Chapter 1

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Morgan's P.O.V

It's been so long since I'd seen her! You seriously don't how much being away from your best friend can hurt! I moved to America when I was 13 and moving to America meant leaving my relatives, friends and my life behind. I'm 20 now and it's been 7 years since I'd seen Zoe in person, well yeah we've skyped a few times but the connection has been so bad. Zoe is 4 years older then me, but we lived close whilst we were young and she was the only one really there for me. Zoe's younger brother Joe is 3 years older than me and I used to get along with him quite well. Both of the Suggs (That's their last name) have their own YouTube channels and watching them progress makes me so happy! Zoe's reached over 5 million subscribers and Joe's just reached 2 million; I'm so proud.

In a week I'm going to London to attempt to start a career as an artist and it just so happens Joe has a flat there with his friend Caspar Lee. I rang Zoe and told her about my visit just over a week ago, she immediately insisted I stayed at Joe's so she could visit me, so of course I agreed! I'm so nervous though, I've changed a lot since I was 13. Do you think they'll like the new me? I had blonde hair as a child and I've since then dyed it brown, I'm still quite short though. I'd say I'm 5 and a half foot (that's short compared to some people). The excitement is killing me!!

Zoe's P.O.V

~ One week earlier ~

"Night dad!!" I shouted from the stairs, "Night Zoe love". I was just about to bed when my phone rang.


"Zoe!! I have the best news ever!!!"

"Sorry, who's this?"

"Zoe it's Morgan? Remember me?"

"Oh my god!! I missed you soooooo much!"

"I've missed you too, life in America can't even be compared to living back with everyone in England"

"Awh, that's so sweet! So, what's the best news ever!?"

"I'm coming to London in 2 weeks for a few years!"

"Eeeeeeeek!! You have to move in with Joe! He has a flat in London and I'm sure he wouldn't mind you! After all you're like our family!"

"Are you sure he wouldn't mind??"

"Of course not! I'll text him now!"

"Thankyou so much! I'm gonna have to go now, love you!"

"Okay, love you too! Can't wait to see you!"

I've missed that girl so much! Wow, the last time I saw her was 7 years ago! I bet she's changed so much! Shit, I need to text Joseph!

Zoe: Hey, you remember Morgan?x

Joe: Of course I do! What's up Zo?x

Zoe: She's coming down in two weeks, could I ask you a huge huge huge huge favour?xx

Joe: That's great news! What is it?xx

Zoe: Could she pwease stop with you and Caspar? Pwease pwease pwease pweaseeeee xxx

Joe: Nope! I don't want that smelly thing in our flat xx

Zoe: Joeeeee:(xx

Joe: I'm kidding, I'm kidding! Of course she can! Can't wait:)xx

Zoe: Thankyou Joesph:) gtg love you xx

Joe: love you too Zo xx

Eeeeeeek! I can't wait!!!!

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