Chapter 12

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Caspar's P.O.V

Gaby cheated on me.
Out of every girl I've been with, the one I trusted most. The one I loved most, cheated on me, with-

"Caspar!!" Joe was calling me from the kitchen. I walked in and saw him and Morgan cuddling and kissing. It really got to me, that could be me but some dickheads can't keep their hands off others girls. I could tell Joe loved Morgan and she loved him back. I want that, I want a relationship based around love and trust! Not the complete opposite, I hate her and what she's done to me. I had no sleep what so ever last night and I'm surprised these two didn't hear me crying...

"Caspar mate? You ignoring me?" I had drifted too far into thought to pay any attention to what Joe was talking about.

"Uhm yeah mate, sounds like a plan!" I quickly escaped the situation and headed back to my bedroom.

Morgan's P.O.V

"I was thinking we could film a collab today Caspar? What time do you wanna film?" Joe asked, but I could clearly see Caspar wasn't paying any attention.

"Caspar mate? You ignoring me?" Joe asked.

"Uhm yeah mate, sounds like a plan!" And with that he rushed out the kitchen to his bedroom. I am determined to find out what's wrong with Caspar.

"Baby, I'm gonna go see what's up with Caspar. He doesn't seem right..."

"Yeah I know, he wasn't even listening whilst I was talking to him. I'll go and talk to him after yeah?"


I slowly opened the door and heard the sounds of Caspar sobbing, tissues were scattered in various places around his room. I ran up to him, sat on the bed and engulfed him in a hug which he accepted and cried on my shoulder. I didn't ask him what was wrong, I just let him cry and let it all out. After about 5-10 minutes, I decided to ask him what was wrong.

"Caspar? Are you gonna tell me why your room looks like a tissue bomb went off and your eyes are sweating like fuck?" He let out a little laugh but soon returned to crying.

"It's gaby..." What the fuck did she do the little bitch. Hurt my Caspar and I hurt you.

"What did she do?"

"She cheated on me with-" before he could finish his sentence, Joe came barging through the door.

"What the fuck man, are you okay? Bro hug" Joe came and joined the hug. I really felt like a family right now.

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