Chapter 6

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Morgan's P.O.V

Zoe decided to sleep tonight just so it wasn't awkward, we watched insidious and wow! I was so scared! Half way through the film, every now and then I would notice Joe looking at me. I became really self conscious. I bet he thinks I'm ugly, no one thought I was pretty in America! I just wanted to be like the other girls, like Zoe. She's stunning and I'm so jealous!

"I'm gonna go get a drink guys, do you all want one?" She asked, so we all nodded and said yes please.

"Joe, could you help me?"

"Sure Zo!" He got up and walked into the kitchen with her.

Zoe shut the door, why did she shut the door? I could hear talking and I was so curious! Caspar had gone to the toilet and was taking his time so I quietly tiptoed to the door and overheard their conversation (I feel so bad for doing this)

"Do you have a crush on Morgan?" Zoe asked Joe.

Oh my god! What if he says yes? Will it be awkward? Noooo of course not, he wouldn't even know I knew.

"Erm, what did they say they wanted to drink?" Joe changed the subject.

"Joseph Sugg! Do not avoid the question!" She said quite sternly which meant she was being serious!

"Maybe! But please don't say anything Zoe!"


I ran back to the sofa when I heard Caspar coming out of the bathroom. Then Zoe and Joe came in, acting totally normal. You see, just between you and me, maybe I do have a little crush on Joe. But I'm gonna make sure it's not awkward, I'll make sure of it!

Joe's P.O.V

When the movie finished Caspar went to bed and Zoe was already asleep on the sofa. Me and Morgan covered her up with a blanket and made our way upstairs.

"Thanks again Joe" Morgan said, I was looking in her eyes and got lost in them.


"Sorry, it's okay! I'm gonna go to bed now, see ya!"

"Bye Joe" she said in a cheery voice.

As I laid in bed I couldn't stop thinking about her. I know we've only just met today but I feel like because I knew her ages ago, I feel closer to her. She's beautiful and I couldn't keep her off of my mind.

*The next morning*

Still Joe's P.O.V

When I woke up, I decided to take a shower. I grabbed my towel and walked to the door. I heard a voice from in the bathroom. Morgan was singing and her voice was heavenly! Suddenly the singing stopped and the door opened revealing Morgan in just her towel.

"You have a beautiful voice Morgan!"

"Oh my god! Did you hear that??" She buried her head in her hands.

"Yes and I loved it!"

"Thankyou Joe, but I'm gonna go get changed now cause I feel pretty awkward in just my towel" she giggled.

"Yeah, I'm gonna get in the shower okay?" I laughed.

"Sure! See ya later matee"

Mate? Do you think that's all we'll ever be? Just friends, oh god I hope not!

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