Chapter 11

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Morgan's P.O.V

I awoke to no one beside me which upset me. It made me feel an empty feeling, even though I knew he was probably in the living area or somewhere in the house, I felt like he was a million miles away and I hated it. I managed to climb out of bed and throw on some denim shorts and a baggy, oversized adventure time jumper. We were having a heat wave, that's why I opted for shorts.

I walked downstairs into the kitchen still wondering where Joe was, when I felt a strong pair of hands wrap around my waist.

"Morning gorgeous" his hands gave me goosebumps to the touch, he left a small trail of kisses down my neck.

"Morning handsome" I giggled and he continued to kiss my neck earning a small moan to slip from my lips.

"Ahem!" Caspar coughed sarcastically, telling us to stop. Awkward...

"Sorry Casp" Joe laughed and he laughed to so it wasn't awkward.

"I remember 1845 when me and my sweetheart Elizabeth wer-" he begun but joe and I interrupted him by laughing.

"How old you are again?" I said.

"Shushhhh!!" He laughed ad walked back into the living area.

"Remind me how you met Caspar again?" I hugged and laughed into Joe's chest.

"Long story and I don't think your very few brain cells would understand" he teased me.

"Oi, don't sass me boy" I smirked and stood on my tippy toes to peck his lips. Joe was taller than me, I know Joe was smallish but I was a major short arse. I didn't mind and neither did Joe, so it's all good!

"Hey, I was thinking we could have a movie marathon? Starting off with your favourite-"

"Spider-Man!!!" We both said in unison.

"Yes pleaseee, see this is why I love you!" I giggled...shit! I just told Joe I loved him, he might think I'm stupid! It's too soon and he might not want that type of commitment if you know what I mean. After what seemed like hours (it was actually like 30 seconds) he spoke.

"You love me?"

"Joe, I'm sorry I feel like suck a dickhead" I looked down, too ashamed to show my face. But he lifted my chin up so I was looking at him.

"Morgan, you don't understand how you make me feel. You make me feel a million emotions, they all explode and collide when I'm with you. When you embrace me with your hugs and shower me with your kisses it makes me feel like the only man alive. I'm crazy for you and I love you. I love you so much! You make me want to shout it out for everyone to hear and I want people to know, I really do. Morgan, I love you." I began to cry, I must've looked stupid but I didn't care. It was me and him forever, he made me feel complete.

"Don't cry baby" he wiped my tear away with his thumb and kissed me passionately. But I broke the kiss,

"Joe, you make me feel complete and I have no idea how I lived without you beside me for 7 years. I can't even be without you for a day without feeling like I'm losing oxygen. I love you and I will never let you go"

"You're mine and I want you to always know that."



So this is what it feels like to be in

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