Torn Apart (Yandere! Kurapika x Reader)

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An old request that was due long ago ;-; but here yo go! I love making yandere charcters, I think they are easily misunderstood in alot of ways and always portrayed as the bad person...

I can definitely see Kurapika as a yandere. Who else would you like to see next? I'm working on Yandere! chrollo and Illumi P2 as of now~💕

It has been over a year ever since you joined the Phantom Troupe. You thought you have found something that you really cared about but it wasn't until you met him.


You met him during the hunter exam. At first, it was an accidental crush before it turned into something more. You smiled, looking back at how Kurapika used to be shy and would easily flush when you made body contact with him, even if it's just you leaning your head on his shoulder. Soon the two of you ended up falling head over heels for each other.

Killua would tease him about it, Gon being a sweetheart congragulated the both of you saying how the two of you look cute together and Leorie, being Leorie, was bawling his eyes out when he realized Kurapika was already in a relationship with a girl while he's still single (and ready to mingle). 

(It's okay Leorie, you're a good person :')) ily 💕)

During your first few months with him, he was polite and rather reserved, not opening up his personal life towards you. Only then, did you realize his reason for living and becoming a hunter. It was the thing that was most important to you. The Phantom Troupe.

The group of bandits that he despised so much and was his fuel for his undying hatred and powers was the family that you grow to love and cherish.  You chuckled, realizing that love wasn't as easy as it is. You were afraid to tell him the truth.

If he knew, would he hesitate to kill you? Would he resent you like he did with the spiders?

"What's wrong (y/n)?" You felt someone's arm wrapped around you, pulling you close to him. You smiled, leaning into him.

"Ah. It's nothing Kurapika.. Just doing a lot of thinking." He looked at you, not saying a word before speaking.

"I see... If there's anything on your mind you can tell me. I'll always he here for you." He rubbed his hand along your arm lovingly, before kissing your temple softly.

You blushed, still not used to his sudden change in affection towards you, but it made your heart flutter, seeing how much he has changed overtime as he learnt to reciprocate the amount of passion you did for him.

"Alright lovebirds,break it off now. Time to train. " you heard the sound of your Master voice, making you pushed Kurapika away from you, a little too hard, making him fall off the log onto the ground.

You glared at your Master accusingly, who tried to fight back a grin, as he watched you becomed embarrassed from being caught.

"S-Shut up! We were just warming up! "



"Hmm who's that you're texting Kurapika?" you peered over his shoulders curiously. He sighed, before typing in the last words to the recipient.

"You don't want to know." You cocked your head to the side as you squint your eyes to see the name of that person. You felt yourself shudder, seeing the familiar name on his screen.

"Oh... Wait, you're going to meet him at Yorknew? " this time, he turned to face you, his expression serious.

"Yes, it's really important. And I'm looking for a job that is related to the Yorknew auction. And-" Then he paused mid-sentence as if contemplating on his choice of words. You smiled, urging him to continuing. "Could you come with me?"

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