Chapter 2

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Morgan's P.O.V

"Mum, I love you and don't think I'm moving away to get away from you! Cause I promise i'm not" I wanted to reassure her that I'd always love her.

"Don't worry baby, I love you and I can't wait to see all your amazing art work!"

"Right I've got to go love you mummy" I'm gonna miss her so much!

"Bye baby!"

I turned around and left to get in the taxi to the airport. When I arrived and was about to board my flight I texted Zoe to let her know.

Morgan: Just boarding my flight now, see ya soon!xxx

Zoe: Great! See ya soon chick!xxx

I turned my phone onto aeroplane mode and found my seat, I slept most of the flight because the excitement would be too much if I was awake!...

Zoe's P.O.V

I travelled down to London to make sure Joe was still fine with her staying and being the best brother, of cause he was!


Morgan: Just boarding my flight now, see ya soon!xxx

Zoe: Great! See ya soon chick!xxx

Her flight was round 7-8 hours so I would be picked her up later this evening. I decided to decorate her bedroom cause why not? She's a girl! She needs a beautiful bedroom, joe didn't mind so it's all good. The bedroom had mint green walls already so I nipped to the shop to grab some matching ornaments. I changed the bedding and before I knew it I had 2 hours to go before I picked her up!

Morgan's P.O.V

I was woken up by an old woman shaking my shoulder.

"Excuse me love, the flights over and it's time to go deary"

"Oh sorry"

I grabbed my luggage and headed through the airport to meet Zoe. As a searched for her I noticed a little lady bobbing up and down!

"Morgan!!!!" She screamed.

"Zoe!" I couldn't stop laughing, she was hilariously embarrassing!

"You've changed so much!! Where did your short blonde hair go!?"

"I dyed it and let it grow, you like?"

"I think it looks beautiful! Maybe Joe will too ay?" She smirked.

"Zoe, just because I had a tinyyyy crush on your brother when I was 13 doesn't mean I do now" I laughed.

"Awhhhhhhhh" she pulled an over exaggerated sad face.

"Come on you! Let's go!" She is one strange child!

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