Feeling Smurfy

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We all get inside & I head downstairs to my room, thinking I was gonna get ready now. I plop down on my bed, reading a text from one the best girl's I know, Zoe (Sugg aka Zoella). She's one of my best friends. I haven't seen her much this past year since she moved to Florida with Alfie. She asked me what I was up to & I reply going on a movie date with the fam & Logan. I get a light tap on my left shoulder, just as I am getting ready to get up.
"Claireeeee. Will you help me with my hair & outfit?" Avia says, with a small grin on her face. She is the sweetest tween I've ever known.
"Sure Av! Makeup as well? We can get ready together!"
"Yes to the makeup! And that sounds like a plan sista."
I get up and go over to my gigantic walk-in closet and pick my outfit out first. I decide on a polka-dotted romper with a hot pink blazer & sandals. (A/N: Claire's outfit in Top Bar!) I take my outfit along with me and plug my curling wand in to the wall in my bathroom; where I set my outfit as well.
We head over to Avia's room so I can help her with her outfit. I look into her dresses section which is clearly labeled in her closet. I love how organized she is. I decide on a mint dress that has thick straps and a mint lace overlay on the top part. I pair it with a suede tan belt that has a little bow in front, a dainty gold horseshoe necklace & some stroppy tan sandals. She'll look cute as a button in this.
We head back to my bathroom. I pull the privacy curtain across the centre of it, so we can get changed. As you can tell, this isn't our first rodeo.
Once we're changed, I start on my hair. Although my hair is long, it's fairly thin, I've learned to curl it all perfectly in less than 10 minutes. I finish that quite quickly & pull my rose-good heart-shaped sunglasses onto the top of my head. (A/N: Claire's Hair in Top)
I start on Avia's hair next. I curl her hair with my bigger 1 inch curling iron, as she likes looser curls. Once I finished that. I create a sleek bow with her hair in the back. It looks so cute & matches her outfit perfectly.
I do her makeup quite natural as she only is in grade 6. Colette & Shay have limits on her makeup; most of them are for scho but I respect them. I put a shimmery champagne eyeshadow over her lid & put a thin-line of black liquid liner across her lash line. I put on some peachy blush & a light pink lipstick & lipgloss. I finish her off with some black mascara.
I do my makeup as the last step in getting us both ready. Avia watches because she has always been fascinated by it. I do my eyes simple with a shimmery rose-tinted eyeshadow on the lid & a matte brown as a transitional crease. I put on a thin-line of black liquid liner & wing it out slightly. As j wait for that to dry, I put on some tinted-moisturizer & the same peachy blush I put on Avia. I also fill in my sparse brows & finish my eyes off with black mascara. I finish my look off with a hot pink lip to match my blazer & shoes. (A/N: Claire's eye & lip in Top Bar!)
I grab my phone & white clutch (A/N: also in top bar!) & We both walk upstairs where everyone else is, looking hot if I do say so myself.
As we reach the top of the stairs, everyone turns to look at us. They seem quite shocked. Logan whistles, being the inappropriate guy he is. Shay, Gavin & Colette both comment on how beautiful we both look. Of course, Emmi got a little upset about me not doing her hair (she's not allowed to wear makeup yet).
"We ready to go Hot Stuff?" Logan asks. We can't all go in one car so, Logan & I have to take mine.
"First off, Thank you but you know my rules. You're looking quite fine yourself.(A/N: Logan's outfit in Top) AND, yes I'm ready to go out with all of my favourite people!"
We all leave and pile in our cars to go eat at Olive Garden. Log & I take Avia & Gavin; the rest go with Colette and Shay.
The Movie & Dinner was great! Logan & I cuddled through the full movie & the kids also loved it! It was extremely funny as well!
"Hey Claire, you wanna go take a walk on the trail over there?" Logan asks. I smile. The short trail outlined this pond and was lit by these little solar lights. It was the cutest place I've seen in awhile.
"Sure! Let's just go tell Shay first!" I reply with.
"Hey Shay" I say, as he is jumping in the driver's seat. "Logan & I are going to go take a walk on the trail over there, see you at home okay?"
"Okay, but Logan, you better treat her well & Claire; not TOO much kissing now."
He replies with a wink. Oh, he is a crazy man.
"See ya Shay!" I say as myself and Logan head to the trail that was just by this family-owned restaurant and theatre.
Once we get on the trail, Logan grabs my hand & we walk hand and hand like that for awhile. It was a warm Idaho night, the stars lit the sky perfectly. We talk about normal things like the movie, our busy schedule & things like that until we come to this bench that outlooks the lake perfectly.
Claire & I are getting closer and closer by the minute, I know I'm developing feelings for her; but one, she friendzoned me not that long ago, two, we just met & three, We are BEST friends & I don't want to ruin that special thing we have.
We sit down on this bench & I pull my phone out to get a picture of this beautiful view we have & maybe a picture to post of us.
I see I have countless texts from Morgan, my ex, asking to get back together. She cheated on me, why would I ever do that?
I have no feelings attached to her anymore. I see I'm getting a call from her, denied. She's not gonna ruin this day for me. I see Claire realizing me upset so I pull up my camera and take a picture of us.
I think it's fairly cute so I decide to post it to instagram. Maybe it'll send the message to Morgan I'm over her as well. I put a filter on it and caption it. "no words can describe how amazing this girl is❤️ @clairemariaxo".
"What are we?" Logan asks. I knew this was going to come up sooner or later.
"I don't know really."
"Neither do I. We act like a couple, a kiss on the head, holding hands, cuddles, sleeping together, compliments & hearts galore in text messages. But on the other hand, we haven't been on a date and everytime the kids or family bring it up "it's nothing. Just friends." Is what we say."
"Well what do you want it to be?"
"More than friends."
"Well, I'm not sure I'm ready to go public yet but here's a deal. How about we go on a few dates and just try it out?"
"I'll make a deal with that. Secret dating, hey?
I giggle. It goes silent for a while after that. Logan's arm is around my waist & my head is on his shoulder. At this moment in time, all seems right in the world.
Okay so many things to address here in this authors note:
•First: LOGAN HAD A POV. Are guys excited?!? I felt it was the perfect place to put one. He will probably have one next chapter as well.
• Also: sorry for the A/N so much throughout the chapter. It was mostly them doing things related to that.
• Also: still needing questions for Q/A.
• I didn't do much about the dinner because I don't think it would be that interesting to read, plus it's boring to write for me. And the movie I couldn't write about because I haven't watched it.
• Another thing, Claire might not be vlogging much for Shay anymore since she might be starting a channel😉😉
•Lastly, I love Morgan so much tbh. But; one they are now broke up & two cheating which I know wasn't the reason between them, went best with this story line.
What kind of dates do you think Logan & Claire should go on?

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