head around to see Kurapika standing at the doorway, looking around at the mess you made.

"Er..hehe....sup Kurapika....didn't expect you to be here...I was know..." You giggled nervously, scratching the back of your head. You were embarrassed at the fact that Kurapika seeing you in such a state.

Kurapika sighed and finally spoke. "It's Neon isn't it?"

Well, he isn't that clueless as it seems.

You nodded and smiled sheepishly. He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. 'Sigh...she can be a pain sometimes(most of the time)...' He steps closer and picked up the cook book that sprawled carelessly onto the ground. He flipped to the page that was bent and found the (f/n) you wanted to make. His eyes scanning through the pages and you standing there, tilting your head slightly.

Sometimes its hard to tell what Kurapika is thinking.

After that, his gray orbs turned to lock with yours and he gave you a charming smile.

"Shall we get started then (Y/n)?"

Your eyes beamed with happiness and you gave him a nod. 





Well, to think that you were the clumsy one. Kurapika was even clumsier than you thought when it comes to handling basic kitchen equipment. You tried not to snort out a laugh at his actions, though it made Kurapika even more confused when you covered your mouth and there tears coming out from the side of your eyes.

" everything alright? You didn't hurt yourself did you?" Kurapika asked, with a hint of concern and confusion laced in his voice.

"Pfft...n-noo....e-every-things f-fine..!"

You can't help but feel bad for laughing but you were also touched that he cared so much for you.

'Dammit Kurapika! You don't have to be so nice you know! I'm practically laughing at you..! >~<'


You immediately stopped laughing and whipped your head to see Kurapika staring at you again.


"Err....your hands are now covered with the batter..."


Your eyes widened and you looked down to see the mess you've made.

Probably from laughing, you accidentally misplaced your hand into the bowl of batter you supposedly made with all your hard work and effort. But now how were you supposed to throw it away? You didn't want to let it go to waste.

However it seems that Kurapika knew what you were thinking.

He gently encircled his fingers around your wrist and brought your hand close to him. Your face heated up when you felt his breath at the tips of your fingers.

"W-wait..! Kurapika?? What are you doing?" You spluttered out.

"Eh? Should I stop?" Kurapika eyed you curiously.


" don't want it to go to waste do you? Besides, it's you who made it. I wouldn't let it be wasted."

With that, he placed his lips close to one of your fingers and began caress it gently. You stiffened at his actions, but didn't pulled your hand back. Kurapika took it as a sign to continue and he used his tongue to go over the batter, licking it up clean.

You whimpered as his tongue goes over your fingers repeatedly, leaving no batter left on your skin untouched.

"'s really good (y/n). Though, there's still more left to go..." Kurapika stopped to looked at you.

You face turned beet red and you turned away quickly, trying to hide your face. He only chuckled at your reactions.

How he finds it amusing when you make these kind of cute faces. It made him want to tease you more. He placed your finger into his mouth and began to suck it , causing you to flinch and you covered your mouth to prevent lewd noises form coming out. (0-o) omg I feel weird while writing this..

'Oh boy...this will take a long time.'


  Extended ending:

  "Would you like to try out (f/n)?" Kurapika asked you.

"Sure." You took a bite out of Kurapika's (f/n)and savor the taste your mouth.





"How is it (y/n)?"

Your face suddenly turned green and you rushed to the sink and threw up the contents.

"E-eh?? What's wrong (y/n)? Are you okay?"

Then, you remembered.

That's right.

Kurapika wasn't a great cook at all.

You knew Menchi didn't fail him for nothing during the test. But it seems like he didn't know what was wrong with it.

'Maybe I shouldn't let him be in the kitchen next time.(unless it's for Neon-sama~)'

Sorry for the wait. You can't let Kurapika be a perfectionist all the time, right?                                              Haha I'm sure he is not good at something at least. When it comes to cooking.

Do comment and like it :) If possible do give me some ideas on a title or subject for the Drabbles and I will think of a chappie to write for it! You can just comment here or pm me~ Thanks and I will try to update as soon as possible~

Signing off,

the girl who likes to dream~(author-chan)

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