Chapter 7

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Morgan's P.O.V

After I'd taken my shower, had a chat with Joe and got dressed; I sat on my bed and searched for my drawing pad. I still hadn't unpacked so I had to find it amongst all my stuff in my suitcase. I was looking for it when I came across a box that I must've packed by accident. I called it my box of relief, it was full of blades. I'm not proud of it, but it relieves my pain and I needed to do it. I've stopped since I came to England and I just hope that's the way it stays.

I placed the box in my bottom draw, hopefully I wouldn't need it. I'd found my drawing pad not long after so I decided to get drawing. I was stuck though, I didn't know what to draw. My mind was blank.

"Joeeeee" I called, I'm hoping he might be able to help me.

"Yessssssss" he called from his room.

"Could you help me with something please?"

"Sure, I'll be right there one second" in literally one second he was there.

"I don't know what to draw, could you help me?"

"Sure! Erm, what do you enjoy drawing usually?"

"People, portraits, scenery"

"How about you draw... Me?" He smirked.

"I don't think I'll be able to capture your fabulousness in one image!" I giggled

"I know, it's almost impossible! But I bet you can do it"

"Okay! Remove yourself from my area Joseph!" I said in a very posh accent.

"Oooooh! I do apologise dear!" He copied.

He's too funny! I best start drawing him now!


Joe's P.O.V

Caspar was going to Gaby's tonight so it was just me and Morgan in the house. I put som blankets on the floor and ordered some good as we decided we would watch a few films!

"Morgannnn! The films about to start!" I called.

"I'm coming! And I've finished drawing you!"

She came down stairs with her drawing and it was amazing! It looked so realistic! I loved it!

"Wow Morgan! That's amazing!"

"You really think so? No one ever appreciates my artwork, you're the first"

"Well I think it's amazing and he's a good looking chap ain't he?" I smirked at her and she giggled.

First of all we watched The Hunger Games! We were half way through it when Morgan asked me something.

"Wanna play 21 questions? I haven't seen you for ages so this should be fun!" She laughed.

"Sure, you first!"

"Okay, are you single?"

"Yep! Been single for a while now! Forever aloneee"

"Hahaha me too! We can be forever alone together!"

"Sure we can! Any way my turn, are you a virgin?"

"This is really awkward... Yes I am a virgin, I wanna save it for someone special"

"I understand! Your turn!"

"This isn't really a proper question but, I heard you and Zoe talking in the kitchen the other night and is it true? Do you have a crush on me?"

"Yes, yes I do. This is awkward" I looked away, I can't believe she knows!

I turned back and looked at her, she leant in and I was so surprised! She likes me? I leant in and went for it. I kissed her and she kissed me back and it turned into a heated make out session. This kiss continued until I pulled away.

"Morgan, I'm so sorry!"

"Do it again Joe"

"If you say so"


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