Someone Like You Pt 1 (Illumi x reader x Killua)

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"Illumi. "

"Yes (Y/n). " Illumi shifted his gaze towards your form. His eyes narrowed slightly, you were being rather formal with your words.

When you felt his attention was fully focused on you, you breathed in sharply before speaking.

"Let's break up. "

His eyes widened slightly before returning back to normal, his expression was inscrutable, though it wasn't the least surprising to you. Considering if he had any emotions to begin with.

Letting out a shaky breath, you moved away from his stare and he watched you closely as you rubbed your eyes hastily.

"What are you trying to say?" Despite his words, his voice remained impassive which wasn't the least you expected.

"I-I'm sorry for acting like this... It's just not working out. " you smiled and bowed lightly, both out of respect and also to cover the tears that were threatening to fall. This so called relationship wasn't meant to be. It was just an arranged marriage.

There wasn't any love, just a one sided thing. No matter how much you liked him, you knew that he would not return it. It was best to let him go. It was the last. You had enough.

Without wasting any time, you hastily made your way out. And that was when you broke down and cried. Cried because of not being strong enough, because you were naive enough to fall for him, feeling foolish to think that he would chase after you.

It was a mistake.

Yet, you felt relieved at the same time.


It was exactly 2 months already. You have not received any news from him, he did not call you or even went to see you. Not like you wanted to do anything with the Zoldyck family.

You sighed, looking over at the other couples outside the cafe, laughing and enjoying themselves like they have nothing to worry about.

You smiled, how nice would it be to meet someone like that.

"(Y/n)?" You froze instantly as you felt someone tapped your shoulder. Your eyes turned to meet a familiar pair of royal blue eyes staring right back at yours.

"It's been a while since I've last seen you in the mansion." He commented, his lips curved up slightly as he beamed down at you.

"Oh yeah it has, Killua." You replied curtly, earning a confused look from him. He shrugged it off before taking a seat across you. He rest his chin on the back of his hand and stared back at your (e/c).

"W-what?" You looked away, feeling uncomfortable at his gaze.

'Staring at people does run in the blood of the Zoldyck family.'

"So why did you break off the engagement with my brother? " he asked, almost too straightforwardly.

You sighed, staring down at your cup of tea before continuing, "It's complicated. This whole engagement thing wasn't my idea or his. It was planned out. And... " You paused for a moment, you tried to say it but the words couldn't come out.

Why? How did you feel about Illumi now? Did you regret breaking off with him? But why would you? You gritted your teeth, suddenly feeling overpowered and conflicted with your emotions.

However, your train of thoughts were knocked off when you felt a warm hand placed against yours.

Your eyes darted quickly to meet his, and this time you felt your heart fluttering helplessly, pounding with confusion and something else.

"Hey, look I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring this up. I was just curious to why you didn't turn up to visit." He quickly said.

"Well... and I kinda missed seeing you.. " he added softly, looking away as a light shade of pink dusted across his cheeks.

You chuckled softly at his comment, your own fingers automatically wrapped around his own, returning his gesture.

"I missed you too. "

His eyes lit up at your words before turning back to meet yours and he grinned, almost child-like, which you found it rather adorable. For the next few hours, the both of you started off by making small talks before it went to jokes and nonsensical stuff between the two of you.

You realized that you've never really talked to Killua back in the Zoldyck estate despite dropping by occasionally and much to your surprise, you felt enjoyment and at ease being able to talk to him so causally.

An image of Illumi flashed through your mind, your expression changed at the thought of him. However, your facial expression did not go unnoticed as Killua caught on quickly but he kept quiet as he kept on a cool facade.

'It takes time, but I will make it right.'


"Let me walk you back home (Y/n). It's getting late and I can't let you go back alone."

You smiled sheepishly, thanking him before walking with him.

As Killua walked slightly ahead of you, your eyes automatically turned to observe his form.

How long has it been since you've met the Zoldyck? You've known Killua ever since he was a kid.

Up until now, you haven't noticed his looks but walking with him slightly ahead of you, your eyes trailed to his broad shoulders, his skinny yet broad built and his snowy white hair. He has definitely become much more mature, and extremely handsome.

Then realizing how you were admiring his body in awe, you scolded yourself mentally for thinking those thoughts.

"Ouch!" Your nose accidentally hit a something firm and you held your nose glaring at no one in particular.

Killua turned around and looked down at you confused before bursting out into laughing.

"You're so clumsy (y/n)!"

You pouted at his comment, before his laugh shifted to a devilish smirk as he leaned down.

"Or perhaps you were checking me out that you just had to fall for me? " he added teasingly, his face now closer to yours and your face heated up. He was right off the bat.

You instinctively closed your eyes when you felt his breath close to you, but you felt nothing.

You heard another laugh before opening your eyes.

"Oh (y/n)! You're such a tease! "

"Were you expecting something else?" You scowled at his remark, punching his stomach playfully.

"A-as if! Why would I expect anything? "

"Damn it, don't you know how to control your strength? It hurts as always! " he retorted, but a smile is still plastered on his face as he sees your flustered expression.

"Well whatever. Good night (y/n). See ya. " he pat your head before turning on his heels to leave.

You stood there, still stunned from his words and you reached out to feel where he touched you. You felt warmth in his touch and for once, you felt yourself smile a real smile. You felt real joy for once.

"It seems I can't keep myself away from the Zoldycks." You murmured to yourself.

Though your actions did not go unnoticed as you two were being watched under the stares of two men.

"Ho~ how interesting. First you now it's Killua. My, two Zoldycks falling for the same girl, I'm surprised. " Hisoka mused, smirking as he watched your conversation with Killua.

Illumi on the other hand, kept quiet at his remark, though a frown etched its way onto his features.

This wasn't requested by anyone... But the idea just came to my mind so I had to!

Either way Killua/Illumi?

Let me know~ and how would you want it to end?💬💬💬

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