Chapter 9

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Joe's P.O.V

I was woken by the slither of sunlight glowing in the room, I looked to my right to find a beautiful, peaceful Morgan. This is perfect, I've got someone I care about, someone I trust and know I'll soon love, sleeping in my arms. She began to wake up and as she looked up into my eyes she spoke in her cute, rusty morning voice. I thought it was only boys voices which were sexy in a morning? This certainly proves that statement wrong.

"Morning Joe" wow her voice...

"Morning beautiful, do you want to do something today?" I asked.


"The park? I know it's not the perfect 'first date' kinda place but I thought it would be cute?"

"So this is a date?" She smirked.

"Only if you want it to be a date, it doesn't have to be. It could be a friendly stroll in the park instead of a datey stroll, if that's even a word... Oh my god I'm just rambling on now. Forget I ever said anything..." I looked away.

"Joe" she leant up and kissed my cheek.

"I like the sound of a datey stroll" she chuckled.

"Good, but you missed" I pointed to my lips.

So she leant up again and kissed my lips, the kiss wasn't as needy as last night, it was sweet and passionate, cute if you wanna call it that.

Morgan's P.O.V

I got out of bed to get ready, I chose to wear a pair of high waisted blue jeans and a baggy 'Trxye' tee. I tucked it in to show off my curves, I didn't want to look flumpy in front of Joe. He was already ready and just waiting for me to do my hair, it wasn't looking nice no matter what I did. So I shoved it into a messy ponytail which looked okay, it'll do! I walked into the living area to see joe wearing his usual black jeans, white top combo, he looked fine;)

"You know what's weird Morgan?" He said, was it my hair? My bare face? My outfit choice? Shit.

"What?..." I asked nervously.

"We have matching t-shirts" he chuckled. Phew!

"Omg really? It's like it's made to be" I smirked.

"Yes, yes it is! Now let's go" he said whilst he smiled at me.

"Okay babe" I said without thinking. For fuck sake Morgan!


"Shit" I said whilst hiding my head in embarrassment.

"I like it" he chirped.

He took my hand and led me outside to the car. He opened the door for me like a true gentleman. I can't wait for our very first date! We were in the car when a random question popped in my head which I had to ask Joe.

"Joe, should we tell Zoe?"

"Babe, I think we should tell Zoe when and if it gets serious. She'll get her hopes up and if nothing happens she'll be gutted. But trust me, something will happen" when he said this I couldn't help but blush and giggle.

Joe's P.O.V

"Babe, I think we should tell Zoe if it gets serious. She'll get her hopes up and if nothing happens she'll be gutted. But trust me, something will happen" She blushed and giggled when I said this. I really meant it though, she's special, I like her so much!

When we got to the park I held her hand and led her through the woods.

"Joe, where are we going" she laughed as she curiously looked at her surroundings. After a few more minutes of walking we were here. It's a place I've never took anyone, a place I found and have cherished since I moved to London. It was a beautiful lake which had green grass and vibrant flowers sprouting around it.

"Joe, I'm speechless! This is beautiful!" Her jaw dropped and she looked astonished.

"I know, it's where I bring all the ladies" I winked. She shot me a look and we both started to laugh.

"No I'm kidding, I've never brought anyone here. Not Zoe, not even Caspar."

"Awh, I feel special" she blushed.

"You are special" I blushed too, it slipped out and I thought she was gonna think I'm weird.

Morgan's P.O.V

"You are special" he said and looked away. I felt like grabbing him, hugging him and kissing him but he's probably gonna think I'm weird. We sat down and talked about everything, he told be about all the fun thing he and Zoe did whilst I was away and I told him about my life in America. We talked about our weird habits and the stuff that made us, us. He really opened up to me about himself but there was something he was hiding because as soon as I started to talk about past relationships he would avoid the subject...

"Joe baby, it's getting dark shall we head home?" I was kinda uncertain if calling him 'baby' would be okay but he didn't object, so it's all good.

"Yeah come on, you sleeping in my bed tonight?" He asked.

"If it's okay with you?" I didn't know what else to say.

"Of course it is, we could make this a permanent thing you know?" I smirked.

"Sure" I giggled.

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