His prized possession (Yandere! Hisoka x reader)

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Two stories in a day •̀.̫•́✧ I hope it makes up for not publishing for more than a year (´;ω;`)ブワッ *a poor excuse for not being productive*

Please let me know what you guys think, and what other yandere characters you would like to see?

And also,

May the 4th be with you!! 👽👽👽

And also disclaimer for those who dislike yandere themes..

Trigger warning : killing, blood, yandere theme, anxiety disorders

You froze upon hearing a familiar voice. "Where are you going?" Hisoka raised a brow as he stood at the doorway, his hand on his hips as he awaited for your reply.

“Do you need me to come with you?” He asked, but you knew even if you had rejected his offer he wouldn't bother to listen.

Not like he ever did.

However, even then, you could not bring yourself to look at him in the eyes. You stood rooted as you stared hard on the ground, not daring to see his curious expression. Hisoka shuffled closer towards you, he only paused when his eyes trailed to see the drawers left open and visibly empty, mostly your belongings were gone, and a large suitcase at the front of the bed. His expression turned dark for a brief second when he finally put the pieces together.

He contemplated whether to say something but instead probing you for an explanation, he simply walked past you in silence as he flipped over on his back, laying spread eagle across the bed.

For a minute, it was silent and you felt yourself getting annoyed from his lack of response.

When you turned around ready to give him a piece of your mind, Hisoka was still sprawled on the edge of the bed, as he mindlessly played with his stray hair that fell out (from his overly gelled hair). But you could not miss the pout on his lips that indicated otherwise.

Normally, you would have swooned at his occasional displays of adorableness, but now you felt repulsed, and just  disappointed at how dismissive he was towards you.

"Why?" He finally said, his golden orbs turned to meet yours. You bit your lip nervously, you weren't sure what Hisoka was thinking seeing how he was always good in concealing his true intentions.

Even till now, you can't even read him. But you knew it was better to tell the truth than to lie. He wasn't stupid.

If anything, being with him for a few years now, he could read you like a book.

"I'm tired, Hisoka...you are never there when I needed you.." You started in a shaky breath.

"I just need a break...a breather to think.." You sighed, running your fingers through your hair.

Even though you were not looking at him directly, Hisoka noted the mixed emotions and the body language you were currently displaying. It was as if you didn't want to go but had to.

He couldn't fathom as to why you would leave him over something so trivial.

Did you really miss him that much?

A swell of pride filled his chest knowing that you desire for his attention so much that your eyes were now at the brink of tears as you tried to stop yourself from displaying any signs of weakness.

How he wanted to torment you further but he bit back a moan, his eyes now clouded in lust. Not now.

"I see..." Hisoka lifted himself up from the bed and stood up. The palm of his hand was covering his eyes, shielding himself from showing any signs of emotions as he laughed softly.

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