Chapter 25

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Joe's P.O.V

So before tonight, I've planned on taking Morgan on a trip to this place me, her and Zoe used to go when we were kids. It was a beach close to home (bath). Before she wakes up I'm gonna make her a breakfast, today she shall be spoiled. She deserves it, I would give anything to her. If the stars were what she desired, I wouldn't hesitate to find them. Even the most impossible of things, I would try a million times...just to see her beautiful smile.

"Bacon! Is good for Meee" I heard Morgan running towards me, I'm guessing it's due to the smell..i silently laughed to myself. As she got closer i engulfed her into my arms, i love her so don't even understand.

"Good morning Beautiful, happy birthday!" I kissed her forehead because i know she loves it.

"Is this for me?"

"Of course, I want to spoil you today!" 

"Joseph Sugg, and people wonder why I'm in love with you" The words kept replaying in my mind. a smile playing across my face...having her love is enough to make me smile for the rest of my life. 


"Ohh! Wait, don't forget about this!" I almost forgot about her first present, she's gonna love it. i know she is!

Her eyes grew wider when i pulled out the teal Tiffany&co bag, Anxiously i watched her open it. Suddenly, her hand rose to her mouth..

"Oh Joe! It's beautiful! Thankyou so much, I love you!"

"Anything for my girl!" She's my girl..and mine only.

I sat her down at the table and pretended to act like a waiter, bearing in mind i was only in my shorts..I placed a napkin on her lap and continued to finish cooking. Every now and then i would look back to see her staring at my body.

"It seems to me that you find the staff much more appealing than the actual food, is this correct miss" i said with a smirk, she began to giggle but i didn't receive an answer..

"I'm taking that as a yes" I turned and winked, earning another giggle.

After plating up the food and demolishing it, we turned to the bedroom to get ready. I told her we were going out but refused to tell her where, today will be full of surprises. 

"wear something cute and summery but make sure you prepare for if its cold" I didn't want to leave her with too much information but that was enough, right? With the weather being decent, i paired together my White 'Jj' top, some chino style shorts and my plain old vans.

"Baby? you nearly done?" I called. She came bouncing up the stairs, a grin across her face.

"Yes, i am done but call me baby again, i'm going straight back down the stairs and will refuse to come out" she giggled.

"Excuse me for trying to be a cute boyfriend, What music do you wanna have on in the car?" I'm guessing either 5SOS or The vamps..just you wait.

"The vamps!!" she shouted from outside, what did i tell you!

(A/N): I'm so sorry about not updating, i haven't really had time and whenever i've actually sat down and thought about it i had no inspiration. You've all been asking for it so here it is!

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